Category Archives: My Life

April 7th

Well…felt like crap most of the day yesterday and really did think that I was coming down with a bug…was exhausted all day and sweating through my clothes just sitting here…and it has started again this morning so I think it must be true…at first, I thought it was from not eating enough since all I had to eat Friday was a sandwich and that left me at about 500 cals for the day so yesterday, I tried to make up for it but eating two meals but it has had little effect other than I’m not as tired today…yet…but I wasn’t until the afternoon yesterday, either, so we’ll see….not going to talk about sleeping today since that is boring me and I’m sure you, too…or about how sore I am this morning…I am…but about the nice bike ride I had yesterday…I did…but didn’t wait until I could get out in a t-shirt since I am used to getting out early and wanted to get on with my day as I will today since it is already 50 degrees outside and that is warm enough to go without gloves…didn’t get anything done but cooking yesterday…made another batch of instant pot refried beans and they came out good again…and without the fat and salt they put in canned ones, they really are quite healthy with lots of fiber….don’t need to cook today with having enough chicken and beans for a chicken burrito again and maybe some pasta later…oh, and I am going to try to clean some…have already done a bleach load of laundry for all of my whites that I pre-treated last night and that looks like all I’m going to do until later….need more coffee tight now….more later…

April 6th

Well…damn, I’m sore this morning almost everywhere and I think I’ll be taking something for it since I’m just so tired of of being in pain….but, I think I’ll try aspirin today since it is not as bad for you as ibuprofen…slept pretty crappy again and I’m waiting for the coffee to get started before I can say how I feel…not good to start, that’s for sure…okay, just got back from running out to get a couple of things I forgot to get Thursday since I want to make refried beans again and didn’t have cheese or salsa to make chicken burritos for lunch…so now that really helped getting me moving and I feel much better getting that done and not having to think about it anymore…and I wanted to drive the car to check it out…when I was taking it to wash yesterday, I put the window down at the light at 60th and got a huge small of gear lube that was quite concerning…and the smell stayed with me all the way to the car wash…thought it might be a transmission seal but, after thinking about it and with the smell lessening, I realized it must have been coming from the beat up old jeep that was behind me at the light…and that gear lube smell stays with you…none this morning so that is a relief…not much to do today…going to cook and clean a little but mostly just take it easy…it’s a pain that I need a day to recover after a busy one yesterday…oh, well….Go State!

A busy day…

Well…as you can see, I am just getting to the second one of these for the day an it’s because this has been a really busy day that I am just finishing up now….have been running since 9 this morning and I am just not used to that…had to make a run to Mt. P to see C and Ren and do a little business…it’s kind of a pain that he lives on a mud road and it covered the car before I even got to his house…and doubled it getting out…so, as soon as I got back here, I had to take the car to the car wash before the mud dried and turned into concrete…ran two washes and still didn’t get all of the mud from under the car…that will probably have to wait until we get some rain and I can drive it around in it…after that, I finally got a bike ride in, too, and I am now done for the day and exhausted…so, no political one for today…haven’t been able to get caught up on what’s happening yet and just want to veg out for  a while…

April 5th

Well…another night of crappy sleep has left me exhausted again and I’m cold for some reason, too, so that is a little confusing….I really must have a bug of some sort but we’ll see about that as the day goes on…all I know is I feel like crap and that is not good with what I have to do today…need to make a run to Mt. P for some business after I have lots of coffee and that 200 mile run is always a little tiring…so I may have to skip the bike ride after I get back this aft…we’ll see…had an okay day yesterday but, as always, I didn’t get a lot done and won’t today, either…slept on my damn shoulder again last night and it hurts like crazy this morning with lots of grinding and popping so I may have to take something for it before I take off…I just may have to see the doctor to see what can be done about it since it’s been almost 5 months since I hurt it and the healing seems to have plateaued…..just another thing to think about and spend money on….oh, well…more later…

Food weirdness…

Well…as you know, I find amusement in some pretty strange places…but that keeps me smiling when I could look at it differently…just this week, I was looking at the ad for my daily deals store to see the specials for the week, and came across what they called herbed cheese with garlic and that kind of put a light on in my head about a cheese like that that I really liked many years ago called Boursin…a soft, spreadable cheese that has herbs a lots of garlic in it…so, I decided to check it out since I don’t have a lot to do and found that…surprise, the cheese they had on sale was the same Boursin cheese that I used to pay almost 5 bucks a package for…but it was so good it was worth it for a treat every once in a while. But, this Boursin was not 5 bucks, or 3 bucks or even a buck…they were selling it for 88 cents for the same 5 oz. package that I used to pay 5 bucks for…so, being a person of excess at times, I bought 4 of them and it was so good that I went back and bought 3 more today…so I now have 6 packages in the freezer and it makes me laugh every time I open it…I mean 30 bucks of cheese for 5 bucks? Too good of  a deal for me to pass up even if it is bad for me and I will probably die after eating it…but, I’ll die happy…

