Category Archives: Politics

Can it be hope?

Well…as I sit here now, it feels like the the blanket of dread has lifted from me and I have been able to read the news again since there is good news out there..could it be hope? It is a little strange that just having Joe drop out and endorsing Kamala could do that…but, it’s more than that…for the first time in  a long time the dem party is not infighting and having pie fights and have closed ranks around Kamala with hundreds of endorsements and the polls showing she is bringing in new voters and part of that is she is directly going after the orange ogre and is crossing the country doing speeches that are hanging the demise of Roe right around idiot boy’s neck since he bragged about overturning it many times…how do you brag about taking rights away from Americans unless you just don’t care about them? That should be another theme that gets pushed on the trail…just list all the ways the repubs are trying to take away rights and what our side is doing and will do to protect the rights of all Americans…oh, one last thing…idiot boy has realized that Kamala would wipe the floor with him in a debate and has made some chickenshit excuse about it…what a chicken….geez…

Is this all they got?

Well…i guess the repubs don’t have a whole lot to attack Kamala with so guess what they’ve landed on? Her laugh…because she is a normal person who laughs when she is happy or sees something funny…and I don’t see anything wrong with that…throughout misogynist cultures including the Taliban in Afghanistan and all of the other male dominated societies, a woman laughing is an issue of morality…where they see women who laugh or express themselves at all to be immoral…not for men, of course, they get to do whatever they want…but laughing is immoral for women…okay, I get it…just another way for men to control women…just like the repubs trying to control what women can do with their bodies…it’s all part of right wing men trying to put women “back in their place”…and take away their voice…literally by taking aim at Kamala’s laugh…I would rather hear millions of women laugh than the orange idiot utter another word…seeing people happy and laughing is what the world is about and is what we on the left are trying to do… to make this country a place where people are free from worry and strife and can be a human being…and that surely includes laughing loud and often…geez…

I can read the news again…

Well…these past three days have given me back the news since a lot of it is good for our side…I don’t remember the enthusiasm that is going on for Kamala right now for anyone else other than Obama…and sign ups of new voters it close to 35,000 a day since the announcement was made Sunday and most of those are 35 or under, a group that goes for dems by 80% to 20 and if that keeps up, we have a really good chance of winning this fall…and maybe even taking back the house and keeping the senate…then we can really get to work on shaping this country and driving a stake through maga’s heart…oh, and as people hear about the facist 2025 project their dislike for it skyrockets…up to 49 % disapprove now vs 10% a few weeks ago…so now we have to hammer them on it and tie that anchor to idiot boy’s neck…but not just attack the idiot, we need to compare our accomplishments to what idiot boy did in his term because we have policies that are very popular and the repubs don’t…so, I’m feeling better about the future since we now know the disinformation tactics that Russia is using to try to elect trump…again and we can counter them at warp speed…things are looking up…

She’s got the delegates..

Well…only two days in and the party that is supposed to be in disarray has closed ranks behind Kamala Harris and she has enough delegate votes to cinch the nomination at the convention in the end of August…no brokered convention, no bullshit…she is the nominee and more and more endorsements are coming in by the minute with Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries announcing their endorsements this afternoon…there is excitement on our side that I haven’t seen in forever…maybe since Obama…and the people are following up with donations that are through the roof and may reach a quarter of  a billion dollars by the end of the day today…and she showed her skills in a speech yesterday where she eviscerated idiot boy by saying she knows who trump is since she prosecuted criminals like him in a former life…you, know…I like the way she has fun both as VP and as the nominee…and it looks like she is hitting her stride at exactly the right time…and I’m sure she had a hand in Biden not meeting Netenyahu when he addresses congress this week…he should be arrested and in the Hague instead of in front of congress…go Kamala!

100 million dollars in one day…

Well…gee…I guess Joe did the right thing dropping out of the race and I hope he can finally enjoy being retired in January…over the one day since the announcement, Kamala has raised over 100 million dollars and has gotten the endorsements of almost all the necessary dems and I’m proud that my governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is one of them…and I have been laughing so hard that now the idiot trump is the old, infirm one in the race…oh, and the repubs have spent millions of dollars for t-shirts and other materials with attacks on Joe on them that are now useless…pretty damn funny if you ask me…and the excitement for this change that is palpable…and I’ve even succumbed to it a bit..I mean an African American woman is going to take down the idiot boy? People are thrilled with Joe doing the right thing…and the funniest thing is idiot boy saying that he is going to sue Joe for dropping out of the race since the repubs spent lots of money attacking him and now it’s worthless…too damn funny…

