Well…another day another 7 dead from a school shooting and the repubs all have their talking point working that “there is nothing that can be done” and I disagree…the second amendment has outlived it’s usefulness and should be repealed…if kids have to go to school in fear of their lives every day and the repubs won’t do anything about it, it’s time to repeal the second amendment…just get rid of the damn misinterpreted thing…it was never intended to mean that anyone can have and carry any gun they want anywhere they want…it was a product of the time when it was written when there was a fear of standing armies and the misuse of them that had happened all over Europe…and it only authorized a “well regulated militia” not any yahoo being able to carry an AR-15 anywhere but the NRA and the repubs stacked the courts with right wing ideologues that expanded the amendment to mean something that no court until this one thought it did…an unlimited “right” to whatever guns anyone wants…so let’s start work on getting rid of the second amendment…other amendments have been repealed before and this one can be, too….geez…