April 4th

Well…geez…got the grocery run done early today and got back here by 11 minutes after 7 and it only took me 14 minutes to read the paper…not sure why I’ve been in so much of a hurry today but maybe it’s that I feel okay…mostly okay, that is, I think I have a cold with the coughing and runny nose this morning but I have noticed that things are starting to flower so it could be allergies…but that doesn’t explain being warm to the point of sweating right now…feel okay so I guess I can ignore that and just get on with the day….I did get a nice bike ride in yesterday but with the wind blowing at 20, it was brutal coming back to the West and that left me so sore that I had to take something for it last night….maybe that’s why I feel better this morning? The lack of pain is a welcome change from my normal creakiness in the morning….I finally got my stuff put back in my storage closet yesterday after they finished repairing the ceiling and it makes this place look so much bigger…I do need to clean some today with a run up to Mt. P happening tomorrow morning which will ensure I won’t get anything done then…but, that’s okay…don’t have a lot to do in here…if I just keep my glasses off, the place looks perfectly fine…more later….

April 3rd

Well…not sure why I can’t get started but I’ve been up for an hour and I’m just pouring my first cup of coffee….one good thing is I’m not too sore today…so far…and I slept as okay as I can so maybe that’s all the start I can hope for…one of these days, I’m going to break out of my routine and wait until later to do this…if I can put it out of my mind enough that is…okay, that won’t work..this gets my head started clearing in the morning and I do need that…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get out to ride in shorts but that is not going to happen today…the high is still going to be in the 40′s so it looks like light thermasuit to ride in today…but that looks like it is going to change for the weekend with it getting to almost 70 but then back to the 40′s again for the next two weeks and that is damn annoying…oh, well…April in Michigan…at least there is no snow in the forecast and that is a possibility any time until May…not much to do today…I ran errands yesterday so I don’t have to do that today…but, I do have to do some cleaning and I should be able to put my stuff back on the shelves after they finish up the ceiling repairs… so that will be my day….more later…

April 2nd

Well…got all the way to 6 again this morning and seem to have slept okay…but I did sleep on my right shoulder and it hurts again and is very stiff….still feel exhausted, though, and I think that’s more from the lack of calories than anything else…I did have an interesting day yesterday with getting my taxes in and having to write checks for 2500 bucks but I am glad that I had the money to do it…and I got a call from my oldest son to let me know he is engaged to his girlfriend whom I met last fall in NYC…pretty cool and great news…so it was a good day even though I had to lay out a bunch of cash…other than that, didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I have errands to run this morning…going to head out to DD to get a pork loin for 88 cents a pound and that will be the first red meat I’ve had since I had a burger in NYC last September…but, I can’t pass up 88 cents a pound….I should get some cleaning done today and I probably will do the bathroom this morning since this is not a workout day and I don’t have anything else to do….more later….

Danger…your printer will explode…

Well…I am still a little amused when I replaced the ink tanks in my Epson printer with generic ones and got essentially that message when I hit the print button…that using non Epson inks will probably ruin your printer, anything you’re printing, and start WWIII. But, I decided to chance it since I got all 4 tanks for less than one Epson tank…and that is just nuts…I know that the printers are just loss leaders to get you to buy the much more profitable ink, but there is no way they have more than a buck fifty in each tank…and they charge almost 25 bucks for each one…and that is only 10 bucks less than I paid for the printer…the weird thing is they have a little button in the printer software that says to “continue printing” even after the dire warning comes up. I will say this about this Epson…when I fired it up for the first time after not using it for a few months and it barely printed since the nozzles were dried out and clogged, all I had to do was run the head cleaning program twice and it prints like new…something that the the three Canon printers I’ve had wouldn’t do…once they were clogged, that was it…there was no bringing them back and I just had to throw them away…I was kind of hoping for an explosion and ink flying everywhere…that would have helped alleviate the boredom…

April 1st

Well…got all the way to fresh coffee smell o’clock before I got out of bed this morning and that is a little later than normal…and I slept on my right shoulder again and it is grinding and popping like crazy like it has swelling in it again…and it hurts in new places so that will take a while to figure out….still feel pretty crappy just like I have for a while now but I hope that will get better today…not sure why I think that I will but I can hope…it’s kind of funny that I hadn’t used my instant pot for a month and then used it three times over the weekend…and now I don’t have to cook again until wed or so but I do have to decide what to do with the 4 boneless skinless thighs I still have in the fridge…will probably just freeze them for another time…didn’t do much yesterday and today looks the same but I won’t have all of the sports that kept me busy so I have to think of other things to keep me from boredom…not sure what that would be but maybe the coffee will get me thinking…more later…