Well…if you have been following the news lately, you’ve seen how the idiot repub governors across this country have basically abandoned the poor by refusing the medicaid expansion that the feds would pay for from savings that are contained int he ACA…but the idiot governor of Georgia has gone over the edge on his hatred….it’s bad enough that 4 rural Georgia hospitals have already closed due to un-reimbursed emergency care that would have been covered by the Medicaid expansion…but now, this idiot is showing his true colors and the true colors of most of the right. Nathan Deal, the governor, has proposed that the federal law, proposed and signed by
saint Ronnie, that requires hospitals to care for the uninsured be repealed…meaning that any hospital would be required by the threat of bankruptcy to not care for anyone who is not insured since they would never see a dime for that care….and would allow the sick to be turned away to die…the Ayn Randian winner takes all philosophy that treats the poor as disposable since they are the “takers” from society and have nothing to contribute. I am not really stunned or even surprised at this from the right these days…shame on you Deal…and your cronies in Georgia…geez…