Well…just a short one on an article that I read in one of the papers this morning about how airlines are starting to put more space between first class passengers and the rest of the unwashed masses since surveys of these rich people made staying far away from normal passengers their top priority…it isn’t bad enough that first class passengers are first on and first off the plane, now they just never want to even see anyone who can’t afford to fly first class. To add insult to injury, Delta is changing their frequent flier program to award rewards based not on the miles you fly but on the COST of your ticket, essentially eliminating any reward for anyone but first class passengers. Just like their gated communities, skyboxes, and having servants so they don’t have to mix with us poor folks…every day the rich do everything they can to make sure the rest of us know our place in the world…and it isn’t in first class…geez…
Monthly Archives: February 2014
February 28th
Well…got to the last day of the month and it is 9 frickin degrees below zero …and the record for the day was 1 below…just got the car started, but barely, was barely turning over but I just love fuel injection and how the car runs when it’s cold…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t do much but cook and clean but that’s okay…slept okay last night and, for some reason, I was not as cold as the other day…but after walking out to start the car in a t-shirt and shorts, I am now….not much to do today,,,well…I do have a few things, pool, of course, and I need to win one….and then back here to veg the rest of the day and get one more of these out to make the goal…more later….
Need to meander a little…
Well…I was trying to come up with a political topic for the day and have had no luck so I’m just going to meander a while and see what happens…so, this one will be filed in misc…I am exhausted today and I can’t figure out why….possibly because I was up all night or I haven’t eaten enough…take your pick….how about some sports? Manchester United looked so bad yesterday that, even with now getting the channel that they are on, I don’t think I’ll be watching anymore this season…they just look so bad….one bright spot…not with Man U….is that the Wings looked okay last night but should have taken the game in regulation but gave up the tying goal in the last 30 seconds…but, they did finally win one in OT so it will be interesting to see how they do tonight….another good thing is that, if they don’t remember to shut off NBCSN, I will get formula 1 this spring…and that will be a good thing….what else? I think I’m going to fracture if I have to go out in any more of this crap cold weather…it’s gotten to a high of 7 today and is going to get to 7 below tonight…and it is almost frickin March…supposed to be near 50 by now and melting my trails so I can get back on the bike….damn winter….
February 27th
Well…running really, really late this morning and I’m not sure why…I did make a grocery run today but was back here early…maybe the papers were thicker today? Slept crappy again and it was because of the cold…after going out to have a couple with G, I just couldn’t get warm when I got home and that carried into sleeping…might have to turn the heat up tonight with it forecast to be 9 below tonight…it is already too darn cold out…stopped to get gas this morning and it was just brutal out there…so, today looks like just a veg day where I will try to stay warm…I did have some dreams last night that included some kind of game show, Michael Buble and William Shatner doing “Rocketman”…just kind of weird….not much to do today…going to cook a pork roast for lunch and then clean some….and come back here for more later….
Breathtaking hatred…
Well…if you have been following the news lately, you’ve seen how the idiot repub governors across this country have basically abandoned the poor by refusing the medicaid expansion that the feds would pay for from savings that are contained int he ACA…but the idiot governor of Georgia has gone over the edge on his hatred….it’s bad enough that 4 rural Georgia hospitals have already closed due to un-reimbursed emergency care that would have been covered by the Medicaid expansion…but now, this idiot is showing his true colors and the true colors of most of the right. Nathan Deal, the governor, has proposed that the federal law, proposed and signed by
saint Ronnie, that requires hospitals to care for the uninsured be repealed…meaning that any hospital would be required by the threat of bankruptcy to not care for anyone who is not insured since they would never see a dime for that care….and would allow the sick to be turned away to die…the Ayn Randian winner takes all philosophy that treats the poor as disposable since they are the “takers” from society and have nothing to contribute. I am not really stunned or even surprised at this from the right these days…shame on you Deal…and your cronies in Georgia…geez…
February 26th
Well…running a little late today but the three nights of no cocktails is starting to have the desired effect and I feel better…but…part of it may be that the bug is finally receding…my head is less stuffy this morning and I feel almost normal…part of it could be that I ate enough yesterday but 1400 cals is still not enough…but, getting there…slept okay last night but still tossed and turned a lot…the new normal, I guess…I feel bad that the roads are so bad out there..T hit a pothole and ruined a tire yesterday and I am a little paranoid about hitting one with the Miata…it’s not the most robust car and I can’t afford to have it damaged…not much to do today..I have an errand to run this aft but the rest of the day looks like just normal stuff…more later…
What’s going on at Kos?
Well….you’ve heard me criticize the right here many, many times over the past few years and they have deserved it…but, I have tried to make it on the facts, not name calling, or lies like you normally hear out of the right and I think that is what separates the right from the left. But now, when I’m over at one of my favorite progressive sites, I see that many of the commenters there are starting to devolve into the same type of inflammatory name calling nonsense that greets us every day from the right…and I sure don’t like it at all…we have been proud over the years to make our arguments based on the facts and sound policy that we feel is best for the country, not the talking point sound bites that passed for good policy on the right. We are better than that…let me repeat, we on the left are supposed to be better than that and when any one of us goes so low as to match what the right does, it just feeds into the idea that the right pushes every day that “everyone does it” that has given them a pass to discriminate and use the government to hurt people, not help them. So, stop this crap Kossacks…we are better than that and we need to show that the quality of our ideas is all we need to win the day…geez…
February 25th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t do much but look for work and veg out to the Australian crime show I’ve been watching….still feel like crap and my head is plugged up so there must still be a bug that is here and working….have felt like this most of the winter and I may have to try some allergy medicine to see if it may be allergies…slept like crap last night and up really early again today and that is getting to be an unwelcome pattern…just not much to do at 5 in the morning….not much to do today…I do have a few things to do today around here but that is about it…going to need to cook at some point but just can’t get motivated right now…more later…
This is delicious…
Well…just read an interesting article about the continuing woes that Walmart is experiencing with drops in profit, growth, and stock price this week and the first thing that popped into my head was “couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people..” As you can tell, that last comment is full of snark and aimed at the owners of Walmart, not the people that work there and suffer everyday….it appears that shopping patterns are changing and the weekly drive to the ugly big box retailer is starting to be too big a pain for people…especially since the stuff that they are going there to buy is probably not on the shelf anyway with all of the problems Walmart has caused itself by cutting staffing and going to temp workers instead of full timers…the only thing I have to say if Walmart goes bye-bye, is good riddance…I will feel for the people that lose their jobs but allowing a profitable company like Walmart to push it’s labor costs off on the taxpayers to the tune of almost 3 billion dollars a year is just wrong…it’s just like you and me writing a check to the Waltons every month…and they don’t need more of my money….geez….
February 24th
Well…as you can see, I didn’t come back for a second one yesterday…I really meant to and had some ideas but just felt so crappy that I couldn’t do it…don’t feel much better today but now I am just even for the month so I do need to get moving…slept okay but back up at 5:30 again and that is getting tiring…yesterday was basically just a bore…didn’t watch the end of the Olympics…I think that if I did, my head would have exploded…they need to shorten it down to a a week at most and get rid of some of the events that have been added like snowboardcross and the other made up events…too much biathalon, too….and not starting the Daytona 500 until almost 9 last night was just so strange…didn’t get to watch much of it and really didn’t care…not much to do today…I am going to just take it easy and let this bug play out…just have no energy and am not going to force anything….more later…