Category Archives: Politics

Incurious basterd….

Well….we all know that the idiot trump doesn’t read, with daily briefings having to be kept to one page with bullet points or he loses interest…unless they put idiot boys name in every paragraph…and now, with the release of the dem response to the fake Nunes memo, the idiot’s staff is saying that the 10 page response is “too long” for him to read so they will “brief” him on it…I don’t care how long it is, or if it is done in crayon, this moron won’t understand it anyway….now, in my long lifetime, I have never seen a *president that didn’t have the capacity to read 10 frickin pages and understand them…when my kids were 8 years old they could read and understand more than that….and when I was 8 years old I was explaining nuclear war to my classmates in 3rd grade…but that was back in the day when we were proud to gain new knowledge every day, and no one made excuses for the willfully ignorant….but, this is the modern repub party, folks…a party that welcomes Steve King, Devin Nunes, Darryl Issa, and the idiot in chief…impeach…

Not clapping is treason?

Well…sitting here finishing my 3rd cup of coffee and thought I’d do a little comment on the idiot trumps assertion that not clapping for a *president amounts to treason…and again, we are reminded that the repubs still don’t know that there is video tape…as absurd as the whole idea is, that not stroking the ego of the narcissist in chief is treason, I just saw a few times…well, many, many times that the repubs didn’t clap for Obama…including the idiot boy at the white house corespondents dinner and Paul Ryan at every one of Obama’s states of the union…in every one, we see Joe Biden on his feet applauding while Ryan sits there with the “smarmy granny killer” look on his face. So, let’s just agree that it is not “un-American” to stay silent for someone who is a racist asshole and is pushing policies straight out of the gilded age…it is really every American’s duty to expose their contempt for an ignorant ass who conspired with an enemy to steal the election…impeach…

Some small bites…

Well….sitting here waiting for the Falcon Heavy launch after I filed my last taxes, so I thought I’d do a few small bites instead of a long one for now….you know how fricking ridiculous the idiot trump is, but he went full Nazi yesterday in a speech from Ohio calling the dems lack of applause for idiot boy “treasonous”… again showing that this ignorant boor has no idea what treason is…but I can tell him…hey trump, treason is working with a foreign power to subvert our democracy…is that simple enough for you? Do you recognize that? We do, and you are going to jail for it….how sick do you have to be to be that needy? To just HAVE to have people applaud every idiotic thing you say and do? Oh, and it came out yesterday that idiot boy and his Huckster press secretary lied their asses off when they tried to justify firing Comey, saying that the rank and file had lost confidence in his leadership…now, this can’t be true, and it was proven to be nothing but lies from internal documents that were acquired by some news organization by the freedom of information act…and it can’t be true since trump and his minions don’t know the definition of leadership…certainly no one in his “administration” shows any….okay….that’s enough for now…might be back for another one later but I need to watch the launch first….

Dumb, dumb, dumb…

Well…we all know that trump is an ignorant idiot with an IQ barely larger than a stump, and this morning we got just another example of how stupid he really is….after his favorite show, fox and friends, lied about protests that were going on in London…saying they were against the idea of a national health service when they were really about the fact that the conservatives there won’t fund it and that has led to cutbacks….so idiot boy gets on twitter and parrots the lie in a tweet…and the response was not pretty to see…well…for those of us that see trump as one of the dumbest people in the world it WAS pretty to see….oh, and the stock market is down another 300 points…tired of all the winning yet? Impeach….

Trump is STILL working with (for?) the Russians…

Well…with all of the “memo” crap that has been filling the media for the past week, a little CIA meeting has flown under the radar and it really shouldn’t have if the media was doing their jobs. Just this past week, the head of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, met with his counterparts in the Russian GRU (KGB) for reasons that are being kept secret…and you can guess why….both of the Russians that came here to meet with this idiot were specifically named in sanctions prohibiting them from coming into the US…and do you wonder why they were under sanctions? Both of them were in charge of the GRU, and the GRU was in charge of interfering with our election and getting the idiot trump elected. I don’t remember Obama lifting sanctions and inviting the people screwing with our country to come here and discuss anything…and this invitation comes after trump decided to break the law by ignoring the law that placed new sanctions on Russia for their election interference…something he HAD to do and does not have the power to ignore….I wonder what they were bringing trump? More orders or bribes? Look, we already know the the idiot trump has broken the law hundreds of times since the Russians installed him…so what are you going to do about it repubs? Every day you protect trump you are getting deeper in the swamp of obstruction of justice…I’m talking to you “onefitty” Ryan….impeach…

Paul Ryan really is dumb…

Well….if you have followed any of the stupid things that Paul Ryan has done (like washing clean pans at a soup kitchen for a photo op), it must be quite obvious that he is not the brightest person in the world…in fact, he’s pretty damn dumb. He reinforced that today when the smarmy little granny killer tweeted out that he had talked to a secretary in PA and she was “thrilled” that she had gotten an extra $1.50 a week in her paycheck due to the repub tax scam…and that extra money would pay for her Costco membership. Yep, again, the tone deaf idiot is crowing that his tax scam is putting so much money in the pockets of regular Americans….you can imagine what the reaction was in response on Twitter….let’s say it wasn’t positive since many people pointed out that regular people get $1.50 while the Kochs (who paid Ryan off with $500,000 after the bill passed) get around 10 billion dollars a year in cuts…hmmmm…I wonder what that is per week….let’s do the math…10 billion divided by 52…that works out to a little more than $1.50 a week….say $192,307,692….yep that’s 192 MILLION per week to the Koch’s….this “middle class” tax cut is still a scam that gives away 98%  of the cuts to the top 1%…and you know what ole Ryan did after these responses to his idiotic tweet? Yep, he deleted it…probably thinking that no one had a screen shot of it….yep, he is that dumb….

