Tag Archives: life

Pretty darn busy today…

Well…started the day running today with getting on the indoor bike before 6:30 so I would be ready to go outdoors when it got light a little after 8…outdoor rides in by 10 or so but then dived back into working on the car…after I dragged the compressor up stairs to fill the tires on the bike since I hadn’t put air in the tires for almost a month…and they lose 20 psi in that time so now they are back to a little over 60 psi like they should be…then I got started on cleaning the wheels on the car and that was a pain since I hadn’t cleaned them in quite a while so I used wheel cleaner, dish soap, and wd and they all took a little of the black off them but they are still not clean…oh, well…I did need to take the rears off to get at the parking brake linkage that freezes up if I don’t lube it twice a year…and then I hit all of the rubber suspension bushings with wd to keep them from squeaking and that whole thing took me til almost 1pm..started cooking the Masala about 2 or so and that took an hour and a half then I had the weight work to do that got me til 4 when I was finally done for the day…that made it a long day and with the lack of sleep last night, I’m feeling pretty worn out right now…but I guess I’ll feel that way for the next month as I take the time off cocktails and sleeping…oh, well…getting toward 7pm and I need to find something to watch tonight….

It’s still dark…

Well…if there is anything I hate it is having to wait to get on the bike until it gets light…I’m warmed up and ready to go but at 7:30 I still don’t see much light out there…so I guess I’ll sit here for a bit and have more coffee…the temp is already up to 61 so no fleece this morning and that will be welcome….I probably should get dressed and drag the compressor out to the garage since I haven’t aired the tires on the bike up in a month…and I should do the same for the car tires since I haven’t checked them in months…and I do want to clean the wheels and try my new battery powered impact wrench to get the lugs off…I do need to cook this afternoon so it’s going to be busy all day…okay, need more coffee and to start prepping to head out…more later…

October 21st

Well…the agony of not sleeping started last night as I take the next month off of having cocktails to prepare for my yearly checkup…I’ve got three weeks to get my cholesterol down along with my blood pressure so there will be lots of veggies and not much meat in my diet…but not today…have chicken thawed and need to make some Masala this afternoon but boneless/skinless chicken isn’t too bad…I hope…going to get 33 miles in today but that starts by 6:30 am when I’ll get on the indoor bike since I’m not going to wait for the sun to come up before the first ride…it’s warm enough to get out on the bike as soon as it gets light so that’s where I’ll be…have a lot of stuff to do today so I’m hoping to have the rides done by 10 or so…need to get the string trimmer out and take down the husks of the perennials and get them bagged up to go out today along with some small branches that fell in the last wind storm…and I want to take a wire brush to detail the wheels on the car for the last time along with lubing the handbrake so it won’t freeze up over the winter…so it looks like a long one today…I dd have to put compression socks on to try to get the swelling down in my right foot and I need to stop eating pretzels that make it worse…cripes, soon I won’t have anything fun I can eat…oh,well…

Still thinking about the E-bike

Well…I’m still thinking about that 209 dollar e-bike I saw yesterday…but I’m questioning why I want it…I can’t include any miles on it into the total for the year and I wonder than what it’s good for? I mean I can still ride with just leg power and I don’t have any extra time in my day to just waste fooling around without any gain from it..the big question to me is how the hell can they sell an e-bike for less than half the cost of my mountain bike? So I guess I’ll have to think about it some more…I know I can afford it but to buy something to just have it sit is not too smart…it does have a cool LCD screen with a speedometer and battery charge meter in it…okay, going to go look at it again…okay, I found the problem…shipping costs 199 bucks so that’s where they are making their money so no, it not worth almost 400 bucks…

October 20th

Well…my 30 days off of cocktails starts today and I think I’m looking forward to it…not looking forward to the sleep disruptions that will come with it but that’s part of the deal…oh, well…I damn near bought an electric bike last night since there is one on Amazon for 209 bucks and I wonder how the heck they can sell one for that price? It says that it has 22 miles of all electric range and the reviews were good for it so I may go out and see if it holds up to the light of day and coffee…man, I need to get going and get the indoor ride in but I’m so damn tired that I don’t even want to walk downstairs…I think I had a batch of pasta salad go bad yesterday since it stated to taste weird so now I have to figure out what to eat today and that is harder than it looks…have a tray of chicken thighs in the fridge that I guess I could cook but I was planning on using them for another batch of chicken and rice that I like….not much to do today…have to get off my butt and do something today so I’m not the damn slug that I was yesterday…and I really don’t think the bike rides count for anything…so I need to get moving…only have 1,600 miles left to get to 10K and that looks pretty daunting right now,,,more later…

