Well…as I said this morning, there has not been much going on in politics for me to write about and I guess it’s one of the problems a couterpuncher has…someone has to punch first…and no one is punching so I guess I’ll have to come up with something on my own. Hmmmmm…oh, Ohio State…as a Michigan fan, I’m having a hard time dredging up any sympathy for the situation there…I’m glad that Tressel resigned and that the shenanigans with almost their whole team has been exposed; the smirk has been taken off the face of their fans and they are going through what we went through with Rodriguez. They will always be known as cheaters now…
Oh, on politics….just some general stuff that has been percolating…I hope the repub idiots here in Michigan get their victory dances in now because they are going to pay in 2012….we may still have a repub governor, but we will have at least the house or senate back after these thugs gave the state away to business on the backs of retirees and the poor…the pendulum is going to swing back to sanity after the flirtation with the tea party and it’s right wing radicals. You heard it here first….that’s about it for now…thinking is not coming easily right now….but is is so much better than this morning…I think I’ll do a no booze day count…might be fun to chronicle…
Well…yeah, I know…I’m not doing my job here but I just haven’t had much to say lately…I did have an okay day yesterday but I did have to turn the air con on to sleep last night…I just can’t get the picture out of my head that there was money going out of my wallet every time the thing came on…oh, well…went over to K’s yesterday for a little party and had some fun and I feel quite crappy this morning but today starts the being good for the summer phase so you won’t hear that from me anymore. I do have lunch with T today and I am looking forward to it and to the storms we are supposed to have later. I did get the bike cleaned up yesterday..it was just coated in crud and I didn’t even want to ride it….it is starting to look like it has the 7,000 miles on it that it does but that’s okay….that’s about it for now…I will be back later for politics and other stuff…
Okay…just thought I’d add a little to this one before I take off and go to lunch…..it was a really nice bike ride this morning but the wind was up again which always hurts like crazy…at least the real wind waited to come until I got back here….I don’t know if it’s me or not, but people seem to be getting nicer…yep, I’ll bet you never thought you’d hear that out of me but it appears that I’m seeing far fewer scowls and idiot behavior out there when I’m on my bike…or it could be that these people have seen me if full crazy mode on the bike before and it makes them laugh that an old guy like me tortures himself every day….don’t really care which…just hope it continues because it helps my mood considerably….more later….but it has been a slow news week again so nothing has outraged me…geez maybe I’m getting too mellow to keep doing this….
Well…a long day yesterday with all of the racing but it did get kind of boring at the end of the napcar race…haven’t been feeling that hot lately…just so damn tired all of the time but that might be from boredom….who knows? I am looking forward to today but I’m not going to do a lot..it is supposed to be hot and I’ll finally get the chance to get the biker’s tan evened out if it doesn’t rain. Not much else to say right now so I won’t say it. More later…
Well….reading the papers today, I was stuck by an opinion piece that was done by George Will asserting that Obama is breaking the law by not reporting to Congress about the activities in Libya…with ole George just apoplectic that any president, especially this one, would break the law not be held accountable. Geez, George, are you getting so old you have no memory? You were one of the cheerleaders when ole GW gutted the constitution and broke not only our laws, but international ones along with abrogating treaties with his approval of torture and the warrantless wiretapping of US citizens. Even when it was revealed that GW and his team ginned up the evidence to go to war in Iraq, you still supported him and you said not one peep that it was against the law. I am getting so tired when the rats on the right will do or say anything to try to bring down a sitting president but give the thugs on their side a free pass to lie, cheat, and steal…you are supposed to be some kind of intellectual voice from the right but right now you are just another talking point reader that has no integrity…but I guess you just fit in with all of the other hypocrites on the right….geez…
Well…was not good last night so I feel kind of crappy…so this one is going to be really short while I wait for the coffee…I’m done….be back later….
Okay…my humanity is returning after the first cup of coffee but the brain is still not working that well so you’ll have to bear with me…I do feel bad that Man U got just whipped on yesterday but I really expected them to lose so it was no surprise….in the middle of watching the Monaco GP which is the first of the three races to see today…the best day of the year for us race fans…I have to get the bike ride in after the GP since Indy starts at 11..I’m still like a little kid about Indy every year and can’t wait for 11…be back later with more…
Well…just sitting here waiting for the Man U match to start and thought I’d get to some of the musings that I promised a few days back…the rail trail is looking so cool now with the foliage finally filling in and making it a green tunnel that not even light can get through and that makes it it almost immune to the wind, too. Pretty neat stuff and the other day “No Quarter” came on when I entered the tunnel and it fit just so well that I couldn’t help grinning….as I’ve always said, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. It seems that lately the people on the trail are nicer, too, paying attention and reining in their dogs when I go by…maybe the “thank yous” are starting to help…hope so…it is nice to see smiles and not scowls when I blow past in a sprint. I do have to put the bike on the back of the car soon to take it to the car wash to clean it…it is as dirty as I can remember it and I am a little ashamed even thought I know that bikes are supposed to be dirty if you’re using them right.
