No collusion, no obstruction? Yeah, right…

Well…I wonder if the idiots trump and Barr think that no one in this country can read….after Barr’s lying press conference that attempted to clear trump of all charges of obstruction of justice and collusion with the Russians, idiot boy has been bleating all over the place that the report has “cleared” him and that he did nothing wrong…and the dutiful propaganda machine of fox news has been amplifying it for the mouth breathing crowd that follows them…one little problem…we can read and the Mueller report does NOT exonerate trump and his cronies…in fact, it lays out clearly that the trump campaign DID collude with the Russians many, many times but, as Mueller pointed out, the lying of everyone in the campaign and the use of encryption and just general stonewalling of Mueller is the reason why he didn’t recommend charging anyone with conspiracy with the Russians…he just didn’t have enough evidence to prevail in court. On the obstruction side, Mueller documented at least 10 times where trump attempted to obstruct justice and the only reason he wasn’t charged is that DOJ rules won’t allow it. Since the report was released a week ago…many, many former prosecutors have made it clear that if they had the evidence just from the report, they could easily get a conviction for obstruction…a fact that no repub will even acknowledge as they call for the country to “move on” from the Muller report findings. the only way to save this country is for the dems to ignore these calls and do their job to remove this unqualified ass…and then we need to make the repubs pay for their toadying support of this criminal….impeach…

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