I’m a broken record…

Well…when I look back on the titles of these second personal posts of the day, I find that there are multiple uses of “a busy day” or “another busy day” and I don’t want to sound like a broken record so I’ll try harder…it WAS a busy day today with getting up at 5:23 and then getting two indoor rides in before 8am…the out to the grocery runs…oh, and I am shocked at the prices for veggie plants…the ones I used to get for 75 cents are now 5 bucks so of course I didn’t buy any even though I wanted to replace the green and Jalapeno peppers that didn’t come up this year…still can’t figure that out…right on the outdoor bike as soon as I got back and got two outdoor rides in before noon…then I dragged the big ladder out of the garage to clean out the gutter so it will drain…must have been 30 gallons of water that  went down after I cleared the clog…then I planted the tomatoes and cukes and put the rest of the cups outdoors so I could shut the light off downstairs…need to take it down and put it away and probably will later and then clean up the spilled dirt I have down there…

Go get ‘em Nancy…

Well…you know that the mainstream media is rooting for trump and have a long term project underway to lie to the American people to try to obscure just how terrible the idiot trump’s years were…this weekend, Nancy Pelosi was on Katy Tur’s show on MSNBC and Tur attempted to jump on the bandwagon of revising the true nature of idiot boy’s term…but Nancy was having none of it and told her the blind, unvarnished truth that trumps performance on jobs was worse that any president in history…and the dust is still settling on that one two days later…my question is how can these pundits live with themselves when they know they are lying? And what higher up at MSNBC ordered the on air staff to start lying to boost trump? Tur should lose her job after this debacle if MSNBC wants to have any credibility left…this is bullshit and just another symptom of the disease and rot that comes with billionaires own the news media and don’t give a damn about this country…they would love idiot boy to win again since people tuned in to see trump’s daily train wrecks and it lined their pockets…tax the billionaires…geez…

April 30th

Well…up at three this morning and then out of bed at 5:23 and I need to get moving to get two indoor rides in before 8am and before I do the grocery runs so I can get out on the outdoor bike after I get back…want to have all the bike rides in before lunch so I can get the cukes and tomatoes planted today…still pretty sore from the 41 miles a day but I am going to try to keep it up as long as I can…I can see that I will have to have a half day soon for a repair day but I want to see where the wall is first…we have two days of no rain coming but then storms on Thurs night so I need to have the yard mowed before then…it’s going to be almost 80 Thurs then it goes back down in the 60′s for a week or so but I can live with that as long as there are no freezes…and there shouldn’t be since we are into May starting tomorrow…damn, need to get going to get this rush of a morning started…more later…

Got my new bag..

Well…they delivered my new bike bag this afternoon and I am pretty happy with it…it’s tall enough to take my quart sized sub zero stainless steel water bottle and still close the zipper…not like the last one where I had to keep that compartment open…and it has a phone sized zippered compartment on the front of the bag along with inside zippered and unzippered pouches….I washed the bike and put it on this afternoon and it looks nice to have a good looking bag on it instead of one with broken zippers on both parts of it…and this one has enough room in the main bag to put a pair of gloves and my eyeglass case along with the ziploc I put the phone in when it’s raining…and it came with a waterproof cover that you stretch over the entire bag…so far, I’m pretty happy with it…just hope the zippers are more durable than the last bag since they were made by the same company…okay, I shouldn’t bitch about that since I got 6 years out of it for the same price of 23 bucks I paid for the new one…I guess I’ll see…

The OLC says no immunity…

Well..with the SC trying to create a new set of laws that would grant the idiot trump immunity from all of his crimes…if we look back at the end of the Mueller investigation, the office of legal counsel along with Mueller said that while there is a memo saying that a president can’t be prosecuted while in office, as soon as they’re out of office, prosecution can start and there is NO immunity from crimes committed while in office…and the OLC said this would keep presidents from committing crimes while in office if they would be prosecuted after the left office…and it was one reason that ole mitch mcconnell used to make sure idiot boy wasn’t convicted during both impeachments saying “you’ll get your chance when he’s out”…and now the scotus that he helped corrupt is going to protect trump from his crimes he committed trying to overthrow the government…this is the worst corruption in the history of this country and yet the repubs just don’t give a damn and they never did…geez…