I wasn’t going to talk about politics today but some heartening patterns are starting to emerge when we look at the overreach of the radical right wing of the repub party….they have lost almost every special election that has been held this year and people are rejecting their vision of America where all of the benefits of the country accrue to just the few rich and business. And we see the plummeting approval ratings of the repub governors that have pushed through anti worker legislation and given away their states to business. I hope the recall of gov Snyder gains steam here in Michigan since he is governing only to his base and his business masters…we are ripe for a revolution here where the dems are going to take back both houses and then where will that idiot be? Okay….the match is ready to start in a few so I’ll end here…
Well…it was a day yesterday, but that’s about all I’ll say for it. I did finally get back out on the bike and the legs were turbocharged after taking a couple of days off. Other than that, it was quite a bore of a day but I did manage to amuse myself somewhat. Man, when you can’t even remember what you did yesterday, your days must be really boring…or too many cocktails but that’s not it…I hope. There are things to do today…I have this to write while I wait for the coffee, for example…then qualifying for the Monaco GP at 8, then the big game with Man U and Barcelona slugging it out for the Champions League title…and then the nationwide race….it might be easier to stay amused with the help of this stuff…okay, the coffee is done so I’m going to settle in on the couch, read the papers, and veg…more later…
Well…reading and watching the news this morning and I came upon a little tidbit of information that dropped my jaw about 2 feet…with the widespread destruction in the middle of this country caused by the tornados and flooding, there is a need to do for these people what only government can do…manage the financial burden by giving FEMA and other agencies money that will help alleviate the suffering….well, not alleviate it but mitigate it some. But, what do we hear from the most evil man in the US House? That before he will even consider a supplemental appropriations bill to fund the recovery efforts, Eric Cantor rolls politics into and delays what should have been done yesterday…he won’t allow any bill to be voted on until the amount they are appropriating is cut from other parts of the budget. Yeah, that sound you just heard is my brain locking up with this nonsense….and to make matters worse, the repub controlled Missouri legislature and the other Missouri repub members of congress and senate support this evil man’s ideas….if you ever had any doubt about what the repubs are, here it is for all to see….keep tax breaks for oil companies but when the people are in need, tell them to go to hell…geez….
Well…I didn’t get back with the musings as I promised but you know that’s not unusual…I did have an okay day yesterday even with the rain…my legs are pain free for the first time this year so that is a plus to not riding for two days…..but, I’ll be stupid and go out for 20+ today and they’ll hurt later. The heat should not be running at the end of May….and I should be able to lie out in the sun….okay, no flow again today so I’m going to stop for a couple of minutes and hit the couch…more later…
Back again….and the brain still isn’t working but I thought I’d try again…not much to do today…got the grocery run done yesterday to beat the crowds so all I have to do is ride the bike…everyone is out of town so it looks like I’ll be hanging out alone and that is not bad when I take into account that Man U is playing in the champions league final sat aft and then there are wall to wall races Sunday so I’ll have plenty to do…it will be nice to have this place open after cooking yesterday…it does kind of smell like cooking and I need to air it out….still more later…
Well…okay, I will have a little bit of a political commentary…I have never seen so much backpedaling happening since the last time I went to the circus…I should feel bad for Paul Ryan when even members of his own party are running away from his budget plan but I don’t…I have absolutely no feeling but contempt for these radical idiots who think a mid-term election win that is fueled by their base gives them a “mandate” to impose not just radical but stupid economic policies on the rest of us. This whole austerity nonsense is starting to show up in a marked slowdown in the economy and higher unemployment just when we should be putting our foot on the gas to ensure that the recovery doesn’t falter….and I would rather listen to a Nobel winning economist like Paul Krugman who has been taking these idiots to task….you can’t cut your way to prosperity, but that is becoming the accepted wisdom from the repubs….what “wisdom” they have which is not much…
Okay….it was political…but I didn’t mean it to be that way….I will be back with just some musings later….the trail is looking really cool and I have to tell you about that…