People are going to die…

Well…with the idiot trump’s hatred of fact based science, he just shut down the NIH or National Institute of Health and that will end any medical research in this country and around the world…and I told you maga voters that this crap is going to kill people…no more new drugs, no more new medical breakthroughs at all because the NIH is the largest funder of studies in the world and now the US will become a backwater of the world in science on new vaccines and disease treatment and the brain drain to other countries is make us permanently behind…pharmacuetical companies will cease to be able to bring any new drugs to market since the NIH is essential to approving the drugs and now there is no entity that will follow the law that says they need approval…and that can’t be rescinded with a stupid executive order…and we know the reason this is happening and that is the NIH pissed idiot boy off by continuing to function during the start of the covid pandemic and made him look as stupid as he is…petty bullshit that really is going to kill hundreds of thousands more than he did during covid…and he’s just getting started…geez…

Hit the wall shoveling…

Well…damn, we got another foot of snow overnight and, with the wind blowing like crazy, the drifts were even higher and bigger than yesterday…so much snow that I hit the wall before I finished the driveway…started to shake and couldn’t lift any more so I dropped the shovel where I was and came in for some lunch since I didn’t eat much yesterday and I needed the fuel…feel good now and went back out and finished up the driveway and digging out the snow thrown onto the sidewalks by the plow…and yes, they did plow the street here today and I’m pretty damn surprised…so I decided to wait to work on the alley with fingers crossed that they will get out here and plow it…and I just checked on mychart and my next dr appointment is not until the third of Feb when I thought it was Monday…so, no stress at all since I have enough food for a good week…Man U plays this aft in the Europa League so I need to find a political topic and get that done….

January 23rd

Well…we got another foot of snow overnight and it’s still snowing right now and I am sore from shoveling…we’re still under a winter storm warning until 10am and there are bands of lake effect that will be coming through for a few more inches…and that will make two feet of snow in the past two days and I don’t think I’ve seen this much snow since the 1978 blizzard that shut down the whole state…I may only do two rides on the bike today but we’ll see after I get moving…I will need to make some bean coffee since I only have two cups or so in the coffee maker…have been sleeping okay lately but I don’t feel like it right now…all the stress from shoveling and not being able to get out of here is wearing on me and I’ll need to do the alley today…at least it’s a little warmer and I’ve been able to get through the shoveling without freezing by heating my gloves and boots before I put them on…I am glad I shoveled yesterday or I’d be out there for three hours today…going to need to cook something tomorrow and I think it will be potato soup to go along with the ham that I thawed…I do have ingredients for Masala and just need to thaw the chicken…and I can do pasta…maybe some fettucini alfredo?  Not much to do today…just need to get going before 7am so I can do three rides before 11, then lunch and out to do the snow…more later…

Way too damn much snow…

Well…I finally got out to do the first pass at the snow around 2 this afternoon and it took me an hour just to do the walks and in front of my garage door…had knee high drifts all the way to the garage, on the east side of the house, and along the front of both lots…and we are forecast to get a foot more before it’s over at 10am Thursday…needless to say, I won’t be going anywhere for a week or so and that means cancelling a dentist and doctor appointment that are scheduled for Friday and Monday…oh, well…this is by far the most snow we’ve had out here in the four years I’ve lived here and I really hope it stops soon…it’s wearing me out…I wonder how many calories an hour of hard shoveling burns? Okay, just looked it up and it says 600 calories…so that’s cool…

Dragging grandmothers out of churches…

Well…it appears that the orange idiot is keeping one of his campaign promises to deport 12 million people…and he sent his ICE thugs in churches, schools, and hospitals to do it…and yes, that means he sent those thugs in to check everyone’s papers even though it’s unconstitutional to do so…there is no law that says you have to have ID on you and the courts have specifically said you don’t…so now you can guess what is going to happen…US citizens are going to get locked up with no due process since that’s how they treat undocumented immigrants…the first photos from these raids show exactly that they did drag one grandmother out of a church and another one was being treated at a hospital when the ICE agents dragged her right out of the emergency room…this is what you voted for trump voters…and you’d better have ID on you at all times or you’ll be in the idiot trump’s gulags, too…I sure hope it happens to all of you morons…geez…

