Well…with the repub criminals in the House trying to do everything they can to derail the trump investigation and indictments, Alvin Bragg is not screwing around with pushing back on their bullshit, telling them that they have no authority to question a state prosecution and going so far as telling gym jordan that he is inching up on obstruction of justice if he keeps it up…as you remember, jordan demanded all of the investigation materials that Bragg had on trump and Bragg schooled him that no such thing was going to happen…and now it’s been revealed that the idiot trump has been working with jordan and kevin mccarthy to coordinate the attacks on Bragg and the investigation…and that’s like having Al Capone coordinate with members of congress to attack the DA who put him in prison for tax evasion….the one thing you never hear from the righties is that idiot boy is innocent…since it is obvious he isn’t, so they just want to work the refs and public opinion to make sure he gets off…and that is un American…geez…
Monthly Archives: March 2023
Biopsy is done…
Well…that was a little unpleasant but the biopsy is done and now I wait to find out if it’s going to kill me or not…should be on mychart next week some time…I do like my doctor and the rest of the people at UM…we even had some laughs during the procedure…yeah, I’m weird…they had music playing during it and when “Maggie May” by Rod Stewart came on the nurse assisting started to since along to it…pretty damn surreal….but nice
March 31st
Well…it’s a 4:56 morning this morning and I knew there was no point in even trying to sleep again so here I am….pretty worn out this morning and I’m not having coffee since that raises my blood pressure and I can’t have that for the biopsy this afternoon…but I have half a pot for when I get back here but it will be weird to drink it in the afternoon….and I’ve been without cocktails all week to try to help the bp, too, and that will be ended today when I get the news on the UM mychart page later today that I have cancer….had a good day yesterday with doing 24 miles on the indoor bike on the way to 1,000 miles today…I did look up when I got to 1k last year and it wasn’t until April 30th and I was able to go on to the record of 6,109 miles for a year….not going to get anywhere near that with all the time off the bike this year but I may be able to get to 4K…and I can’t get on the bike for a week after the biopsy but we’ll see about that…the pain will dictate that….so, I need 12 miles this morning but will do 16 or two rides….it may storm this afternoon and that will be cool to see but then it’s cold again and I am getting damn tired of that….not much to do today…just going to watch F1 practice and then on the bike by 7…and then head out for the biopsy at 12:40 or so since I have to be there by 1….more later…
Trump indicted…finally…
Well…not a lot of detail out there yet but finally, the NY grand jury has indicted trump for his part in the hush money campaign finance violations…a felony that is going to land him in jail and this is just the first one…yay, yay, yay!!!!!
The Mouse wins…
Well…I guess ole desantis thought he could bully the mouse in Florida after they objected to his “don’t say gay law” that prohibited any mention of the LGBTQ community in schools down there…and he loaded the board that ran the area that Disney is located on with his cronies and they were going to punish Disney by taking control of development in the Disney owned properties away from them…but, he didn’t figure that Disney would have a plan to thwart that bullshit, and they did by having the board still controlled by Disney vote to give all the power and control to the Disney corporation in perpetuity…leaving the desantis board with nothing to do but take care of the roads and sewers…and now the whining and threats start but do you think a corporation with the deep pockets like Disney doesn’t have the best lawyers in the biz while desantis has the second string repub lawyers who only know how to whine? And whine they are…and it make me laugh…it just shows how out of his league desantis is…and it make me smile that he got slapped down…geez…
Only 20 miles to go…
well..yeah, don’t have a political one right now but I wanted to get another one done before I get back on the bike for the third indoor ride of the day….only have 20 miles left to go to get to 1,000 before April 1st so that will leave me 12 to do tomorrow morning but I’ll do 16…was going to go outdoors for the third ride today but it is not going to be warm enough to get out before the Tigers play on opening day and I always try to see at least opening day…I used to be a huge baseball fan but the Tigers have been so bad for so long that they have cured me of it…I still want to see it so I need to have everything done by 3….have already gotten lunch cooked and cleaned up and the ham was a really good one…I like the cheap Meijers hams…they are so tender and tasty and I made mashed potatoes and gravy and I used chicken broth for extra liquid for that….it gave the gravy a unique flavor that I really like…even ran an errand out to Ollies to get a new beach towel and got a huge, 100% cotton one for 6.99 so that was a deal…now I can retire the one I’ve been using for 25 years….I’ll try to come back for a political one later but need to get on the bike first…
March 30th
Well…darn, up at 4:16 this morning, stayed up reading til 5, then climbed back in bed and slept for an hour or so and now I’m getting going at 6:27 and need to since I have a full day today…getting close to 1,000 miles on the bike and want to get that done by the end of the month…so that means at least two rides indoors this morning and maybe even a third today if it doesn’t get warm enough to get outside….and I need to make a big ham today that will feed me for the next week and want to get that in the oven by 10 or so…and the means getting on the bike for the first ride by 7:30 or so to get two rides in by then…I did get my flight to Maryland and back booked yesterday and it only cost 300 bucks round trip…so everything for the UK trip is in place and now I just need to get to Mid September without dying first…and I’ll find out if I am tomorrow with the biopsy happening in the afternoon….looking through the instructions for it yesterday, they recommend that I don’t ride the bike for a week after it and that just isn’t going to happen….will probably take a day off Saturday and maybe Sunday depending on the pain….not much to do today…I need to plant the seeds out of the paper towel that have sprouted…have some beans and cukes and hope the last tomato seeds get going or I’ll have to get more next week….more later….
