All posts by James DeVol

Took it easy today..

Well…man, getting three rides in before 10 am took a lot out of me and I really needed to take the afternoon off to try to recharge a bit but it really didn’t work and I’m still so low on energy I could just sit here the rest of the day…and I just might…the pain in my back is still pretty severe and it’s coming up on two months since I hurt it…and it’s weird that my left should has been hurting this summer when it’s normally my right that hurts with any abuse like cutting out the sod on the front walks…one good thing is that I really do think I broke an adhesion or scar tissue in my right thumb and it hasn’t hurt since I did the walks and it’s no way near as stiff as it had been…so now do I wait for the scar tissue to reform and worry about that? Nope, I’m used to it hurting so if it comes back, oh well…it looks like only two rides in the morning tomorrow since F1 qualifying is on at 9 and I can’t get three rides in before that…and I’m not sure if 11 is too late to go out in the sun without burning to a crisp…I guess I could chance it to see if I can get some flexibility back into my schedule…only had about 800 calories today so I’ll probably have to eat more tomorrow…had a chicken sandwich and some chips for lunch and then one boneless/skinless chicken thigh and some creamy pasta for dinner…I did assemble the potato salad today so I’ll have that for tomorrow and then will have to think about what else to cook Sunday and get that out of the freezer tomorrow…okay, I’m done…

Can it be hope?

Well…as I sit here now, it feels like the the blanket of dread has lifted from me and I have been able to read the news again since there is good news out there..could it be hope? It is a little strange that just having Joe drop out and endorsing Kamala could do that…but, it’s more than that…for the first time inĀ  a long time the dem party is not infighting and having pie fights and have closed ranks around Kamala with hundreds of endorsements and the polls showing she is bringing in new voters and part of that is she is directly going after the orange ogre and is crossing the country doing speeches that are hanging the demise of Roe right around idiot boy’s neck since he bragged about overturning it many times…how do you brag about taking rights away from Americans unless you just don’t care about them? That should be another theme that gets pushed on the trail…just list all the ways the repubs are trying to take away rights and what our side is doing and will do to protect the rights of all Americans…oh, one last thing…idiot boy has realized that Kamala would wipe the floor with him in a debate and has made some chickenshit excuse about it…what a chicken….geez…

July 26th

Well…damn, running late already today and need to get on the bike in 16 minutes so I can get three rides in before F1 practice comes on from Spa in Belgium at 10…I am so tired of being in a rush every day and not having any time to just enjoy life…slept okay last night and was only up a couple of times and that is better than earlier in the week…have a lot of cooking to do today…or assembling since I cooked the ingredients for potato salad yesterday and grilled a lot of chicken thighs that will last me a couple of days…it is cool out there right now at 55 degrees and I don’t mind that at all…going to wait to take the antibiotics until late this aft so I won’t get sunburned…I wonder if I could just do two rides today? Just so damn worn out and I know I’ll make the goal so why am I working so hard? Need to get on the bike in 5 minutes so I need to get going…more later…

Need to get some 100spf sunscreen…

Well…it’s been a day and I have been running since 7am…got the first two rides in before I headed out to pick up the 3,500 dollar antibiotic prescription that really only cost me 28 bucks so that was cool…but having take it for 90 days is going to be a pain…especially since it makes you extremely sensitive to the sun and has a warning to avoid direct sunlight or it will damage your skin…but, you know I can’t do that so I’m going to take it after I get everything done for the day…and go out and try to get some 100 spf sunscreen to see if that helps…so it looks like my beach days are over for the year and that sucks…and I’ll have to get out on the bike and be done by 10am every day…I did get some more little red allergy tablets today, too, and now I have 96 of them and that will get me to about the time I run out of the antibiotic…I did find the earplugs I wanted on amazon…oh, I already talked about that…only 40 cents a pair and that’s pretty good…I really do want to have cocktails tonight but I need to get the swelling down in my foot and that won’t happen if I’m drinking…tonight will be 4 days in a row being good and the progress on my foot is not as fast as I would like…darn…have everything done but my teeth and making ice so I think I’ll read a bit before I do that…

Is this all they got?

Well…i guess the repubs don’t have a whole lot to attack Kamala with so guess what they’ve landed on? Her laugh…because she is a normal person who laughs when she is happy or sees something funny…and I don’t see anything wrong with that…throughout misogynist cultures including the Taliban in Afghanistan and all of the other male dominated societies, a woman laughing is an issue of morality…where they see women who laugh or express themselves at all to be immoral…not for men, of course, they get to do whatever they want…but laughing is immoral for women…okay, I get it…just another way for men to control women…just like the repubs trying to control what women can do with their bodies…it’s all part of right wing men trying to put women “back in their place”…and take away their voice…literally by taking aim at Kamala’s laugh…I would rather hear millions of women laugh than the orange idiot utter another word…seeing people happy and laughing is what the world is about and is what we on the left are trying to do… to make this country a place where people are free from worry and strife and can be a human being…and that surely includes laughing loud and often…geez…