April 29th

Well…it looks like the rain that is coming in is going to dictate the day a bit today…supposed to last til noon and then I may be able to get out for the outdoor rides to make it 9 days in a row of 41 miles per day…slept pretty crappy last night but when I got back to sleep at 5:13, I was rewarded by having a dream and I can’t remember the last time I had one of those..and woke up somewhat refreshed from it…still need to get on the indoor bike here by 7 to get two rides in before 9 then I’m going to go over and pay the water bill and hit the library for a couple more books…only two this time since I don’t want to be stressed about getting them done in time…going to get the tomatoes planted tomorrow and I think I need to find a garden center to buy some green pepper and Jalapeno plants since not one of the seeds sprouted and they were new seeds this year…the bean plants look good and I am anticipating the broccoli will look good again this year…I do have 5 cuke plants up downstairs and they will be planted tomorrow, too and then I can shut the light off and pack it up…still really sore this morning and it will be a chore to  loosen up everything today…I am looking forward to get my new bike bag today…not much to do today…just going to wing it pretty much but I’m going to make potato soup later since I have 5 pounds of yellow potatoes staring me in the eye….more later…

8 days of 41 miles each…

Well..with the rain today, I never thought I’d be able to get two rides in outdoors but I got them done by 12:30 and that made 8 days straight of doing 41 miles per day…I am wondering where the wall is that I should be hitting any day…too damn old to be doing this and yet I felt good on the bike other than I hurt everywhere and my knees have joined in the fun…I bought a new handlebar bag for the bike and it is going to be here tomorrow along with the 10 shift cables and the 20 removable chain links so I can break the chain instead of taking the shifter apart when I change it….and the shifter will be here Friday so I’ll change it out as soon as I get it and be back to normal on the bike…and then start piling 50 miles a day on…still 800 miles away from halfway and should get there by the end of May and that will leave me 7 months for the second half…might get there…the beans I planted the other day are really taking off and I can notice them growing already along with the 5 pea plants…still no peppers up and that sucks…oh, well…

They are just cruel…

Well…just a short one about a jaw dropping revelation about the Oklahoma governor, Kristi Noem, and how she is just like a frickin psychopath and is proud of it as related in her “autobiography” that was recently released…in it, she tells a story about a dog she had that she deemed “untrainable” so what did she do? She took the dog to  a low spot on her farm and shot it…a less than two year old dog and she just shoots it…and that’s not the only animal she did that to…she had a goat that she didn’t like and took that out and shot it, too…if you remember, one of the hallmarks of psychopathy is cruelty to animals and not caring a bit about it…just an easy cruelty for anything the psychopath doesn’t like…sure seems to fit here…what an ugly person…

Stop calling it a “hush money” case…

Well…I am so damn tired of the lazy media calling the trump trial that is ongoing “the hush money” trial…it is so much more than that..it was a conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2016 election…and a coverup of the conspiracy by altering business records…in there is the FEC violations that come with the National Inquirer paying people to “catch and kill” stories that would hurt the idiot trump and running lies that would hurt his challengers…all of those things are campaign contributions that were never reported by NI or it’s owner at the time david pecker…so, the media needs to do a better job with their reporting since calling the bribes trump paid “hush money” minimizes the seriousness of the felonies he is charged with and allows the right an attack point that the charges are not serious at all and it’s all personal…not legal…geez…

April 28th

Well…as you can see, I only did one of these yesterday and I’m not sure why…the day was pretty jumbled with the high wind that I thought was going to keep me off the bike but after I finished up a book, I looked out and the wind looked like it had lessened so I jumped on the outdoor bike and got two rides in for 41 miles for the day and that made it an entire week of 41 mile days…that is not going to happen today with rain that is stretched back all the way into Iowa but it could be that the rain won’t make it to the ground just like yesterday…up way too damn early today with waking up at 5:34 and knowing that was it and I wasn’t going to get back to sleep…have 35 minutes before I need to get on the indoor bike and I really do wonder how long I can keep this up at my age…I mean how many almost 71 year olds ride 41 miles a day? Both knees hurt like crazy after the rides and that’s new…but I’m pretty sure going into the wind yesterday did it…not much to do today…just going to start it with two indoor rides and then figure out what else I need to do…going to grill some pork chops for lunch but I’m not sure what to make with it…roast or baked potato? Who knows? More later…