Well…yeah, I know…I’m not doing my job here but I just haven’t had much to say lately…I did have an okay day yesterday but I did have to turn the air con on to sleep last night…I just can’t get the picture out of my head that there was money going out of my wallet every time the thing came on…oh, well…went over to K’s yesterday for a little party and had some fun and I feel quite crappy this morning but today starts the being good for the summer phase so you won’t hear that from me anymore. I do have lunch with T today and I am looking forward to it and to the storms we are supposed to have later. I did get the bike cleaned up yesterday..it was just coated in crud and I didn’t even want to ride it….it is starting to look like it has the 7,000 miles on it that it does but that’s okay….that’s about it for now…I will be back later for politics and other stuff…
Okay…just thought I’d add a little to this one before I take off and go to lunch…..it was a really nice bike ride this morning but the wind was up again which always hurts like crazy…at least the real wind waited to come until I got back here….I don’t know if it’s me or not, but people seem to be getting nicer…yep, I’ll bet you never thought you’d hear that out of me but it appears that I’m seeing far fewer scowls and idiot behavior out there when I’m on my bike…or it could be that these people have seen me if full crazy mode on the bike before and it makes them laugh that an old guy like me tortures himself every day….don’t really care which…just hope it continues because it helps my mood considerably….more later….but it has been a slow news week again so nothing has outraged me…geez maybe I’m getting too mellow to keep doing this….