Not a bad day…
Well…even though I’m not sleeping well, I had a bunch of energy today and got a bunch of stuff done…got a 9 pound spiral sliced ham at Meijers this morning that I’m going to make tomorrow along with a bunch of veggie and flower seeds at Menards…got some arugula, whatever that is, along with some squash, radishes and lots of other things I’ve never grown before…even some yellow wax beans that I am going to try to start…and lots more flower seeds so this place is going to have lots of color this summer….got the back stairs cleaned and all the cobwebs are gone…and I put all the tools away that had found residence on the stairs and even got the webs vacuumed from underneath the tool cabinets that I had missed before….had a couple of beans come up downstairs and I think the ones in the paper towel are sprouting, too…can’t have too many beans…could have 15 plants this year and I’m happy they freeze well…it may be warm enough to ride outside tomorrow so it could be another 31 mile day…looking at the instructions for the biopsy on Friday, they recommend to not ride for a week but we’ll see how that goes…okay, want to plant the new beans….
Repeal the second amendment…
Well…another day another 7 dead from a school shooting and the repubs all have their talking point working that “there is nothing that can be done” and I disagree…the second amendment has outlived it’s usefulness and should be repealed…if kids have to go to school in fear of their lives every day and the repubs won’t do anything about it, it’s time to repeal the second amendment…just get rid of the damn misinterpreted thing…it was never intended to mean that anyone can have and carry any gun they want anywhere they want…it was a product of the time when it was written when there was a fear of standing armies and the misuse of them that had happened all over Europe…and it only authorized a “well regulated militia” not any yahoo being able to carry an AR-15 anywhere but the NRA and the repubs stacked the courts with right wing ideologues that expanded the amendment to mean something that no court until this one thought it did…an unlimited “right” to whatever guns anyone wants…so let’s start work on getting rid of the second amendment…other amendments have been repealed before and this one can be, too….geez…
March 29th
Well…another one of those up 5 times nights last night but getting back to sleep after each one was easier than Monday night so that’s progress…but woke up for the last time at 5 and then out of bed at 5:23…but that’s okay since I want to get the first ride in before I do the grocery run today…it looks like I won’t get to 31 miles today since it’s going to be raining/snowing off and on all day with a high of 39 and that’s too cold for me…have been feeling cold for days now and part of that is only eating one meal a day and I am getting used to that….yesterday was about 600 calories and today looks to be the same…and the second no cocktail night in a row has me feeling pretty good even with the fitful sleep….going to hit three stores this morning…Menards for more flower/veggie seeds, then Aldis and Meijers…nothing that I need at DD so I can skip that today…getting another big ham that will keep me going for a week or so and I can make a lot of meals off it…I know ham is not good for me but I like it and it’s only 99 cents a pound….haven’t checked the seeds I have in paper towel up here but I’m going to do that here in a bit and then get one the bike….getting close to the first thousand miles on the bike this year and should hit that this weekend…almost made it before April 1st and that would have been something…not much to do today….just the grocery runs and the rides but I really should clean the back stairs…and I might….more later….