Well…it has been a day…my nice young neighbor moved out today…back home to her parents in Indiana since she lost her job and it was a little hard to see her go since she was the quietest, nicest neighbor I’ve had since I’ve been here…but things change and I have to accept that they do…had a nice day today…won at pool and now I’m waiting for 7 to come to have a cocktail and relax for the rest of the day…no political stuff today…I’m just waiting for the debt deal to be done before I comment on it and there really hasn’t been anything else that has grabbed me today….I am still a little chagrined that the Post dropped me from the unemployment project without any reason…I would think they would have let me know what the disqualifier was but that’s life…sometimes you don’t get to find this stuff out…I’ll live through it….it was nice to get to my goal for the month and there were no placeholders to inflate the count…so, a new month starts tomorrow and I’ll try to be more lucid and relevant..but, you know me….I try but I can be really inconsistent….see you tomorrow…
Monthly Archives: July 2011
July 31st
Well…another month gone and I really don’t remember where it went…it is my youngest son’s birthday today and I will have to talk to him for a minute…and I do have pool with Tom today and it’s nice to have something to do…I am going to cook some ribs this morning in the foil pack while I’m out on the bike but I have the F1 race to look at first and since it is a wet race it should be fun. I will be back later for more…
It’s been a bore…
Well…it’s been a bore of a day and I’m just waiting for 7 o’clock to come so I can have a cocktail and watch Man U and Barcelona play a friendly match…I have been working on a political one today but the nonsense goes on with the debt ceiling which is crowding out all the rest of the political news….I just can’t believe that these guys are wasting so much time on this non issue when the economy is heading back into recession…just like I said it would if government spending was cut while the economy was still fragile….I hope the tea partiers are made to pay for their nonsense in 2012 and they send them back to ignorantville where they came from….
One of the things I find funny about the tea party and its masters is how they act just like the totalitarians that they say they hate…in the old Soviet Union, threats were a way of life to those in the government and was the way to keep them in line and we see exactly the same thing from the tea party leaders…promising to “primary” any member of congress that doesn’t do exactly as they say; no matter if their idiocy will result in irreparable damage to the country…these folks just don’t give a damn about anything but the money men from the Heritage foundation, Club for Growth, and the Koch brothers…..it’s just un-American that 80 people out of the congress can take it upon themselves to ruin this country…
Where are the jobs Boehner? Where are the jobs Cantor?
July 30th
Well….running late this morning just because I decided to have coffee and read the papers first…it was an okay day yesterday but didn’t do much….it does look like I’ve been dropped by the Post for some reason and it would have been nice for them to let me know why…oh, well….it looks like a gorgeous day outside and I’ve already been on the bike…not for the long ride but to get the papers…it has been such a good summer for that with the warmth and lack of rain…just read an article about average temps here in GR and they are almost 1.5 degrees higher on average than they were 20 years ago….but climate change is not happening….not much to do today…might meet up with T for a bloody this morning but I haven’t heard from her yet so I’m not planning on it…going back to the couch to watch the rest of F1 qualifying….I will be back later for at least one more……
Obama needs to lead?
Well…this is just a short one to comment on some of the statements from the right coming out of this debt ceiling debate…one of the common refrains is that Obama needs to lead on the issue and is not doing enough to solve the crisis. But, the only place they want him to lead is in their direction, to give them all of the tax cuts, spending cuts, and gutting of the social safety nets they want and they consider anything else a dereliction of duty. I just can’t believe this nonsense…
Told you it was going to be a short one…oh, and I got to sixty for the month…yay…but, I really need to get 62 since July has 31 days….damn…
A few things…
Well…It’s been a long day already and I am a little disappointed with the turns today…I did get a bike ride in but I am so frickin sore that I can barely move and I can’t understand it…okay, I know, I can go take a couple of ibuprofen and I’ll be better but I just don’t want to have to go buy more…yeah, that’s as stupid as it sounds….but I have been feeling like that lately. Another month has gone by and I still haven’t done much this summer…I can’t afford to do much but there should be something to do that doesn’t cost a lot…
I still don’t understand this whole debt ceiling nonsense….it has been raised 47 times under repub presidents and now it can’t be done because we have a dem administration. Didn’t these guys understand that they have to govern after they got elected not just posture for their base? I am really glad that I’m getting older…I don’t want to see this once great country hijacked by the know nothings that dominate the repub party…they are the worst sort of true believers who see their election as a crusade and you take no prisoners in a crusade…some of these guys have even said they don’t need to do anything since god will take care of them and the country….geez…
July 29th
Well…I’ve got to stop getting so up when glimmers of good things happen….I did it when I got the phone interview for a new job and now when I got a response from the Post for the unemployment project…I don’t think I’m going to hear back from them after the disclosure that I do this every day….but, I couldn’t lie and have it come out later so I’ll live with the consequences. I did have a nice day with going to celebrate the start of K’s vacation at Logan’s so I do feel a little crappy today….but that’s all right…I anticipated it and even welcomed it after being good for a few days….not much to do today…it is Friday so I don’t have to work out but I will do a bike ride later in the morning….and maybe meet up with T for a minute but I’m not holding my breath…I’m almost at 60 for the month and it looks like I’ll make it….
Keep your damn government hands off my medicare…
Well…this is going to be a short one since I have been a little distracted by the Washington Post project…but I had to comment on the absurdity of the photo op and comments of Mitt Romney yesterday at a manufacturing plant in Ohio….where ole Mitt and the owner of the factory essentially said the infamous line from the title describing how bad Obama and his policies are for business. Let’s forget for now that corporate profits are at their highest level in history….I hope they can explain to me how business is doing that in an environment where they are opressed by government regulation. What old Mitt and the business owner did not disclose was that they have been the beneficiaries of government action in the form of tax abatements and subsidized government contracts that are policies of the Obama administration….”keep your damn government hands off my Medicare”….what a bunch of hypocrites….
Delusions on the right…..
Well…in some of the reporting today, it appears that one of the greatest sticking points in this whole debt debate for the righties is they won’t agree to anything unless there is a constitutional amendment to balance the budget included in any deal…even though this “cut, cap, and balance” plan passed the house, both the senate and Obama have said that this legislation is dead on arrival in either the senate or the president’s desk. Even if this absurd amendment to the constitution were to pass both houses with the required 2/3 majority, it still has to go to the states for ratification; a process that will take years and that has about as much chance to pass as a return to prohibition. So, these idiots want to put the entire US economy on hold while they live their delusions that they never have to compromise and should get everything they want even though the majority of America does not agree with them? Even John McCain has called out these morons on the delusional state of their thinking….but that is what you get America when you believe anything the right tells you…..and I agree with McCain when he says the tea party folks are lying to the country when they say that their agenda is even possible….I’m not sure if the lie is deliberate or if they are just so ignorant of how the founders wanted the government to work that they think a minority in one house can set the entire agenda for the country…doesn’t work that way…
July 28th
Well…an okay night last night but didn’t do a whole lot…I was quite good so I feel okay even though the sleep was pretty crappy….I did get a response form the Washington Post and will be taking part in their series on the unemployed where I guess the format will be that there will be weekly submissions by the people chosen but I haven’t heard back about what the format will be…at least it will give me something more to do as I look for work….that was a pretty good set of storms that rolled through here yesterday….some of the thunder was so loud that the concussion was moving my t-shirt as I stood at my slider and watched…one of the neatest things I’ve seen in quite a while….not much to do today…I do have to get groceries first thing and then you know the routine….might go out with K later to celebrate the start of her birthday week but I’m not sure….I don’t think I can get to 5 posts again today but who knows? You’ll have to come back to see….