Well…okay…you guys all know I’m pretty old since I talk about retirement and old guy stuff once in a while..but, I really do try to keep that to a minimum to not bore my younger readers…but, today I am going to talk a little about Medicare and the changes I made this morning. The biggest problem with conventional Medicare is that, if you have an extended hospital stay, you are on the hook for 20% of it no matter what the cost…and it is pretty easy to get into six figures for even just a short stay….and that means a bill for me of over 20K and I just couldn’t pay that. So, this morning, I switched over to a Medicare advantage plan that any hospital stay of any length will only cost me 4K at the most and they start paying all of the bill after 7 days in the hospital…so, that reduces my exposure to going broke quite a bit and it only costs an extra 9 bucks a month…and that include basic prescription coverage, too…that I just found out increases in cost for every month you don’t have coverage. I still may add some dental coverage in the next month but I want to think about that for a while…and I have two months to make that decision…so, that takes a load off some and I even get to keep my doctors…pretty cool…and I am going to celebrate that by doing nothing the rest of the day…and month for that matter…no more later…
Monthly Archives: November 2018
Another two for the B-3 count…
Well…after talking to T the other day and her question if I remembered the song “dragging the line” by Tommy James, I got sucked into youtube again looking at videos of music that I have in my playlists that I use on the bike every day…one of those is “Dark eyed Cajun woman” by the Doobie Brothers and I had never seen that they used a Hammond B-3 organ before so I am going to add them to the B-3 count. I also saw a commercial on tv with Elton John in it that covered his career from the start until now and, though I thought he just played piano, there is one shot of him playing a B-3 so I’ll add that to the B-3 count, too….
Restoring the rule of law…
Well…with all of the fireworks that have been going off in the Mueller investigation and the emphasis on who is a crook and what crimes they committed, one really important facet of the investigation has been overlooked…that what Mueller is really doing is trying to restore the rule of law in this country that has been all but destroyed by the repubs over the past few years. As I’ve written before, the repubs have been acting like the laws of this country don’t apply to them and the constitution is just for suckers unless they can use it to attack people they don’t like…but now, with the Cohen guilty plea yesterday of lying to Congress, Mueller has signaled that all of the laws of this country are to be followed or there will be consequences…and guess who that puts right in the crosshairs of Mueller and the dem congress in January? Yep, Donnie Jr. and Jeff Sessions to name just a couple…but also almost every other trump associate who testified to support the trump lies about Russia and the campaign. So, there are going to be a lot of things to look forward to in the next month or so…meltdowns of idiot boy are going to be delicious…impeach…
Yow…they raided Deutsche Bank yesterday…
Well…another day, another raid on the top money laundering bank in the world yesterday, Deutsche Bank. This one should have the idiot trump shaking…and it does if his tweets about the Mueller investigation yesterday are any indication. Remember that when every other bank in the world cut off idiot boy’s access to capital, Deutsche Bank was the lone bank that would deal with trump…and it just happens that they have been laundering money out of Russia for decades…I wonder what that connection is? Look, it has been clear for some time that trump has been laundering dirty Russian money through real estate for years…but the majority of that was from the oligarch thieves who were pillaging the Russian economy…what is going to come out from this raid is that the Russian government was paying off trump and his cronies by providing the money that Deutsche bank was loaning trump….now, this is just speculation on my part but with how the Russians have groomed trump over the years, it would not surprise me if this is the truth. Another raid that happened yesterday was to the offices of a Chicago alderman whose accounting firm just happened to be employed by trump for the past decade, with their relationship just ending earlier this year. Wanna bet that these two raids are connected? With these latest happenings I have only one piece of advice for trump and his cronies…run! Run fast and run far…you are all going to jail if you don’t…Saudi Arabia would be a good place for you…impeach…
November 30th
Well…running a little late this morning and I just can’t get going….feel worn out today and kind of sore from sleeping on my right shoulder…that pain kept me up part of the night and I should have taken something for it since it is a tendon problem and I need to get the swelling down to make the pain go away…I did have to help K with her dog last night and that is a sad thing…not sure I want to think about that right now….I know I was going to get some work done around here yesterday but just didn’t get to it…not sure if I’m going to do much today but I do need to change my Medicare plan so I guess that will be the goal for the day…it’s not too much work but I need to decide how much I want to spend on it…9 bucks more a month or 35 bucks more…need to think about that a little…not much to do today…I do need to get some pork chops in a marinade for tomorrow but that is about it…more later….
