Well…with the blatant, open corruption that is being led by William Barr at the Justice Department on a daily basis, we now are going to have the chance to see just how corrupt it has become…just this morning, Adam Schiff, the chair of the House Intelligence committee, said he plans to make a criminal referral to the DOJ about Erik Prince’s testimony to the committee since the evidence shows that Prince lied to the committee about his meeting with the Russians in the Seychelle Islands…saying that the meeting with a Russian banker was just a “chance encounter” but Mueller evidence shows that there was preparation for the meeting with a set agenda that dealt with “improving” US and Russian relations. So, just another idiot in the trump orbit trying to work with the Russians and then lying about it to congress but with the new twist that trump now has his personal “fixer” in Barr who will find many, many bogus reasons to not bring these clear charges of perjury…and by this action, the Justice department loses a little more credibility that the dems will have to step in and fix when trump and his minions are gone…impeach…
Monthly Archives: April 2019
April 30th
Well…not sure how I want to start this one today…it’s the end of the month and another month that I made the goal of two a day but I have been doing that for years now so that’s not really any accomplishment…hmmm…I did sleep pretty crappy last night if that’s a way to start…but, I don’t feel too bad so I guess I can live with that…and taking the day off the bike really helped my legs and feet…not too sore today but I do have an overall stiffness that is probably that I’m just getting old and will have to live with that…I did work on the bike yesterday trying to get the oil and crud out of the shifter and sprockets and did get some of it out but without some high pressure water, there is just so much I can do…I did re lube the shifter and chain after I finished since I noticed that the chain is showing some wear and will probably have to be replaced soon….I am hoping to get out on the bike later today but may have lunch with T so that will make it quite late and maybe warm enough…I just hate the cold lately and I refuse to go back to long pants and gloves…it is almost May after all…I haven’t even gotten into shorts yet this year and it looks like that is going to wait a while yet…not much to do today…just going to ease into the day and have more coffee…I am going to buy some eggs for the first time this year since my daily deals store has extra large ones for 79 cents a dozen…I know I shouldn’t eat them since they will probably kill me but I do miss making omelets and having them sunny side up with toast….more later….
Is there no integrity anymore?
Well…I sure hope you’re laughing at that title because you know, when we talk about anyone in trump’s orbit, there never was any integrity about anything…and you just have to look at Rod Rosenstein and William Barr to emphasize that. We all know what a shill for the idiot trump Barr is…but, just this past weekend, in a speech he gave and in some reporting, Rosenstein was revealed to be just as much in the tank for trump…regularly giving him updates on the investigation into him in direct contravention of DOJ rules and, more than that, against any bit of personal integrity that Rosenstein should have shown given the supposed independence of the DOJ. Ole rod was shown to be the worm that he is when he did all of this in fear of losing his job…yep, he helped destroy the DOJ and the US just so he could protect his pension and fawned all over trump just for that purpose, telling him he was on trump’s “team” and could “land the plane” of the Mueller report so it would not hurt trump. I know I’ve used this analogy before, but it is still pertinent to these behaviors by Barr and Rosenstein…now, when John Gotti was under investigation, would it have been proper for the FBI or the DOJ to give him “updates” on how the investigation of him was going? Yeah, we all know the answer to that one…no, no NO! Rosenstein has now cemented his place in American history as the worst deputy AG that has ever been in the DOJ and I really hope that the media will keep pounding this until he ends up an ambulance chaser in Podunk…that’s all he deserves…impeach…
April 29th
Well…I think I’m about on time today with getting up at about 5:45 and not even trying to go back to sleep…I mean, what’s the point? I even went to bed late last night and that may be why I’m feeling a little worn out today…well…not a little…a lot worn out and I’m not sure why today should be any different from any other day…at least my toe doesn’t hurt anymore so I guess that’s progress….it looks like I won’t be getting on the bike today with the rain starting in a few minutes and forecast to continue all day…and, it’s going to be cold, too and that’s a combo that I just don’t want to endure anymore…so, I think I’ll do a complete clean up on the bike since it was so greasy and dirty when I worked on it the other day…going to use some dish soap and let it soak for an hour or so to get the shifter and sprockets clean…didn’t get a damn thing done yesterday but I will clean some and cook this afternoon…have some chicken that needs to be used and have the rest of the fixings for another pizza that I’ll use tomorrow….won’t put garlic on the next one…used a small clove chopped for the last one and the garlic taste was just overwhelming…not right for a pizza…more later…
Yow, Kansas!
