Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The first frickin witness…

Well…the idiot trump’s trial continued today and the first witness…the first frickin witness drove the nails into idiot boy’s coffin when he said he conspired with trump to both effect the election by helping pay off Stormy Daniels, and also to do the same thing by running false stories about Hillary Clinton in his paper, the National Inquirer…and there are more to come with one of the idiot’s top aides, Hope Hicks, who was in the meetings when they talked about the conspiracy to commit election fraud…and then the paper trail that the idiot left behind will be introduced and, from what I’ve read, that nails him to the center of the conspiracy…cripes, they even have the check that idiot boy signed personally to pay Cohen back for paying off Stormy…oh, and at the hearing on trump’s violation of the gag order he is under, his brilliant lawyers revealed two more times he violated the order…and he’s paying these guys a million bucks a week? Geez…

He has to just sit there…

Well…this is just so rich…as his trial in the election payoffs start, none of the tricks he uses to make his points like scowling at people, talking over them, and lying constantly are going to be allowed to work in the courtroom…so he has to just sit there as the prosecution calls witnesses and they testify that yes, he was involved in the business records fraud and the only time he can comment is before or after court…and even then the gag order he is under prevents him from commenting on them or anything that happened in court…he is not in control of any of it, and he doesn’t have the comfort he gets from his glassy eyed followers fawning all over him…and I don’t feel bad about that at all…for someone who has done so much damage to the US and world, he deserves anything he gets….geez…

He really does stink…

Well…the idiot trump in the courtroom is too damn funny to start with as the potential jurors laid into him and told him the truth about what non maga people think of him…and he has to sit there and listen to it under penalty of contempt of court if he makes faces, comments, and generally tries to disrupt the courtroom…and do you remember the stories from a couple of months ago that quoted a bunch of people who have been around him that he has a bad smell to him all the time…and that was confirmed yesterday when it was reported that his lawyers commented that he farts almost constantly and the smell is eye watering…and those guys have to sit next to him the entire time…so now I guess trump stinks both figuratively and literally…I sill think he’s going to have a stroke bottling up all his rage when he is chastised by the judge for his antics…and we have at least three more weeks before he is convicted…geez…

He’s no longer in control..

Well…I’ll bet it’s eating the idiot trump up that he is no longer in control of his life…and no whining, scowling, or sleeping in court is going to change that…and yes, he fell asleep in court again today…and the judge told him that he WILL be in court for the contempt hearing tomorrow…and with all of the trials stacked up against him…I’ll bet he has a frickin stroke before this trial ends…it’s well known that idiot boy uses adderall to stay awake all night when he is on his losing truth social…and this has to be a shock to his system after getting away with crimes his entire life and now he has to sit there where and when the judge tells him and only talk when he is allowed to…damn, this is delicious…I think I may have to go out to Kos and read some about the trial….geez…

Ha, Ha, Ha…”sleepy Joe”

Well…I just laughed my butt off after reading reports on the idiot’s first trial in NYC…you remember the slur that the idiot trump continually uses at his fascist rallies, don’t you? The “sleepy Joe Biden” bullshit? That is why I laughed so hard when I read that idiot boy fell asleep just an hour into his trial today…how the hell do you do that when you’re sitting there under the weight of over 30 felonies? Oh, and the other thing that made me laugh is that idiot boy’s lawyers have been given 4 days to put together an argument for why trump shouldn’t be jailed for contempt for violating the gag order he is under when he then attacked court personnel and the daughter of the judge over the weekend…and the judge basically told trump that there will be no “antics” in the courtroom or idiot boy will be jailed…damn, I would have loved to see the look on idiot boy’s face when that happened…I’ll bet he’ll have a stroke before the trial is over…geez…

Happy first trial eve!

