A funny realization…

Well…last week, I sat on a pair of my reading glasses and broke them…glued the bow back on but can’t fold them anymore so I decided to look for another cheap pair at Meijers…so I found another heavy duty pair and bought them but there was something familiar about the color of them…black on the top of the frame and clear on the bottom and that had stayed in my thoughts when I was looking in the bathroom mirror…and today I came to the realization that I knew why they were familiar…while I was growing up, my father wore glasses that were just this same color…and now I can see him clearly with those glasses on…the thing is, I don’t look much like him…I look more like my mother but now I think I see the resemblance in my memory…just a bit of a funny realization that has made me smile a bit today…I did get three rides in today but the wind was nuts out here..we have been under a gale warning all day and the wind was blowing 20-25 with gusts to 35 while I was riding outdoors and I had to push myself to remember to take it easy going into the wind and just not push it…and I don’t think I hurt myself much…hope so…time for tv and getting ready for the Michigan game…

How the heck can this election be close?

Well..you know, I have to stop looking at the polls that show that the idiot trump is close to Kamala or I am going to lose all faith in my fellow Americans…after the great economic news and the fact that the under Biden/Harris the US has the best economy in the world and inflation is in check again, how the heck can it be so close…I am going to blame white men for that since we are going for idiot boy by 60% to 40%…I really don’t understand it at all…are most of us the racist assholes that trump is? Do we think it’s a great idea to take away rights from all women? Do we think that crashing the economy and hurting ourselves is a great thing to do? Yeah, you get the idea…what the hell is wrong with white guys? What the f are they thinking? does hating on people make them feel good? Or is it that they are just so mad that they are not running the show in their own lives that they want the entire country to burn to the ground and don’t give a shit about their own daughters? I have had enough of the grievance bullshit that these people spout every day and the scapegoating of everyone else when it is their own fault if their lives are not what they thought they were due…suck it up, snowflakes, and think about someone other than yourselves for a change…what are your lives like when you sit in your recliner seething about lies that you are fed every day? Yet you lap up the lies that you know are lies and spit them back at the world thinking that makes you a man…you are not a man if that is your life…if you’ve given up thinking to follow the worst person in the world and vote for him, you are a worthless piece of shit that deserves whatever he gets…geez…

October 5th

Well…running late this morning with not getting out of bed til 7 and I needed that…and I even went to bed early last night…had a petty huge sleep deficit with only getting around 5 hours a night for the past week or so…but I’m not sure about the whole cocktail thing…it didn’t keep the boredom at bay last night at all…darn…I guess that will give me more incentive to be good and healthy…it was cloudy here last night so I couldn’t see if there were any aurora and that sucked with there being an X9 flare that should have given us some…it’s only 41 degrees out here so that is going to keep me off the outdoor bike until 10 or so but I need to get an indoor ride in before then…Michigan doesn’t play until 7:30 tonight so that opens my day up some…have been so damn sore lately and that continues this morning…my neck hurts to move it again and my knees have joined in the fun along with my right forearm…how the hell does that happen? I wonder if my body is telling me I need a day off? Yeah, it’s been telling me that all year but that isn’t going to happen at least until New Years…the chicken dish I made yesterday came out so good I really do need to remember what the heck I put in it so I can do it again…the first time using the new pot was interesting and now I know the changes I need to make to have to have the food come out better…put too much in it and it overflowed onto the stove top so I need to leave more room…not much to do today…crap, I should be on the bike right now and I’ve only had one cup of coffee…need to get moving…more later…

A broken record…

Well…it’s 20:05pm and I am finally done for the day after being busy again today…started with an indoor ride since it was sprinkling and cold at 7:30 this morning…then out to run the errands to pick up the veggies for the chicken dish I’m making this aft…along with the celery, carrots, and potatoes, I’m going to add red and green lentils, mushrooms and rice that will almost turn it into a gumbo but I really can’t afford 10 bucks a pound for shrimp…might have to add some chicken broth since the pan is quite big…I wonder if I should put 6 thighs in instead of 4? that would feed me until mid week and I like having easy leftovers…then two outdoor rides for 33 miles today and just put laundry in since I wanted clean bedding and I haven’t washed it for more than a week…I guess I could have just put another set of sheets on since I now have 3 sets but I was doing laundry anyway so I figured I’d just wash these…when I was at aldis today, they had potatoes for 3.49 for 5 pounds but I looked around the corner and you could get another 5 pounds for an extra buck so I got 10 pounds…not sure how I’m going to use them before they spoil but potato soup sounds good…there was an X9 solar flare and CME yesterday so we may get an aurora tonight…I’ll check if the clouds cooperate…okay, I need a rest and some veg time…

Too bad, repubs…

Well…I am laughing a bit this morning when I read that the dock worker strike that was supposed to start yesterday has been postponed until January to give both sides time to negotiate a new contract and I can hear the repubs weeping in their beer since they were all primed to use this as an election hammer to go after Harris for not being able to manage the economy…and the ironic thing here is the head of the dockworkers union is a trump toady who planned the strike to knee cap the economy to help trump…but Biden got involved and appealed to the rank and file and management of the ports that there was another way…and the negotiations are moving forward and the first news is that the port manager has offered a 65% wage increase over 6 years…and to me, that is a good start with the port owners making billions of dollars that has mostly been distributed to stockholders as we see in every damn industry these days…and this from an “incompetent” Joe Biden? The right wing pundit class is just sputtering that there must be a “fix” that is in since they can’t conceive that the dems could out maneuver them…but that is not what this is at all…our side doesn’t think of everything in terms of winning or losing in politics…our side looks at what is right for the country and pursues those goals…and the right just can’t understand that…geez…