Well…not sure if you noticed, but the supreme court of Kansas just stunned me and almost everybody else when they ruled that their state constitution protects bodily autonomy..and that means the absolute right of a woman to control her body and terminate her pregnancy. The cool thing about this ruling is that the determined that there are “inalienable rights” that are immune from government intrusion and that self determination and control of ones body is one of those rights…but the ruling didn’t stop there…it determined that all individuals are free to excise personal autonomy and are free to make choices about how to conduct their own lives. One of the parts of this ruling that I find most heartening is that it is not reviewable by the US supreme court and the right wing ideologues who have been installed there by McConnell…so this ruling affirming personal rights can’t be reversed by the legislature, either…so the repub assholes who live for taking away women’s rights to control their own bodies made a huge miscalculation by trying to make them second class citizens in Kansas and the court slapped them down….now, let’s hope that this ruling will be a challenge to the rest of us to do what we can to protect the rights of our sisters, daughters and friends…and of all women by voting the repubs out in 2020…
April 28th
Well…I can walk this morning! My right big toe hurt so bad when I got up yesterday that I could barely walk and I know it was from how contorted I sleep at times…tried not to do that last night and the pain is almost gone this morning so that is cool…I still have the low level pain in my legs from all the riding last week but that’s manageable and is not going to keep me off the bike today…but, I am going to have to wait to go out since it is still in the low 30′s right now…even had to scrape the windshield on the car this morning since it had snow on it…ick…sure hope it’s the last time I have to do that…didn’t get much done yesterday but cook and today is a leftover day so no cooking…but that leaves me with way too much time on my hands so I guess I’ll clean some later after I have my coffee and read the news some…there is lots of sports on starting with soccer in a couple of minutes and then F1 and the napcar race this afternoon…oh, and Man U plays but I am not excited about that with how crappy they have been playing….more later…
Taking the day off…
Well…still just damn exhausted still today and I thought I’d figured that out…but then this afternoon came and it’s hard to get up off the couch again…I’m sure part of it is the double miles I did this week and I know that I didn’t eat enough to support it…but, I wonder why I still feel so full even with eating only two little boneless skinless chicken thighs and a half a roasted potato…I’m even uncomfortable and that is wrong somehow…oh, well…oh, taking the day off…I decided this morning I was going to take the day off of everything today…I’m way more beat up than I recognized when I got up and I’ve even had to take some ibuprofen to be able to tolerate it…and my brain is just not into thinking today and I don’t want to hear anything about politics so that means I don’t want to write about it, either…so, this is all you get today…I have done almost 10 extra ones for the month already so I don’t feel too bad giving up today…okay, I do but not bad enough to do anything about it….no more later…
April 27th
Well…cripes, I’m sore this morning and hobbling around here like I’m old or something…slept with my right foot folded under me and now my big toe on that foot hurts and that makes walking a little painful…and my legs are feeling the 150 miles I did on the bike this week…but, I did make my goal of 1,000 miles before May 1st so I guess that’s something….and I did get the back wheel almost straight after breaking a spoke and that surprised me…felt sure I’d have a wobble in it but it looks good so I am going to leave it alone…back to not sleeping again so there will be a nap sometime today since I am just exhausted sitting here doing this…part of that could be that could be all the riding this week, too, since I didn’t adjust my food intake to match up with the extra riding…I am going to cook today so maybe I can make up for it today…making some boneless/skinless chicken thighs for lunch but I’m not sure what I’ll have with them…maybe a salad since I have all the fixings for that in the fridge….not much to do today…I am going to skip the bike ride today since it is going to be cold and I need the rest…and, it’s going to snow later with maybe 3-4 inches overnight and that is depressing so my day will be cleaning but not now…going to ease into it with more coffee and some F1 practice before soccer starts….more later….
No collusion, no obstruction? Yeah, right…
Well…I wonder if the idiots trump and Barr think that no one in this country can read….after Barr’s lying press conference that attempted to clear trump of all charges of obstruction of justice and collusion with the Russians, idiot boy has been bleating all over the place that the report has “cleared” him and that he did nothing wrong…and the dutiful propaganda machine of fox news has been amplifying it for the mouth breathing crowd that follows them…one little problem…we can read and the Mueller report does NOT exonerate trump and his cronies…in fact, it lays out clearly that the trump campaign DID collude with the Russians many, many times but, as Mueller pointed out, the lying of everyone in the campaign and the use of encryption and just general stonewalling of Mueller is the reason why he didn’t recommend charging anyone with conspiracy with the Russians…he just didn’t have enough evidence to prevail in court. On the obstruction side, Mueller documented at least 10 times where trump attempted to obstruct justice and the only reason he wasn’t charged is that DOJ rules won’t allow it. Since the report was released a week ago…many, many former prosecutors have made it clear that if they had the evidence just from the report, they could easily get a conviction for obstruction…a fact that no repub will even acknowledge as they call for the country to “move on” from the Muller report findings. the only way to save this country is for the dems to ignore these calls and do their job to remove this unqualified ass…and then we need to make the repubs pay for their toadying support of this criminal….impeach…
April 26th
Well…after my third day of 30 mile rides this week, my legs are a little sore this morning and I think I’ll have to take something for them…and my back is a little tweaked from working on the bike so I think the painkillers will help that, too….just checked the back wheel that I was trying to true up with the new spoke installed and it is perfectly straight again and that is just so damn cool…I really thought I’d have to take it to have it straightened and spend 20 bucks so to get it done by myself makes me smile…didn’t sleep for crap last night and am feeling it this morning and a big part of that is my allergies…there is starting to be a pollen coating on the car in the mornings so it will probably get worse before it gets better…and I am not looking forward to that…will probably have to ignore my BP and take something for it….other than the three hours of working on the bike, I didn’t get much done yesterday but I will clean some today…I have been feeling more energy the past few days and the exhaustion has been receding so that is a good thing or I wouldn’t have been able to fix the bike or get the 30 mile rides in this week…more later…