Well…for all of us who celebrate, happy first trial eve! Tomorrow starts the process of finally holding the idiot trump liable for his crimes and it was too long a wait for me…and idiot boy has thrown everything at delaying it…you know, you would think if you’re not guilty, you’d want a speedy trial but nope…the idiot filed 4 delays just last week and every one of them was swatted away by the appeals court and the judge in the case…we know from the evidence that trump is cooked since cohen did 3 years on the same charges and I would hope that is the minimum that idiot boy gets…and he should get more since cohen didn’t falsify records like trump did…so for conviction on 4 felonies he should get a minimum of 10 years…I can’t wait for later tonight when the idiot will post a hundred screeds attacking everyone and everything since his personality disorders won’t let him stay silent…and he could end up in jail from that…we can only hope…geez…

Fingers crossed…

Well…as every attempt to delay the idiot boys Monday trial have been swatted aside over the past couple of weeks, I sit here with my fingers crossed that his lawyers keep up the incompetency and the trial goes forward with jury selection Monday…I’m still laughing at the claims of “absolute immunity” and the idiot howling that if he doesn’t get immunity, every president can be charged with crimes…yeah, no…you actually have to commit crimes for that to happen and there were 45 other presidents that didn’t…and the idiot has to be there for the trial where he is charged with 33 felonies of committing business fraud to pay hush money before the 2016 election…from what I’ve read, they have him for these crimes and Michael Cohen was already put in prison for the same crimes so a conviction should be easy…but I don’t have a lot of confidence that he is going to get jail time for any conviction…as always he will appeal all the way to the SC and his toadies on the court just might let him off…not for any problem with the trial…they will make up law to protect him as they made up law to overturn Roe and allow corporate money to buy elections with Citizens United…it will still be interesting to watch and know he is a convict…and polling has said that people think these crimes are serious and even 10% of repubs say they won’t vote for him if he is convicted…we can only hope…geez…

Fundraising lies…

Well…with everyone freaking out about the idiot trump raising 50 million dollars in one night, the only thing I have to say is where is the paperwork? There is no proof that he raised that much…no FEC filing, only idiot boy saying he raised that much money…and everyone in the world knows that idiot boy lies about everything…and I still have a beef with the media that just takes his word for it and prints the stories as if they are true…and they go back to this old saw…”how is trump raising 50 million dollars bad for Joe Biden?” Especially when we all know any money he raised is going to go to pay his legal bills…not for campaigning…just into his pocket and then he’ll milk the rubes for even more…don’t believe a word this liar says…geez…

I predicted it…

Well…with the stock in the idiot trump’s latest scam in freefall…I just want to say “told you so” but I have no feeling at all for the trumper idiots who gave him millions of dollars for stock in a company that had 1.4 million dollars in revenue last year and lost 52 million in that same time frame…I sure idiot boy was counting on his followers to be ignorant about reading the prospectus from the IPO and not sophisticated enough to understand that the fundamentals for the stock makes it not much more than a penny stock and that’s why not one institutional investor would touch it…maga folks, you have been lied to and scammed again…is this the one that will make you see idiot boy for what he is? Nope…these people are not too bright…geez…

I’ve talked about this before…

Well…everything he touches dies…you know I’ve talked about this before, but with the utter collapse of the pillow guys company even before the lawsuits go to trial that was announced yesterday, I’ve got to say it again…anything the idiot trump touches dies…and I sit here thinking about what these people have done to themselves in service of one of the worst people on the planet…where would rudy be today if he had the smarts to run the other way when idiot boy came down that gold escalator…he sure wouldn’t be having all of his property seized to pay off the 148 million dollar defamation judgement in Georgia…and where would ronna romney be if she didn’t throw in with idiot boy? She may still have the NBC job that was rescinded yesterday…and the pillow guy might still have his business..even though they are shitty pillows and it was probably going to fail after people found out…I still can’t figure it out why they doubled and tripled down in the ride to the bottom that could have been avoided if they had one ounce of smarts…I don’t feel for them, though…they all should be in jail…geez…