Tag Archives: Uganda

Exporting evangelical hate…

Well…I am just so damn sick and tired of the supposedly “pro-life” American evangelical christians mucking around in other countries and exporting their hatred of LGBT people…over the past few weeks, Uganda has passed what could be the most dangerous laws against that community in the world…legislating prison for just being gay and imprisoning people for helping their gay friends or neighbors….and all of this was funded by American evangelical organizations to the tune of 25 million dollars spent on advertising, lobbying, and outright bribes to legislators to stoke the fears of LGTB people just as they are doing against them here in the US….now shouldn’t this be against the law? They are conducting foreign policy and private groups aren’t allowed to do that…but the bigger issue is that of the hypocrisy of these evangelical groups…they spend 25 million dollars on exporting hate when 300,000 Ugandan children under the age of 5 die each year from treatable diseases that that 25 million dollars could be used to treat…but I guess being a christian these days is all about the hate…if 300,000 children and many, many LGBT people have to die or go to jail for them to get their hate fix, that is what they are going to do…damn, I hate those people..geez….

I’m tired of “Christians”….

Well…I really do need to comment on an article that was in the Daly Kos this morning about the utter glee that the Christian right is taking in the new “kill the gays” bills that are being passed through the legislature in Uganda. A little history is in order first…as the people of the US become more tolerant and understanding of gays and lesbians here, and the christian right sees they are losing the battle for discrimination against them, these ugly folks have taken their poison overseas; most notably to Africa. Groups like the Family Research Council, headed by the noted homophobe Tony Perkins have been instrumental in using the donations to their organizations here in the states to spread the plague of discrimination, going so far as to “advise” African countries on how to write laws that criminalize being gay…and yesterday, commenting on the law said “it is a worthy modern example” of the laws he would like to see restored here in the US. Another one of these so-called christians, Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association tweeted this in response to the legalization of murder of gays…”Homosexuality is now against the law in Uganda, just as it was for 200 years on America, it can be done”, implying that he thinks that killing gays is the right thing to do in the US as well. If you had any question about how the modern republican party thinks about gays and lesbians, you just need to look at these two guys…who sponsor the “values voters” summit that all of the repubs attend and pledge their allegiance to. What kind of a value is it to support killing another human being because of who they are? It is breathtaking to hear the unvarnished truth of the type of folks that are the core of the modern repub party….even being an atheist, I can see that these guys are not christians…they are not even human beings…geez…