Category Archives: Politics

Funny, funny, funny…

Well…with the heads exploding on the right with the Obamacare decision today, I have heard a bunch of conspiracy theories sprout on the right about how it could possibly happen this way…and one of the funniest is the one that says the only reason the decision went that way was that Obama was blackmailing the repubs and John
Roberts…that they had something on them that would ruin their lives if it was revealed….now, I wonder if any of the idiots pushing this one understand the implications of what they are saying. If you believe this crap, that means that every powerful repub has done something so bad that it would ruin their lives if it was revealed….I wonder what that would be? It is funny that these repubs that the right reveres are common criminals in their eyes but that is okay because they are repub criminals…man, this stuff just makes me laugh…

The supreme court got one right…

Well…in case you haven’t heard, the supreme court ruled in favor of Obamacare this morning, allowing the premium subsidies to continue on both the federal and state exchanges. I think they finally got one right in this case…it was clear from the start that was what the law meant…and everyone who worked on it said it did…and the decision going 6-3 for wasn’t even close…and it shouldn’t have been given that the court is supposed to follow precedent and that is how they have read this stuff for more than a hundred years. I found the reaction of Scalia to be more of the same old crap that he spews when he doesn’t get his way and it was funny that Roberts trolled him a little on his dissent…so now, we are waiting for the equality case that could come down tomorrow or Monday…that one shouldn’t be close, either….but you never know with this court….

The only thing you need to know about the TPP…

Well…with the cloture vote that happened today and the scheduling of the full senate vote on the TPP (the trans Pacific Partnership) trade agreement there is only one thing you need to know about the president selling out the working people of the US…and that is that it has the overwhelming support of the repubs in both the senate and house…in fact, without this support, there would be no TPP agreement…remember that, it is a repub supported plan and that is all you need to know…that the repubs, that hate American workers and do everything in their power to help the owners screw them are the ones that are lauding this monstrosity that gives away the country…more than that, the entire world to corporations…the workers days are over and it was done with the unholy alliance of a dem president and the repubs that have hated him from the start…why would they now work with him unless this agreement is everything they want? This is crap and Obama knows it…what legacy is he trying to leave behind? Not the one he wants, I’m sure…geez…

Waiting on the Supreme Court…

Well…it’s been an okay day so far with a really nice lunch with T and getting soaked just walking to the car…but, it was supposed to be a day when we were to see at least one of the major supreme court decisions but they never came….so, I’ll be waiting on the court for a couple more days until Thursday when one of the big ones will be announced…there was one case that came out today that should have the police being, much more careful with the people they detain…when the court said that detainees have the same constitutional rights as anyone else and that if the prisoners are abused in any way, the police are liable to be sued for their actions…this one came about when the cops detained a man and took him to jail, then beat and tasered him for no reason….I just hope this extends to the cops facing criminal charges….it would be about time…

Confederate nonsense…

Well…in the aftermath of the church shooting in SC, I have read reams of stuff about the “Confederate pride” that is still a thing in the south…and I have lots of questions about that. Pride in what? That your ancestors were treasonous murderers who killed more Americans that have been killed in all of the rest of the wars in the country’s history? Pride that you bought and sold people and built your fortunes on the backs of others? Pride that you are still murdering black people at an astonishing rate? Pride that you lost the Civil war? And not just lost…you were humiliated and that is something to be proud of? I have had enough of this neo Confederate nonsense…there was nothing to be proud of in  killing Americans just to keep your slaves and your revisionist nonsense that you spout today that the war was against “northern aggression” is just BS…I just don’t want to hear this crap anymore…geez..

Creative hate here in Michigan…

Well…as we wait for the supreme court to rule on the legality of same sex marriage, the haters in our Michigan legislature have kept their dark, little hearts busy trying to proactively circumvent the decision that most think will go for the right to marry for gay couples. Led by a real ass, Rep Todd Courser of Lapeer, who has just proposed bills that would require a religious leader to sign off on any wedding here in Michigan…and since most of these supposed “Christian” leaders are opposed to gay marriage, the ability of any same sex couple to find someone who would marry them will be slim at best and impossible for some of our fellow citizens. Now, as you know, the repubs don’t really care if bills are constitutional or not, especially when they are used to hurt people they don’t like, but to require anyone to have to have a religious person”sign off” on their marriage is a clear violation of the first amendment’s establishment clause and will be thrown out in court…and again, they will be spending my tax dollars to defend discrimination…what the hell has happened to my tolerant Michigan? Gone since the repubs took over…geez…

Even more sick crap from Fox….

