Well…I do need to get this one in to get to the quota for the month so I thought I’d just noodle around a little and see what happens…I can’t believe how stupid the repubs have been in this whole deficit fight…last year, they wouldn’t take a deal that gave them 10 bucks of cuts for every buck of revenue increase because they really thought, in their deluded little minds, that they were going to win the presidency and the senate and then be able to do their slash and burn on medicare and Social security while given even bigger tax cuts to the rich. Guess what repubs? You lost and the dems ran on raising taxes on the rich and preserving the social programs…so why the heck are you surprised that this is what the dems are doing? Are you just stupid? You lost, and now you roll out the rejected Ryan budget as your one and only attempt to avoid the fiscal slope? I just hope you keep it up…keep showing the American people you don’t give a damn about them while we salivate about the prospects of 2014…what a bunch of idiots…geez…
Monthly Archives: November 2012
November 30th
Well…it was a day yesterday…oh, sitting here waiting for the coffee to finish and thought I’d get this done first…before I get to the papers, that is…I did wait until a little later to do this one but I went over to Meijers already so that is as good an excuse as any…I am sore everywhere today and I’m not sure what the cause of it is…I did work on the car for a while to replace a heater hose that one end had turned to mush…I am hoping that this is finally the solution to losing coolant but how can I be hopeful when I’ve thought that the last three things I’ve fixed…and 19 bucks for a molded hose that is about 12 inches long? Cripes…not much to do today…I am going to take it easy today…I did buy a 1/4 inch ratchet that will make tightening the hose much easier when I go out to do that today…pretty nice little unit for 6 bucks…okay, coffee is done so I’m going to read the papers…more later…
Words mean something…
Well…listening to all of the talk, talk, talk that is going on about the budget negotiations, I have a piece of advice for both sides but for the dems in particular. Stop using loaded words when you talk about the negotiations….watching the news last night all I heard from the commentators on the left and in the middle was that the repubs were going to “cave” or “buckle” on tax increases on the wealthy to start to work on the deficit…and I think that these kinds of words mean something and are making any such deal even harder. I think it goes back to the Japanese concept of “face”, and it would be a good idea for the dems to think about how they can work to help the repubs save face in these negotiations and stop rubbing the fact that they got smacked in the last election in their faces. Of course, I would propose that this would only go so far as the repubs actually governing for the entire country and not their rich bosses….if they can come to the table with facts and be adults, I think it would be good for those of us on the left to help them…and go back to governing the country, not just fighting all the time…
November 29th
Well…it was a day yesterday and the car is still not fixed so I am very depressed about that….not sure what the next move will be about that but I just don’t want to think about that now…didn’t sleep at all last night and have been up since about 4 so today is going to be one of those days where I have to make up for it…and I am sore everywhere for some reason with my calves feeling like they are just on the verge of getting cramps which is really weird…might be from the bike ride yesterday but who knows? I don’t have a lot to do today so I’m not going to do it…didn’t win the powerball last night so that is depressing, too…so I guess I’ll just endure today and hope for a better tomorrow….
I’m tired of “Christians”….