This is what happens when an idiot thinks he’s a genius…
Well…haven’t been watching much news lately, preferring to read print instead but last night I turned on Rachel since there was nothing good on tv and, without cocktails, I get bored pretty easily. It was an interesting show comparing what crimes Nixon was impeached for to what the idiot trump has been doing since he was installed. The conclusion was that trump is much, much worse…attempting to obstruct justice on an almost hourly basis and using the same tactics as Nixon did to subvert the Justice Department. One of the details of obstruction, and written right into the law, is dangling a pardon in front of people who are essential to the investigation into crimes committed by the president…something that idiot boy does on a daily basis and especially in regard to Paul Manafort. With it being revealed that Manfort blew up his plea agreement with Mueller by lying to and spying on Mueller and his investigation, I can see trump sitting in the WH thinking he is the most clever person in the world by getting Manafort to do that…but, Mueller is playing eleventy dimension chess while trump is playing checkers….there was a reason that none of the past few days revelations came out until trump had submitted his answers to Mueller’s questions…Mueller knew that Manafort was spying and lying and he knew that with the coordination between trump’s and Manfort’s lawyers, he had the evidence that trump was committing perjury in those answers…this was all because trump is an idiot who thinks he is a genius and truly believed that he was smarter than Mueller…and everyone who has ever listened to trump knows that is a huge laugh. Today, the dominoes continued to tumble with the pleas of Michael Cohen to many more crimes that he did for trump…and, with 70 hours more testimony, Cohen has given Mueller what must be getting close to being the final nails in trump’s coffin. No matter what trump wishes for, the Mueller investigation is not winding down but speeding up and it looks like the timing of the release of the report should be just when the dems take charge of the House and can use the information to reveal just how big a bag of crooks that trump and his cronies are….and I just can’t wait…impeach…
November 29th
Well…I’m a little irritated this morning after doing the grocery run and Meijers being out of my cocktail materials…I’ve been good all week and that was something I was looking forward to…and Family Fare keeps theirs locked up in the morning to keep the high schoolers from shoplifting them so that was out, too…oh, well…I guess I’ll just go out after I get the workout in…slept okay last night and feel pretty good after the third day of being good and I think I may just continue that tonight even if I can get the cocktail stuff…I did break down and buy some red meat this morning since there was no other cheap protein on sale this week…I mean, how can you pass up pork chops for 99 cents a pound? But, this won’t be continued as soon as I can get some chicken for the same price…I do have a couple of breasts in the freezer that I will thaw after I use the fish I have marinating overnight…I did try to figure out why the drivers door speaker doesn’t work and couldn’t easily so I am going to just leave it til spring or til a winter thaw…can’t tell the difference anyway and that one must have been dead for quite a while…didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I am going to clean the bathroom today and try to get the flat surfaces in the kitchen done, too…but, I’m not really motivated right now…maybe more coffee will help? More later….