It’s trump’s fault….

Well….if you’ve seen the news today, other than the nonsense about the Nunes “memo”, you would have seen that the stock market crashed almost 700 points today, making for the worst week for stocks in the past two years. Now, with the idiot trump taking credit for the stock market rise for the last year, do you think he’ll take the blame for this crash? Ha, ha, ha…yeah, I even made myself laugh about that one…from a person that has never taken blame for any of his failures over the years, I can’t wait for his excuse for this one…oh, okay, I know what it will be: Clinton and Obama went to the stock market and convinced everyone to sell today to make trump look bad…and I’ll bet he will believe it since he has no frickin clue how anything works in government or business. Now, I wonder where he’ll be over the weekend after his crash? Working with his economic advisers to figure out what is going on? Nope, he’s already heading out to one of his golf courses to golf for the umpteenth time on our dime…a damaged little child who really thought that everything would be okay after he released the fake Nunes memo but that left him even more wounded and bleeding support even from repubs….why don’t you just stay at your golf course?  Mueller is coming for you and your days of golfing are almost over….impeach…

The “memo” is out…

Well…as I said here a few days ago, the supposedly “bombshell” memo that trump and his minions wrote and passed along to Devin Nunes is just a whole lot of nothing…just more of the crap you have been hearing if you watched Hannity (and I hope you haven’t been watching that moron) over the past few months. You know what is going on with just one little fact, that fox news got the the first copy of it hours before it was officially released…which is fitting for the propaganda arm of the trump administration. So, go out and read it if you want but there is nothing in it that will do anything to derail Mueller’s investigation as it gets closer and closer to the idiot in the WH…oh, there is one other thing that I wanted to include here, John McCain commented that releasing the memo and attacking the FBI  and the Justice Department is just wrong and only helps Putin…I hope that gets reported more places than just here…impeach…

The results are in…

Well….I thought about doing one of these on the fake “memo” that the right is screaming about but, I don’t want to…so, I’ll talk about the tax cut scam again since some of the results are in. As you know, this scam was pushed by the repubs as being a “middle class” tax cut that would make the sun shine and would shower the MC with money…yeah, you know where this is going…as the results come in there is huge cherry picking going on in the reporting even from the “mainstream” media….centering on the “bonuses” that a few companies are dribbling out to their employees but not talking at all about how much excess profit the companies are getting at the same time. One of the biggest selling points of this scam was the same old “trickle down” bullshit they have been using since the 80′s…that if you shower money on the rich and corporations, that money will end up in the pockets of workers, something that every frickin study has shown just does not happen…and this new tax cut scam reinforces those studies if you look at the numbers. So far, less than two percent of the tax benefits that are going to the already rich has “trickled down” to workers…and most of that is in the form of one time bonuses, not wage increases that would have a lasting impact and that workers could count on every year…giving corporations one more hammer to hold over the heads of their workers. This is all crap and the repubs know it…but they had to deliver to their donors after the donors threatened to turn off the money tap if they didn’t get the payoff they paid for…impeach them all….

Let’s compare…

Well….throughout this whole debacle of lawlessness that is the trump administration, and with the daily comparisons to Watergate, we really need to take a look at the two scandals to see which one is worse…got any idea? Over the course of the Watergate investigation/prosecutions, there were 40 Nixon administration personnel who were convicted of some sort of crime and went to jail, mostly for lying to the FBI or obstruction of justice. As of today, there have been twice that many people interviewed in the idiot trump’s crime administration…and Mueller isn’t done yet. While Nixon’s crimes were essentially domestic and dealt with political crimes…trump’s crimes are so much more than that…I mean working with a foreign government to steal an election and then trying to cover it up is both domestic and international crime…and that is not even touching on the money laundering, bribery, and spying for our enemies to try to undermine the US foreign policy. So, while the Watergate comparison is shorthand for a criminal conspiracy and is of some use here, trump and his cronies crimes are so much worse that to lessen them to the level of Watergate ignores the scope and scale of the idiot trump’s and the repubs lawlessness….this will turn out to be the biggest criminal conspiracy in the history of this country and has been coming since the repubs started thinking that the laws of this country don’t apply to them and they can do whatever they want…and I blame Obama for part of that, letting the torturers in the Bush administration get away with hundreds of felonies and breaking international law…after that, why wouldn’t they believe that the law doesn’t apply to them?  Impeach….