Well…if it wasn’t such a serious subject, I’d be laughing my butt off about the latest news of repub voter fraud…this time, a company the repubs hired to do voter registration in Florida was found to be submitting fake forms and just making people up…now, this is bad enough but what are going to do with the fakes they have submitted? Is the next shoe that is going to drop that they have hired fake folks to use these registrations to fraudulently vote? I find this whole voter fraud thing to be the worst sort of projection by the repubs…they can’t find any real fraud so they are creating it so they can point to it and say aha? Then we have a Florida house member that has tried to pull the same crap that Bolger and Schmidt tried here in Michigan…running fake candidates as dems but the guy in Florida even went so far to run the fake dems campaign and then promise him a job in his office when he loses. I wonder if this is part of the play book that the repubs have gotten from ALEC? These guys know that in a fair election they are going to lose so they are lying and cheating again…or I should say still…geez…
Monthly Archives: September 2012
September 30th
Well…running late again today and it is an easy explanation this time…just decided to read the paper and have my coffee first..and I did so now I’m here for a while…it was just another day yesterday and really didn’t do much except watch sports…trying to not spend any money since I don’t have any right now…I did hear back from the guy in Greenville that has the winter tires and I am going up there today to pick them up…looks like I’ll have to put two of them on the top with it down to get them back here but that should be okay…I am going to bag them in garbage bags so they don’t get everything dirty…. and who can pass up free stuff…oh, I said that yesterday didn’t I? I am glad I’ve got navigation on the phone…going to see how well it works today…and I have maps, too so it should be okay…so, that’s what I’m doing today…I will try to get back later for more since I’m short for the month…
September 29th
Well…running late as always…have been watching the Chelsea/Arsenal match and with shooting pool and having cocktails last night, I am really worn out today and am taking it easy until the temp comes up enough to ride the bike…slept okay but up early again and that doesn’t help…but, as I said before, not going to bitch about that anymore. I may have to make a run to Greenville later today to pick up a set of snow tires for the car that one of the guys on the Miata board is giving away…I’ll take free stuff any time…more later…
Harvesting companies…
Well….another day, another video showing the true side of ole Mitt….the latest has to do with his initial pitch to investors in Bain that blows apart his whole “I’m a job creator” meme that he has been pushing. I find this one almost as bad as the 47% video from a couple of weeks ago and in it, ole Mitt describes the methods that Bain will use to make money for these investors that include buying, managing, and then “harvesting” the companies….Mittspeak for trashing them to make huge profits and then walking away from the wreckage with millions of dollars in his pocket. This goes on to this day with Bain buying another company that is profitable (I can’t find the name of it) and has told all of the workers the company is to be moved to China with Mitt still making almost a million dollars from throwing almost 300 people out of work. Is this the kind of president this country needs? Nope, nope, nope…geez…
September 28th
Well…another day of not much happening and it appears that that is going to be my lot for a while….just can’t seem to muster the energy to do much and I hope it is the bug I’ve been fighting over the past week or so…but, I know it’s probably not…I think it is just a down time that I have from time to time and these need to be endured….so, I’ll just grit my teeth and keep going forward until this stuff lifts and the Miata makes me smile again…..
Okay…I feel I’ve been shortchanging you guys for the past week or so so I thought I’d come back for some caffeine fueled additions to this one…have stopped the melatonin to see if there is really any difference to using it…and I’m not sure there is…slept okay lat night but it was a cocktail night so that kind of skews the results…and there were dreams about nonsense that seem too trivial to mention so I won’t….I do feel a little better and am glad that I didn’t get the worse part of the bug….ran into one of the cashiers at Meijers that I know and she was almost down for the count and went home just after she got there…it’s almost color tour time and doing the first one in the Miata should be fun…have to go up to Mt P next Friday for C’s birthday bash and then I have G’s birthday Sat that I think I may have to skip…costs too much to go out to dinner…what else? Nothing right now so I’ll end here…
Just a little more Mitt…
Well…I find the recent effort by ole Mitt’s campaign to ‘humanize” him by putting out ads that says he cares about all Americans laughable and such a transparent lie that I really don’t know what they are thinking….and then they roll him out to do interviews where he is proud that 100% of children in Mass have health insurance through Romneycare…but he sees no conflict with his stated promise that he will repeal Obamacare if he is elected throwing millions of children out into the cold with healthcare. Is this guy just stupid or has he no core? I am astounded that anyone still listens to this liar…geez…
September 27th
Well…I still feel pretty crappy for another day and I know now that it is a bug…but that doesn’t help…maybe I’ll take the day off today and just veg to try to get over it…but it is going to be such a nice day that I may want to take a drive in the car…I did get the grocery shopping done and made a pork loin in the slow cooker so I don’t need to cook today…okay….heading back to the couch for water and a little rest…more later…
One more short one on fact checkers…
Well…this one struck me as I read the angst in the fact checker sphere when the stats say they have fact checked the repubs more than the dems in this election cycle…with one of them going so far to say they have put a moratorium on fact checking Michelle Bachmann since everything she says is a lie and it skews the statistics…but, I think there is is a very simple reason for this discrepancy between the two parties…the repubs just lie more! The dems still try to tell the truth and use actual arithmetic to analyze budget plans while the entire right wing world is based on faith and belief that things are so when they are not…reinforced by a right wing media that allows and even encourages the lies…I have never seen a campaign like Romney’s where the lie has the same weight as the truth…geez…
Okay…did you think I could go a whole day without ole Mitt?
Well…sitting here waiting for the Tigers game to start and read an interesting thing that ole Mitt said while talking to some small businessmen in Ohio today…while he was talking to them about his tax plan he said “don’t expect your taxes to go down much…and we are going to close some loopholes by reducing deductions for individuals..” Now, to me, this sounds just like the plan that he has adamantly said is not his tax plan…to lower taxes on the rich and taking away deductions from the middle class to pay for them. It was funny when some of the people that were interviewed after the speech started to understand that if Romney does what he promised in the speech…they will end up paying more in taxes…and they were confused that the independent analysis of ole Mitt’s plans were right…I think there may be cracks in the small business constituency that ole Mitt is depending on…and none too soon…geez…
Kamikaze squirrels and Disney butterflies…
Well…as you know I’ve been really wrapped up in the election stuff over the past few months and that has dominated my postings here and I am starting to feel that toxicity in my life so today I am going to change it up and go back to one of my favorite topics, trail weirdness, since it really was weird on the trail today. I have been feeling a little under the weather for the past week and have taken it easy on the bike..but, today, I am feeling a little better so I decided to get some sprints in and a really strange thing happened…almost 30 squirrels and chipmunks must have run out in front of me like they were on a kamikaze mission, just missing the front tire as they did…but, one of the chipmunks was not so lucky…I caught him by the tail and he flipped about a foot in the air in a really cool looking back somersault….as he flipped, he kept running so when he hit the ground he just shot off into the woods and disappeared…one of the neatest things I’ve seen in a while. Then, as I was leaving my last water stop at the park, I was just crawling along enjoying the colors when a swarm of 25 or so orange and black butterflies swooped in and flew around me for about 50 feet; circling me like they were trying to figure out what the heck I was….after about 15 seconds, they just exploded away from me and into the air…looking like something you’d see in a Disney animated film….days like this really do make me smile…