Well…just read an article a few minutes ago that I just had to comment on…with the church shooting in SC in the headlines and the fact that it is a hate crime out of the mouth of the shooter…but no, that’s not good enough for Fox “news”…that doesn’t fit their narrative…the one they have been pushing for years now that there is a war on Christians…yep, they went there with this tragedy…using the deaths of 9 people to push more of their crap and fantasy of what is going on in the US, that Christians are under attack across the US and, of course, this attack is just more “proof”. I wonder how these asses live with themselves? Not a day has passed and here we have these cynical bastards using these deaths as if they were not people…but, that is the whole problem with Fox and the right, they don’t think of the African American community as people, they think of them as the “other” to be demonized and used for political purposes and if a few of them die, so what? it gave them the chance to pander to their base and that’s the only value they place on anyone who is not a white person…I am so sick of this pollution of our country….Fox can go to hell….

Sick but expected….

Well…I’m by now you’ve heard about the church shooting in SC that left 9 dead and the shooter on the run…at least they now have caught the 21 year old white guy that did the shooting and the only thing I have to say is that this is just sick…but expected, given the hate that spouts from the right across this country. When are we going to stop trying to have the south rise again..where in SC they fly the confederate flag over the state capitol? The theme that runs through the right hand bubble was quoted by this idiot as he was murdering these people “we are going to take back our country from you”…how many time have you heard this from  the politicians on the right? And the nonsense of “second amendment remedies” gets mixed in an this is what you get…a racist punk who believes in  and acts on this propaganda that is spewed from hate radio…I’m sure there are those on the right who will hold this scum up as a hero….all I can do is shake my head and worry for the future of this country….

Donald Trump is in!

Well…I can hardly contain my glee after hearing the announcement that the Donald has declared his candidacy for president…and his speech announcing it was just the riches bit of absurdist theater I can remember seeing in a long, long time…starting with his rant that illegal immigrants are “drug dealers,  they bring in crime, and they are rapists”  wow, way to go Donald…alienate some 40% of the voters out there that are Hispanic and then all of us that are on the left…hmmmm…what does that leave for you? Oh, the 26% that are tea partiers…not the brightest way to get elected by any means. But, really….does this delusional idiot think he has any chance in this election? Yeah…I’ll be he does since he still believes in a fake Obama birth certificate…that there is no global warming, or that he is a businessman of any sort….I guess it would be pretty easy to be rich when you start out with 400 million dollars of daddy’s money and then use bankruptcy as your business plan to screw all your creditors and the people that work for you…I guess it’s not much different than ole Mitt’s plan from Bain…the two of them should work well together…it is going to be a fun summer listening to this idiot…and the rest of the idiots that are running…go Bernie!

Let’s learn a little on “free trade”

Well….with all of the drama over the new trade agreement that was scuttled last week by the dems in the house…thank you Nancy Pelosi, I think it’s time to look back a little at the other big “free trade” agreement, NAFTA, that has been in effect for over 20 years now. There was an interesting study that I read a little about a  few days back and one of the big takeaways from the study was it’s effect on wages in the US…where it has been responsible for essentially a stagnation of wages here…with the huge pool of cheap labor that suddenly entered the market from Mexico, wages have been under downward pressure…after all, why would the auto companies want to pay an American worker 20 dollars an hour when the can pay Mexican workers 2 dollars? The study also predicted the demise of the Canadian auto industry in about 20 years which, before NAFTA, was an important sector of their economy. And, again, why invest in Canada when there is cheap labor south of the American border?  What these trade deals show is that it is impossible to maintain an American middle class and it’s wages when you compete with countries that pay third world wages…we need to shout that every time there is another one of these deals that continue to take all the good jobs away from the US…let’s stop this race to the bottom before it’s too late….