Well…have gotten to he last one for the month and thought I’d just wander around a bit and see what happens…it was pretty cool to see two of the worst movies ever made back to back last night in “Sharknado” and “Sharknado 2″…..you’ve got to hand it to SciFi…they have embraced the schlock movie like no one else…and there is a new one Sat night that looks like a good one…might have to check it out…I find it funny that the repubs are now backpedaling so fast their shoes are smoking on the impeachment thing….they are just so stupid and are playing into the dems hands by even mentioning it…they could be a permanent minority party if the impeach the second dem president in a row…and after we gave ole W a pass for true high crimes and misdemeanors…I mean if torture isn’t a high crime, then what is? Okay, that should do it for the month…no more later…
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Complaining works…sometimes…
Well…as I complained here last week, there has been a derelict Volvo being pushed around the lot here and last week it ended up right in front of my door…this morning, I had just had enough so I went up to the office and made an in person complaint….wow…they just came to tow the car away only a couple of hours after I bitched…I guess complaining works…sometimes…yeah, I know, this one is cheating some but I need to to keep up…one more to go….
July 31st
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and it was good to see C for a while….didn’t sleep that hot again and I think the successive nights of it are starting to combine into a general fatigue that I hope I can fix today with a little nap….and I need to eat more good food to get the fuel level up….and I need to do two more of these to make the number for the month…I have been hoping that it would rain so I can take the day off the bike but no luck…the new equipment should be here today an that would be a good thing…can’t wait to feel how the new shock will work on the bike…it’s been bad for so long I hope I like how it works…not much to do today…going to take it easy and not do much….more later…I do have new towels to try today…I broke down and splurged yesterday and I’m not sure how I feel about that…
Still cheating…
Well…yeah, I know, not much of substance for the past week or so but I have an excuse…no I don’t….just haven’t been motivated to try to make sense of the craziness in this country….on the right, that is…we on the left are marveling about the new depths of crazy that the right shows everyday and wonder how some of these folks even live in the world…they are so scared all the time…scared of the bogeyman coming to get them so they have to carry guns everywhere…scared of children coming across the border so they have to threaten them and the states that have agreed to take them…and really, really scared that their white world is coming to an end….I just don’t see it that way…maybe I’m naive but with a little cooperation this country could be much better…oh, that won’t ever happen…geez…
July 30th
Well…it was a nice day yesterday with lunch with T and getting some stuff done…not enough but some stuff…I knew the sleeping well from a few days back with cool dreams couldn’t last and it didn’t…worst one in a while last night but I did everything the same to prep so I guess I just have to take that it is a crapshoot and move on…I have been good all week and I am going to try to make it to Friday night before cocktails again…I do feel so much better and am losing weight so that is pretty good motivation…along with better health…and the grocery bills are so much smaller…not much to do today…C is coming into town to sign away his house and then we are going out for some drinks…which don’t count since they are during the day…and the sequel to “Sharknado” is on tonight so that should be a few laughs…more later….
It is to laugh….
Well….just read an article with a quote from ole Boehner saying that the repubs have no intention of impeaching the president, saying it’s all a plot by mean old Obama to get out the vote for the elections in the fall. As soon as I read that, the only thing that came to my mind was the old Daffy Duck quote: “It is to laugh” and I did laugh. One thing he didn’t say was that he intends to do it after the election…lying to the public again since he can see that even talking about it risks losing both the house and senate. So, let me get this straight….Obama is the one talking about impeachment and using his Jedi mind control to get everyone on the right to talk about it and push for it? Man…that guy is pretty fricking smart if he is thinking that far ahead…I think the more rational explanation is only that ole Boeher is scared of his own side and their rabid hatred for Obama and he is losing control of the narrative…or the truth is getting out and the general public just doesn’t like it….geez…
July 29th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a bunch of stuff done so I feel good about that…running early today since I had the weirdest Donal Fagen dream last night…where no one showed up for his concert but me so we said the hell with it and took off to Virginia to drive old stock cars that belong to Junior Johnson through the woods….then back to the concert where Donald and his band put on skits instead of playing music that made the crowd mad but he didn’t care…then, he decided to do the concert and I got to pick all the songs that he played…haven’t had a dream like that in months…I think I slept okay, too….weird….not much to do today…having lunch with T and then Man U plays so the day looks full at this moment…more later….
Bet they didn’t think about this…
Well…I am a little bemused today with the unintended fallout of the Hobby Lobby decision that gave corporations religious rights to refuse to cover contraceptives in their health plans…on the heels of that wrongheaded mess, the announcement today of the satanist church asserting that this decision gives them the right to ignore any state or federal law that restricts a woman’s right to abortion since their church has as one of its tenets that science and not religion should be the basis for all health decisions made me smile. The church asserts these ‘closely held beliefs” should be treated the same as those of the christians that own Hobby Lobby and to be treated differently would be unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment. Which it is. These idiots on the supreme court thought that their ruling would only apply to christians but they can’t have it both ways…if one group is given special rights, then the rest of them get those same rights…I applaud the satanists for pushing back against this nonsense and their fight against the religiosity that is ruining this country…religion belongs in church, not in government…geez…
July 28th
Well….it was just another nondescript day yesterday and nothing really happened so I’m not sure what to write about….it was a no cocktail night so that was something and I feel pretty good today…so far….I did get a few necessary things done and today will be cleaning and laundry after the bike ride…I did remember to thaw some chicken so I will have food to eat today…but, chicken, chicken, chicken….there are not many ways to cook it that I haven’t tried and I am getting really bored with it…I do have to go up to the office to bitch about a non running car that has been pushed right in front of my building and I just will not take it….not much to do today….and, that is true but I’ll try to figure it out…going to catch up today so come back for two more….
Just can’t get motivated…
Well…it has been a long couple of weeks trying to get motivated to more of these than just my life but it just hasn’t worked…not sure why but I guess I’ll have to start trying new methods since the old ones don’t work anymore….I am taking the week off from cocktails to cut back on the calories and lose a few more pounds and give the liver a rest…might have to take a few days off the bike, too…my back has been quite bad lately and now there is numbness in my right thigh that I know is from a pinched nerve so I need to deal with that, too….I have been hoping for a storm all day but it looks like no luck for that, either….at least it’s not as hot with the wind blowing….I am going to work on some politics or science or something for tomorrow…my brain is turning to mush from disuse and that needs to be fixed soon….you would think that with making some money that I’d have food here…but, nothing sounds good and I’ve lost my desire to cook, too…aargh…