July 25th

Well…that was a little better…slept almost 5 hours last night but I still don’t feel like I slept at all…and I need to get on the bike in 15 minutes or so to get the first two rides in before I run out to get the prescription they didn’t have ready yesterday…still dreading how much it’s going to cost…oh, well…need to do some meal planning today and figure out what I want to cook…have some chicken thighs in a marinade that I want to grill but I’m not sure if it will be chicken tacos again or just with roast potatoes or maybe some baked beans…going to make another batch of potato salad since I got 3 pounds of potatoes for a buck yesterday and remembered to get eggs…the freezer is full again and I think I may have to start using all the canned goods I have on the shelf of the prep table…think I’ll dig through the recipes that my daughter left me and see what looks good…one of the squirrels took down one of my sunflowers yesterday but that’s okay since I planted the plants for them…going to tear out some tomato plants and put some more beans in place of them just to see if they will have enough time to come up…not much to do today…just the rides. cooking , and errand then I’m going to watch Olympics…need to get going…more later…

The Olympics have started…

Well…stumbled on the fact that the Olympics started this morning so it looks like I’ll get nothing done in the afternoons for the next two weeks…and that’s okay it’s only once every 4 years so I can take a little time to enjoy myself a bit…I did get three rides in and the grocery runs but they didn’t have my prescription ready so I’ll run out tomorrow morning and pick it up…still concerned what my end of it is going to be but I really need it so I’ll go up to a hundred bucks…I did remember to just order some more generic flonase since I’m down to my last bottle and don’t want to run out..and I remembered to order some new earplugs since I am almost out of the ones Tom got me…got 20 pairs of silicone corded ones for 8 bucks…I had a pair of these that lasted me years and they are washable so you can keep them clean…I still do have a pair somewhere downstairs and they just don’t wear out…so I can’t wait to get them…and I ordered another set of the flat, forged aluminum pedals for the black bike to get enough ordered for free shipping…will have to order the rest of the parts to put it back together soon…was just thinking about the antibiotic series they want me to do…I mean I’ve never heard of anyone taking antibiotics for 90 days and I wonder how bad that will be for my guts…oh, well…if it gets me over that damn infection, I don’t care…tonight and tomorrow are going to be the third and fourth night of no cocktails and I can already see that the swelling in my foot is going down but I may have to be good for a whole week to get it back to normal…and I can do that..

I can read the news again…

Well…these past three days have given me back the news since a lot of it is good for our side…I don’t remember the enthusiasm that is going on for Kamala right now for anyone else other than Obama…and sign ups of new voters it close to 35,000 a day since the announcement was made Sunday and most of those are 35 or under, a group that goes for dems by 80% to 20 and if that keeps up, we have a really good chance of winning this fall…and maybe even taking back the house and keeping the senate…then we can really get to work on shaping this country and driving a stake through maga’s heart…oh, and as people hear about the facist 2025 project their dislike for it skyrockets…up to 49 % disapprove now vs 10% a few weeks ago…so now we have to hammer them on it and tie that anchor to idiot boy’s neck…but not just attack the idiot, we need to compare our accomplishments to what idiot boy did in his term because we have policies that are very popular and the repubs don’t…so, I’m feeling better about the future since we now know the disinformation tactics that Russia is using to try to elect trump…again and we can counter them at warp speed…things are looking up…

July 24th

Well…darn, another fitful night of sleep and I was up 5 times for about 3 1/2 hours total…so there will be a nap in my future,,,it was the second night of no cocktails and my right foot is finally starting to show some results from it so I’ll take two more nights off before I have one cocktail night on Friday…didn’t sleep too well but i got into rem sleep and had some dreams late so I’ll take it…have to get going soon to get a ride in before the grocery run but I want to have at least one cup of coffee before I go out…the Olympics start today and the Us plays France in soccer this aft at 3 so I’ll be watching that and some rugby 7′s that starts today, too…still have a day or two of leftovers before I get back to the grill with the pork chops I took out of the freezer and I need to make more potato salad and potato soup, too before the celery spoils…I was going to work on the back door today but I’m not sure if I’ll have time to get that done before the Olympics get going…it’s going to be busy today so I should get going…more later…

What a day…

Well…what a day and I am exhausted from it..started out with the first ride at 6:45 and then to the dentist at 8:30 and I found out I still have infections in two teeth so they are trying antibiotics this time for 90 days until my next appointment with the periodontist…looked the drug up on good rx and had a huge shock…the price was from 1,799 to 3,500 dollars and there is no way I was paying that so I went over to Meijers to talk to a pharmacist and he told me that the price was wrong and he is sure it won’t be more than 32 bucks after medicare…he said he’d find the best price and charge me that…and I thought that was pretty cool…then back on the bike for two more rides and I was exhausted after not sleeping at all last night…I was good with no cocktails and I’m going to extend that til Friday when the Olympics opening ceremony is on…I need to get the swelling out of my right foot and taking time off usually works…need to do the grocery run tomorrow and I’m not sure if I’m going to DD to get some more boneless/skinless chicken thighs at 1.37 a pound…running out of protein in the freezer…I did grill some bacon wrapped pork fillets on the grill the other day and that is the only way to cook them…juicy and very tasty…and I’m getting 4 more of them tomorrow…if they have them…only a buck each…just a little over 2 bucks a pound…we’ll see…