Joe drops out…

Well…I’m sitting here heartbroken that Joe Biden has dropped out of the race for the presidency…he has been the best president in my lifetime and he IS a good man who did what he promised…and I am ashamed that he was hounded out of the race by the moneymen and assholes on the left who put their own personal power needs ahead of the good of the country and I hate every damn one of them…so now I’m going to talk to the white guys here…Kamala Harris has just been endorsed by Joe and will get the nomination and it is up to us to embrace what can be a historical chance to elect the first woman president and beat the idiot trump into the ground…polls do show that Kamala polls lots better than trump and if we do this right, we could produce a landslide that would bury trump forever…I am curious who she picks as her VP…and there are lot of good people on the left…how about Jamie Raskin? Or AOC? I cannot wait for the debate between Harris and idiot boy…she will shred him…okay women…are we ready to take back your rights and squash maga forever? I’m all in so let’s go…

It’s all gaslighting…

Well…please stop doomscrolling…look, I get it…the polls here in Michigan showed that Joe is behind by 7 points and if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you…all of the stories about Joe are just gaslighting to make sure we don’t vote…their is no damn way the 34 times convicted felon and rapist is up by 7 here in Michigan…and it doesn’t matter anyway…if we vote, we win…that is the key to election right there…and there is a concerted effort by Russia, China, and the billionaires to throw the election to the idiot…and the Russians even endorsed JD Vance the other day…if you need any evidence that the repubs will kiss putin’s ass, there it is…can you imagine if the Russians endorsed Joe? It would be nonstop condemnation in every billionaire owned news media…and look, the billionaires have tripled their wealth under the idiot and want that back so they can steal even more…while Joe is readying a wealth tax so that’s why they are spending so much to defeat Joe…so, stop reading the lies and make you life simple…just vote…if we do that, we win…geez…

4 years ago…

Well…one of the themes of the crazy RNC convention was the magical thinking that people in the US were better off 4 years ago under the idiot trump…almost every damn speech was the same damn delusions that were devoid of facts…so let’s talk about some facts…the first one is that trump and his cronies were kissing putin’s ass almost every day which led to the invasion of Ukraine…is that better? Nope…then the pandemic which was so sorely mismanaged by idiot boy that an extra 500,000 Americans died from it after he said that the virus would “go away soon”…in July of 2020 the virus exploded in the US, rising 69% and deaths went up 20%…now let’s talk about the economy…from April to June the economy contracted 32.6 % and was close to the worst drop ever…and unemployment soared to 10%…you get the picture..idiot boy didn’t do anything right 4 years ago and he won’t do anything right if we let him back in the WH…that needs to not happen…get out and vote…geez..

Planting stories to weaken Biden…

Well…you knew this was going to happen with the corrupt billionaire owned media in this country…if you just read the mainstream media, it appeared that Joe Biden had lost all of the dem support other than his dog and he was contemplating getting out of the race… and even Obama was pressuring him to leave…not so fast..Obama came out today and said he supports Joe and his run and Hakeem Jeffries also came out and said he was “team Biden/Harris” and will do everything he can to help them get elected…so the stories of Joe’s lack of support are just what they call “ratfucking” by printing lies to weaken your opponent and all of the media was in on it except some of the independent ones that aren’t owned by billionaires…so, ignore all that crap and get out there and vote…ignore the big media and let’s put our heads down and get to work…if we vote, we win…remember that…geez…

What information do they have?

Well…with more and more of the dems piling on to try to get Joe to drop out of the race just because of the poor debate performance, all I have to say is shame on you…you have a president who has single handedly repaired the economy, our standing in the world, and shored up NATO and yet you sit there saying he’s not competent to do it again…and now with a bout of covid, they are piling on even more and it just sickens me…Joe has spent his entire life serving this country and has done a great job at it…but now that’s not worth anything? What the hell information do they have that Joe is going to loose? The polls are in a dead heat and all of the pollsters continue to say that you really can’t count on them until both conventions are done at the end of August…and Alan Lichtman, who has called 9 out of the last 10 presidential elections has said the Biden is going to win…so what the hell Obama? Yeah, even Obama is piling on now and that reads to me like betrayal of trust…what the hell does Joe have to do more than he has done? I am sick of these elites pushing aside a good man just because he’s old…they are going to lose this election by alienating people like me who think Joe should stay in the race…and they need people like me to win…world class stupidity…geez…