Well…if it wasn’t such a serious subject, I’d be laughing my butt off about the latest news of repub voter fraud…this time, a company the repubs hired to do voter registration in Florida was found to be submitting fake forms and just making people up…now, this is bad enough but what are going to do with the fakes they have submitted? Is the next shoe that is going to drop that they have hired fake folks to use these registrations to fraudulently vote? I find this whole voter fraud thing to be the worst sort of projection by the repubs…they can’t find any real fraud so they are creating it so they can point to it and say aha? Then we have a Florida house member that has tried to pull the same crap that Bolger and Schmidt tried here in Michigan…running fake candidates as dems but the guy in Florida even went so far to run the fake dems campaign and then promise him a job in his office when he loses. I wonder if this is part of the play book that the repubs have gotten from ALEC? These guys know that in a fair election they are going to lose so they are lying and cheating again…or I should say still…geez…