Still looking…

Well…have been looking for a political topic for a while now and I’m not having much luck so I’ll do this instead…another busy one today and emby’s audio and video is almost a minute out of synch and I really can’t figure out how that happens…at least I have a Canadian channel that works to watch F1 on right now…the rides were nice and relaxing today and I did the final ride as fast as I could just to see if I could…and it was pretty easy so it looks like I’ll have to do both of them that hard to get my heart rate up a bit…I did skip the second half of the Man U match since I could not find a channel that was watchable and that sucks since they won today and haven’t been doing much of that this year…oh, well…didn’t get the rides done until after 1pm today and I then waxed the car after I washed it yesterday…that meant I wasn’t done with lunch until after 1:30 and that is too damn late for me and will push dinner back an hour or so…okay, need to look at the books I bought to get another one going after finishing up the library books yesterday….

October 19th

Well…slept okay last night and didn’t get out of bed til a little after 6 so I consider that a win with how crappy I’ve been sleeping lately…today is the day that I get to riding every day for a year…have been on the bike ever since I got back from the UK trip last year and I think that’s an accomplishment for an old fart like me…and I’ll be on the bike here in a half hour or so to get the day started…but I won’t be on the outdoor bike until later this morning since I want to watch Man U lose at 10am….and there are races on this afternoon and evening but I’m not sure if I’ll watch the xfinity race that’s on at 7:30 this evening…not a fan of night races when they interfere with relaxing with a movie or getting caught up with some of my tv shows…I did get the car cleaned yesterday and finally got all the sand out of it from going to the beach and I wonder if it’s the last time I’ll clean it…going to really work on getting a new car that will be my last car…and that’s not a sad thing…just reality and I would like to go out with a Porsche…not much to do today…still don’t have to cook and I really do need to stop making so much food that I get bored eating it before it runs out…oh, well…more later…

Finally got he car cleaned…

Well…I am pretty tired of not having a stable schedule to follow as the weather is not cooperating so I can get out early enough to get the outdoor rides in before noon…today I didn’t finish them until almost 1 pm and I still had to eat lunch before I could start work on cleaning the car…and I was out of rain-x so I couldn’t treat the glass so I’ll have to do that after I buy more this week…I really wonder if I should wax the rust one more time before I start to look for a new car in earnest? Going to start setting that up tomorrow to have alerts when cars that meet my specs come up for sale…after all, I do have the money right now but I think I’m going to limit the price to only 10 grand to start and I am going to look at Porsches along with Miatas…if I can get one, a Porsche would be cool for my last car…and it will probably be my last car since I’m getting damn old…I am starting to get the hang of the new laptop and how the track pad works without buttons…of course it didn’t come with instructions as nothing does these days…okay, I finished the library books but I need to make ice for my next to last day of cocktails…

Hit a milestone…

Well…had a bit of good news when I got a letter from Priority Health yesterday that I don’t need to do anything to continue my Medicare plan with them…I’m not sure why there is such hatred for these plans on the left leaning sites saying they are a “scam” and the everyone should stay with original Medicare…if I would have done that, I would have owed over 14K for my cancer treatment last year when they paid the entire 77K…hmmmm…oh, the real reason for this post…I hit a milestone with the latest deposit from SS yesterday…I now have over 40K in the bank and I never thought that could happen with my only income from SS…I know I’m pretty frugal but buying a house and living quite well isn’t supposed to happen just on SS…I guess I’m pretty damn lucky and I’m looking for a new car…can I buy a Porsche and still have 30K in the bank? Going to try and to have that option at my age is a good thing…but now it’s time to get on the torture machine downstairs…more later…

October 18th

Well…if there is one thing I know it’s that getting out of bed at 6:23 is better than at 4:14…but to do that meant I wasn’t good last night and I’m feeling it right now…and I’m not going to be good again til Sunday night when I start my 30 days off before my yearly checkup….need to get my blood pressure down along with my cholesterol so I’ll be eating a lot of veggies for the next month…I did sleep okay last night and I wonder if I can survive 30 days of not sleeping much? That has been a problem my entire life…or for the last 30 years anyway…oh, well…it’s cold out here again so I won’t be on the outdoor bike til 10 or so and that gives me a half hour or so until I need to get on the indoor bike…not sure what this day is going to look like since I have no plans other than the bike rides but I should wash the car and clean the glass along with vacuuming the sand out of it…but I don’t have the rain-x I need to treat the windows since I forgot it when I was at Meijers…I guess I could wait until next week to do the car but I won’t…need to have some accomplishments or today will be a wasted one and I can’t have that…not much to do today…just need to jump start this old body and get on the bike in 20 minutes…and that’s harder than it looks…more later…