Tag Archives: womans rights

This is too funny…

Well…with men on the right spewing that they have the right to tell their wives/significant others how to vote and making sure their wives understand the threat that comes with them “betraying and undermining” their men, of course the Harris campaign has a new ad out there targeting this misogynist bullshit…giving women the permission structure to vote for Kamala instead of the orange ogre…some of these assholes are even equating voting different from their husbands as “cheating” on them…and that comment came from Jesse Watters from fox news who cheated on his first wife with his current wife…and a former trump WH advisor has gone farther saying that women should have their right to vote “revoked” if they are going to vote against their husbands…this is pure christian right wing bullshit that says that women should “submit” to their husbands in every decision made in a family…and it is one reason that women are going for Harris by the largest margin in history…and no matter how much they deny it, the idiot trump’s team doesn’t understand that the removal of women’s rights by the ending of Roe is still one of the most important reasons to vote dem in this election since the dems are the only party that will protect women’s rights from the kind of attacks that have come from everyone on the right…geez…

Wandering around…again…

Well…I am still feeling like I have no energy even after lunch with three venison tacos and I’m sure that it is not eating enough….but, how do you eat if nothing sounds good? It took all the energy I had just to walk across my place and sit down here….and, with crap happening in politics…those idiots are going back on vacation after being back a week…and they bitch so much about the unemployed and how they think they’re lazy so they won’t extend UI benefits…since people are living large on the 300 bucks a week avg they get….that wouldn’t even pay my low expenses…what if you had children and a house payment? I hope the repubs pay in this years election…bastards….and now they are back at taking away womens rights to control their own bodies…once they are pregnant, the new laws that the repubs are pushing would make the rights of the fetus supercede the rights of the mother…essentially saying that the woman no longer has any rights to her own body if pregnant….what the hell is wrong with the repubs…I guess it goes back to their “faith” that says that women are property and should do what their husbands tell them to…and now, in Wisconsin, these asses have just introduced legislation that would allow a woman’s family to trump her decisions on abortion…even if a grandmother, orĀ  mother, or father objected…the wishes of the mother would be trumped…leaving women second class citizens with less rights than anyone else…this crap even hurts to write about…so, I’ll stop here….