January 22nd

Well…up and down all night and out of bed at 5:37 anticipating the winter storm and 8-12 inches of snow today…I know I’ve lived in Michigan my whole life and snow is part of it but I just need a break…at least it’s all the way up to 12 degrees instead of single digits right now…my friend T spent the night in her mom’s hospital room anticipating the end after 5 years of dementia care and I feel for her…it’s worn her out and I hope she can find some peace soon…so my whining about snow seems pretty small to me and I find I’m doing that a lot lately….hmmm…I did have leftover whole bean coffee this morning and it’s nice to have to start the day…but I’ll be changing over to drip for the next cup….think I’m going to grind beans for the next pot of drip on Friday….need to do some meal planning today to figure out what ingredients I have and what they will make…pasta and garlic bread and some more masala along with the container of ham soup I took out of the freezer last night….not much to do today…have to get on the bike in 35 minutes to get three rides in but I’m really not feeling it right now…but I need to get off my butt and get moving…it was so cold in the basement yesterday that I had to wear gloves to ride indoors and that sucks…just worn out from the extreme weather…damn, I’m feeling old today…more later…

Shoveling the alley…

Well…after shoveling all the walks, my hands had moved through cold to pain so I left the driveway until I got in here and warmed up a bit…after all, it was only 3 out there still with some wind…while I was doing that shoveling, I lit up all three burners on the grill in the garage and in the half hour the shoveling took, it got up to almost 40 degrees in there so now I know that I can heat up the car to get out for the grocery run tomorrow if I want…still will connect the battery box to give the car battery some help but it should start…and it just did and  made a run out to Meijers since the winter weather advisory has been upgraded to a winter storm warning for tomorrow…8-12 inches of snow and winds of 40 plus…and that means the roads here will be impassible…they are barely passable right now and I’ll never be able to get out of here til next week at the earliest….crap…I am tired of shoveling the damn alley and everything else…and just as I had the alley almost done, a plow truck came and did the rest of the alley so my timing sucked..oh, well…time to hunker down…

No more rule of law…

Well…one of the first things the criminal in chief did yesterday was to pardon all of the thugs who attacked this country on January 6th and with that one stroke, the rule of law is gone in this country…and it has been replaced by the rule of trump…that you can do anything to benefit idiot boy and there will be no consequences at all…and that is telegraphed to the thugs in his administration that they can ignore the constitution and don’t ever have to fear being held accountable…I know I’ve been railing about this and told you this was going to happen…and the both sider pundits out there clucked that he wouldn’t dare to do that, that tradition wouldn’t let him and they have been normalizing his criminal behavior since the first time the maga asses inflicted him on this country…so now I guess his minions can start shooting people on his enemies list and they will be pardoned…this is fascism, folks…plain and simple…geez…

January 21st

Well…it didn’t get down to 0 last night but it is 2 degrees out there right now and that is cold enough…and it started snowing right after I shoveled yesterday and snowed the rest of the day and it looks like we got at least 6 more inches so I’ll be out shoveling at some point today….the furnace has been running about every 10 minutes and I don’t even want to see the gas bill…it will probably be the highest since I bought this place…and we still are under a winter weather advisory until tomorrow…at least it’s warming up into the 20′s Wed and then we stay in them until the end of the month…going to have to shovel the alley…again…to be able to get out of here for the grocery run Thurs…running out of bird food and need to pick up 20 more pounds….don’t have to cook today with soup and stir fry leftovers so that will make for an easy day today but will try to get three rides in starting at around 7…went to bed early again last night and slept okay but I still feel pretty crappy today…like I do every day…got the bad news that T’s mother is in the hospital and dying…probably won’t make it through the week and I feel so bad for her…they have been close her whole life and it’s going to leave a big void…crap…more later…

“I’m too cold”

Well…never had my mp-3 player flash an “I’m too cold” warning until I used it to play some music while out shoveling the snow today…still only 5 degrees out here heading down to zero or below tonight and my hands could only take the half hour it took to clear all the snow…I did get three rides in today even though I felt like crap when I got up…pretty sure I’m not eating enough and that will continue today with having a bowl of soup and some stir fry that I’m going to make for dinner…the ham soup I made for lunch came out great and I put 3 2 quart containers in the freezer and one in the fridge…and I have another bone and some chunks of ham to make another batch when these are gone…will probably have one going until this batch is done…so now it’s 2:30 and I am done for the day other than the stir fry…

What you never want to be….