October 4th

Well…up at 5;30 this morning and that is a lot better than 4:04 so I’ll take it…slept okay and only got up a couple of times but I’m sore everywhere for some reason…didn’t do much yesterday other than the rides but I need to do better today…and I’m going to start it off with a ride before 8 and then I need to go to aldis to get the carrots and celery that I need for a chicken dish I want to make this afternoon…and I remembered that I have lentils and chickpeas that I think I’ll put in it, too, to make the sauce a little more hearty…might have to see if they have potatoes on sale since mine are a little old and wrinkled…and after aldis I need to go to the library since I finished the three books I have checked out…it’s only 52 out there right now so I may do an indoor ride to start the day…I’ll have to make that decision here in about an hour but that gives me time to enjoy my coffee…but that might end soon with wholesale coffee prices up 80% over the past couple of months…I did buy a big can before the increases kick in and I think I’ll buy another one next week if I can find some on sale…oh, well…it looks like it’s going to rain a bit this morning so I guess I’ll be on the indoor bike for the first one…not much to do today…just cooking and cleaning since I’m too damn sore to work outdoors..why the heck my knees are hurting is confusingĀ  me…I wonder if it’s the weather change that is coming or maybe I slept with them contorted? Who knows? More later…

Got some things done…

Well…damn, I know it says that it is 70 outside but I am freezing my butt off right now…and I wonder if it is still from going out when it was in the 50′s this morning? I did get three rides in today and then repackaged the kielbasa and burgers and got them in the freezer and I’ll have to make room for some chicken thighs I have in the fridge…going to make a dish in the cast iron dish my daughter gave me with chicken thighs, kielbasa, potatoes, carrots, celery and onions with a tomato pasta sauce as the liquid…should be good but I do have to go out and get the veggies at aldis tomorrow when they open…don’t feel like going today…ooo.. I’ve got mushrooms that can go in it, too…yummy! And that will make about 4 days of meals to go with the 4 burgers I left out of the freezer…going to have one of those for dinner along with the rest of the pasta salad…I was going to work on the stump today but my thumb and neck hurt too much…need to vacuum the floor in the bathroom before Man U comes on at 3 and I want to try to finish up the last book I have going so I can get new ones tomorrow…so, I’d better get going…more later…

Jack Smith hits it out of the park…

Well…damn, Jack Smith’s 165 page filing that was released by judge Chutkan yesterday hit it out of the park with what law pundits called one of the best they’ve every seen…and it took the wrongful immunity ruling by the supreme court and threw it back in their faces with legal reasoning that will give the court no avenue to overturn when the idiot rump is convicted…and the trump lawyers response in the 7 pages they filed read like something that idiot boy wrote and his lawyers tried to turn into a response but their point that Smith’s filing was “election interference” did not have one bit of legal reasoning in it…just a screed that won’t carry a bit of weight when the trial starts…and the Smith filing shows that everyone who worked for idiot boy flipped on him so the case is going to be really strong once the trial starts…when that is going to be, who knows…but idiot boy should be shaking since justice is coming and the SC can’t help him unless they ignore their own ruling on immunity and that would expose the depth of the corruption in the court and will dive the reform it needs when Kamala is elected…they did it to themselves and deserve it…geez…

October 3rd

Well…darn, I would really like to sleep a full night for once…up at 4:54 this morning and that broke the string of getting up at a little after 5:30…oh, well…I did get my ballot in the mail yesterday so I don’t have to make a run over to the city clerk today…and I’ll wait to pay the water bill til next week since it’s not due til the 14th…didn’t get anything done yesterday but ride 33 miles and do the grocery run and bought too much food again and now I have to find room in the freezer for it all…but not buying booze saved me almost 30 bucks so that is cool and I won’t have to buy any for another 3 weeks since I’m being good 5 days a week now…still need to figure out how to not be bored without cocktails but that just needs a little work and I’ll figure it out…it looks like it’s going to be a 38 mile day today with it being warm enough to get out as soon as it gets light around 8….going to try to work on the stump left over after cutting out the shrub Monday…then I can start getting the fence tied back to the posts with the ties I got yesterday at menards…I got a new 5 gallon bucket for only 4 bucks and may use those in the spring to have a container garden since the in ground was a bust this year…not much to do today…just going to sit here for a while and have coffee and I may have to get out the french press since I didn’t leave much for this morning…more later…

Walz vs. Vance

Well…you probably already know that there was a debate between Tim Walz and a liar last night an of course, the oligarch dominated media called it for vance even though he whined and lied through the whole thing with the low point being when vance lied about the legal Haitian immigrants in Ohio calling them illegal when they are not…they are all here legally and the whiner vance actually said “I thought you weren’t going to fact check me”…and that was the theme of the whole thing where Walz answered every question especially one where they were both asked if they would certify the election and Walz had a simple answer..”yes”…when vance hemmed and hawed and lied and never answered whether he would or not…that right there should be disqualifying along with the rest of the bullshit…but the media called vance “smooth” and didn’t even note that he was smoothly lying the entire debate…one thing that came out of it was the Walz’s likeability jumped to lead vance by more than 30 points…one thing we all have to remember is that vance is a total construction of Peter Thiel, the right wing billionaire who bought him a senate seat and now is trying to buy him the vp spot since he knows that the idiot trump won’t survive another term…Thiel has already started to float removing trump using the 25th amendment that would make vance president…just as he has planned for the past 15 years…geez…