Well…I really do need to comment on an article that was in the Daly Kos this morning about the utter glee that the Christian right is taking in the new “kill the gays” bills that are being passed through the legislature in Uganda. A little history is in order first…as the people of the US become more tolerant and understanding of gays and lesbians here, and the christian right sees they are losing the battle for discrimination against them, these ugly folks have taken their poison overseas; most notably to Africa. Groups like the Family Research Council, headed by the noted homophobe Tony Perkins have been instrumental in using the donations to their organizations here in the states to spread the plague of discrimination, going so far as to “advise” African countries on how to write laws that criminalize being gay…and yesterday, commenting on the law said “it is a worthy modern example” of the laws he would like to see restored here in the US. Another one of these so-called christians, Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association tweeted this in response to the legalization of murder of gays…”Homosexuality is now against the law in Uganda, just as it was for 200 years on America, it can be done”, implying that he thinks that killing gays is the right thing to do in the US as well. If you had any question about how the modern republican party thinks about gays and lesbians, you just need to look at these two guys…who sponsor the “values voters” summit that all of the repubs attend and pledge their allegiance to. What kind of a value is it to support killing another human being because of who they are? It is breathtaking to hear the unvarnished truth of the type of folks that are the core of the modern repub party….even being an atheist, I can see that these guys are not christians…they are not even human beings…geez…
November 28th
Well…it was a nice day yesterday and I had a fun lunch with T which made it even better….slept okay last night and had some dreams I don’t remember again but that is okay…I was good for the third day in a row so I feel pretty good this morning….still coughing but the sore throat is almost gone and I think I have some energy to get through this day…I may have found the leak where I have been losing coolant in the car…will find out today when I take it out to Cascade but when I went out to meet up with T, I could barely smell it so there may be hope that the car will be complete again and I’ll have one less thing to worry about…and it was the silliest thing…just a clamp you can barely see at the back of the engine that was really loose….have my fingers crossed on that one….not much to do today…might be going out for pool with Tom but that is about it…I am still going to continue to manage the energy consumption so the recovery continues but there may be light at the end of that tunnel….more later…
Here they go again…
Well…it seems to me that the repubs never learn…even with the smackdown they got in this last election, they are still up to their right wing nonsense here in Michigan…with the new bill that has been introduced in the legislature here that would grant a tax credit to fetuses…never mind they took away the tax credits to actual children, these idiots just want to continue to try to take away the rights of women to make their own health decisions…thinly veiled attempts to eliminate abortion here in Michigan by making it unaffordable…all I have to say is keep it up…the people started to see through your nonsense in the last election and this will make it even easier for us to take back the state house…the days of the right wing repub party are numbered and I can’t be more happy to see a return to respect for everyone that lives here and to legislate for all of us…not just the loonies on the right..geez…l
November 27th
Well…it was another recovery day yesterday but I did get back on the bike and it was cold…came back with frozen fingers and toes but it was nice to be out again…and I do feel a little better today…I am confused that I still have some throat problems, not sore but still swollen…I hope that starts to go away today and I continue to make improvements…I do have lunch with T today to look forward to and I am excited to see her….did sleep okay for the second night in a row and I had dreams but don’t remember them at all…and I was good for the second day in row but I think I ate too much so that will have to be corrected today…not much to do today…I am going to try to get back on the bike today but that will have to wait for later….and I will be back for another of these later…
Keep it up repubs..
Well…I am today still marveling at the gall of the stupid repubs and their delusion that they have any leverage in the fiscal cliff negotiations….they really don’t, but they are acting as if they have a mandate when they got their asses handed to them in the last election. But, you’d never know it listening to Boehner and Cantor…who has put forth as their plan the exact Romney plan that was rejected by the voters…they still want tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts for everyone else and again, ole Eric came out today and said that Obamacare and Medicare have to be on the table or they will stamp their feet and hold their breath until they get their way. All I have to say to these idiots is “keep it up”…and we will control everything in 2014 and maybe we can even send ole Eric back to wherever he comes from…I do have one message to Obama…don’t compromise with these folks…we won the election an the majority has spoken…tax hikes for the rich and breaks for everyone else…and leave Medicare and Social Security alone…geez…open your ears and listen for a change…
November 26th
Well…getting an early start on the day today since I remembered to come here this morning…I was good yesterday trying to get over the bug that has been hounding me for a couple of weeks and I’m not sure if it is working…still coughing but the sore throat seems better…I did sleep okay and had some dreams that included tree cutting, overhead wires, college roommates, and vintage clothes…yeah, a pretty good combo and quite realistic…and the first one in quite a while…going to keep up the being good for the week I think and take the time to heal….not much to do today…still going to lay low for the day but may do the full thermasuit and try to get back on the bike for a ride today since I have been off for three days…and I do feel better when I ride….and I will be back later for another one of these since I am running out of month…