Well…not going to talk about the WH idiot today…as I’ve said, I need to talk about other things to keep my sanity…what little there is of it…intact…over the past couple of months after going out to Kos a few times a day, I’ve noticed a couple of things…first, even with the pie fights that erupt sometimes over politics, there are a lot of really nice people that hang out there and the mood is normally pretty upbeat with the overriding theme that we can make the world a better place by staying true to progressive values, supporting a science and fact based world, and looking for and valuing the truth in our daily discourse. One thing that has alarmed me some is the almost daily fundraising that is necessary to keep our fellow members from homelessness and medical bankruptcy…and my question is why? In a country as rich as ours, why the hell can’t we take care of everyone’s health like almost every other first world country does? Just today, there was a couple at Kos that were running a fundraiser to get to the 1,500 dollars they needed for copays so that one of them could go for cancer treatment…let that sink in…there are many people who don’t have the money to save their lives because medical care is not covered…just like the woman here in GR who was turned away from a life saving heart transplant and told that she needed to go out and fund raise the 15K to get the process started before the hospital would do anything…that is just one the most sick things I have ever heard…we have trillions to give away to the rich and corporations but people who are months away from dying without proper medical care are told they are on their own and need to come up with cash before they can be saved. I lived that life for 16 years before Medicare kicked in…there was not one day that the small pain in my chest didn’t trigger dread in my mind that I was going to end up in the hospital and lose every thing I worked my entire life for just because health insurance was too expensive for me to afford…and the stress was there every day, wondering if there was some chronic disease like cancer or heart disease that was building up and just waiting to attack…something that could have been so much less serious if it would have been caught in the early stages by preventive care that I couldn’t afford. Why? I worked my whole life until our rotten society deemed that I was no longer worth a job just because I had gotten older…and corporations were allowed or even encouraged to discriminate against mature workers by chasing every dime of profit for the owner class while wages stagnated and everyone else kept going backwards. Again, I ask why? Even now, with moving to a Medicare advantage plan, I am still on the hook for 4,000 dollars a year if anything happens to put me in the hospital…right now, I can afford that, but that is almost 20% of what I get from SS every year and if that happens, I can see having to make some hard decisions like do I eat or pay my bills…and, no one should have to make those decisions after a lifetime of hard work and education….
November 28th
Well…running about on time this morning with forcing myself to stay in bed until 6 or so…woke up at 4:44 but that just wasn’t going to cut it so, for the first time in a long time, I decided to just lie there in bed and try to go back to sleep…and it worked kind of…I may have slept a half hour of the extra hour and 15 minutes but that is better than nothing…feel pretty good this morning…for me…was good last night but that made it a little boring so I even went to bed early since I was falling asleep sitting on the couch…but, that didn’t help getting to sleep and that is a little weird….my new speakers for the car came yesterday and I installed them but have another problem…the passengers side worked okay but the driver’s side is still dead and I don’t know how long that has been…will have to take a look at it later today but I really don’t feel any sense of urgency so I’ll get to it when I get to it…didn’t get anything else done yesterday but figuring out my new Medicare plan and need to sign up for that by the 7th of next month so it will start Jan 1…will get more benefits for only 9 bucks more a month so that is a good deal…I do need to start cleaning around here and I will get to that today….bathroom and kitchen need work along with vacuuming so I shouldn’t be too bored today…more later….
Manafort is scared of the Russians…
Well…it appears that Paul Manafort is going to jail for the rest of his life by continuing to lie to Mueller in violation of his plea agreement…the first question that popped into my head was why did he make that decision…he knew that Mueller would know he was lying and that it would put him away for the rest of his life, so why is that the better choice? I think the pardon from idiot boy is still on the table…but I’m sure Mueller has that move covered by state charges that can be filed in NY or Virginia…but, I think there is more to it…I think Manafort is scared of the Russians…after all, there have been at least 5 murders of Putin’s opponents in just this past year, and he has shown that he can get to anyone, anywhere so maybe it’s self preservation on Manfort’s part…if he gets out of jail alive, he knows way too much about Russian oligarchs for Putin to allow him to roam free….or, maybe he’s just as dumb as the rest of the liars that infest the trump orbit and thought he could continue to lie and get away with it? Whatever the case, another idiot goes to jail…it won’t be the last….impeach…