Accomplished a lot today…

Well…damn, just sat down after getting a lot accomplished this morning…38 miles on the bike to start and had those done by a little after 10…then changed clothes and mowed the lawn…the little rain we’ve had out here has greened it up some and not mowing for almost two weeks left it quite long…and it was still wet from the showers last night and the dew from the humidity…much warmer out here today but still tolerable…after mowing, I decided to weed the garden since I still had sunscreen on from the bike rides and figured I’d get all of the outdoor work done before I had lunch…man, that was really needed and now I can tell what I’m growing again…I did plant another 20 pea seeds since I want to have peas for later in the summer and I had space where the leeks didn’t come up…so now it’s almost two pm and I am done for the day but doing the weight work and grilling some marinated pork chops with roasted red potatoes and steamed beans and peas…yummy…

There is a debate later in the week..

Well…in case you didn’t hear, there is a presidential debate later in the week that should be pretty strange…I mean one of the participants is a convicted felon? And the other is a good man who has done great work on the economy and everything else he and his team have touched…and this debate is going to be pretty hard for the idiot trump since they have cut off switches for the microphones so trump won’t be able to use his bullying tactics like talking over his opponent and shouting…and one thing I think Biden should start every response with is “unlike the convicted felon to my right”…I would laugh at that…and I really do hope they talk about jobs and explode the myth that repubs are great job creators…a new study just out the other day compared the past three repub and dem administrations and found that the three repubs (bush, bush, and idiot boy) created about 8 million jobs…but then looked at the three dems (Clinton, Obama, and Biden) and found that they created over 49 million jobs…yeah, those of us who live in the fact based world already knew that the dems are better stewards of the economy but the mainstream media won’t report on that and that’s why the polls show that the American people think that idiot boy is as good as Biden on the economy…look, Biden trounced the idiot in the last debate and the cognitive decline we’ve seen in the idiot will make it even worse this time…geez…

June 24th

Well…damn, this is going to be a busy day that I need to get started in less than 20 minutes with the first bike ride…then two more, mowing the lawn and weeding the garden…and I still hurt almost everywhere and I wonder if the pain is permanent from getting old? I did get 38 miles in yesterday but not much else done and that’s why I need to do so much today…I did get weed killer on the lawn and need to buy more at menards this week…the new sprayer I bought a couple of months ago is pretty nice and allows me to spot spray without mixing the killer with water…the rain we got over the past few days has greened up the lawn some and it’s supposed to rain again tonight and tomorrow so maybe the lawn will live for a while at least…I do need to plant another batch of peas and broccoli today…something is eating the leaves on my broccoli so I hit it with some bug/fungus killer yesterday and hope to salvage it…have peppers and tomatoes that have set but the cukes are flowering but don’t have any little ones on the vines yet…just like last year and can’t figure it out…have lots to do today…and I need to grill the pork chops I marinated yesterday and cook some of the peas and beans I picked yesterday…probably should get going….more later…

This is better…

Well…this is better…the high temp today is going to be a little over 70 with much less humidity that the hot streak we had last week…got a few things done today that needed it…had lots of small branches down from the storms overnight and there was a big one down on the trail next to the road…had to be 18 inches in diameter and blocked off the whole trail leaving everyone to have to go into the road…tomorrow I’m going to weed the garden while I have an open yard waste bag that I only half filled with branches and put in another row of peas so I’ll have some for later in the summer…and I put weedkiller on the lawn since the weeds are the only thing growing…the new grass in the spot where they removed the tree has either died or gone dormant so I’ll need to work on that tomorrow, too…it’s 1:30pm and I’m done for the day other than making potato salad and getting the pork chops in the teriyaki marinade to grill tomorrow…and there are races on the rest of the day for background noise…so, I’m going to relax the rest of the afternoon…

The party of “freedom”

Well…the cult of trump is at it again trying to protect the fee fees of the cult leader by enacting new rules in the House that won’t allow anyone to mention that he is a convicted felon or that he is a rapist, tax cheat, or fraud…and they are lying, of course, that the rule was actually the work of Thomas Jefferson to try to give that turd the sheen of legitimacy that they know it doesn’t have…this the party of “freedom” folks…to protect their cult leader, screw the constitution or free speech and try to gaslight the American people that the idiot trump is innocent as a baby and make sure that history will be distorted…anything for the cult leader…what a bunch of crap…geez…

June 23rd

Well…that was a weather change last night…it’s only 64 degrees out here right now and it’s only getting into the low 70′s today…went to bed before the big storms got here last night and that was a little disappointing…closed the house up last night for the first time in a week and no fans on…need to get on the bike right now at 6;39 to get two rides in before the F1 race comes on at 9 but I haven’t had much coffee and that won’t work…slept okay last night but I’m still pretty worn out this morning and I hope that goes away soon…took an easy day yesterday with only 16 miles on the indoor bike and I’m not sure how many I’ll get in today…have to do the weeds in the lawn today since they are the only thing that is growing in it…I did try to peas that I picked the other day and they were really good…sweet and nutty and I’m going to plant another 20 seeds to have more of them later in the summer…I do have peppers and tomatoes that will be ready in about a month and I am looking forward to that…last day of leftovers today and I need to make some potato salad to go with the pork chops that go in the marinade today…then on the grill tomorrow….more later…

An 11 point swing…

Well…you know I really hate fox news for the damage they’ve done to this country and I’ll continue to hate them…but, they came out with a poll a couple of days ago that should have the repubs shaking in their boots…they have Joe in the lead and gaining but the big shocker is the 11 point swing to Biden by independents…and the majority of that is because of the 34 felony counts that the idiot was convicted of…how anyone with a functioning brain could be sitting on the fence when one of the candidates is a really good human being who is great at being president and the other is the scum of the earth felon rapist is still beyond me…maybe they just haven’t paid attention like I do? All I have say is I would much rather be our side a lot more than the idiot…and the first debate next week is going to show the country and the world how far idiot boy’s mental faculties have declined…or the idiot is going to find a reason to run away and not show up…his handlers should be scared shitless of how bad this will be for idiot boy…and I can’t wait…geez…

June 22nd

Well…darn, it’s funny how eating enough makes you feel better…and the dizziness I had felt for a couple of days is gone so I guess I’ll have to keep that up…it’s finally raining a little but the majority of it is going to the north just like yesterday but I think I’ll do the first ride indoors to get started by 7 or so…just poured the first cup of coffee and need to pour it down to get moving…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get anything done so today will have to be different…need to clean the couch and living room and rotate the cushions then do a load of laundry…don’t have to cook until Monday or so but I do want to make some potato salad and get some pork chops marinating in the teriyaki sauce to put on the grill Monday….have only 20 minutes before I need to get on the bike since I want to get two rides in before F1 qualifying comes on at 10…I may just make this a short, 16 mile day today…I could use the rest but if a window opens, I’ll do one ride outdoors to get to around 30 miles for the day…it looks like it’s going to be a chore to get to 5,000 miles before my birthday but I’ll give it a try…need 600 miles and that means 200 per week and that means 3 rides outdoors every day…and I’m sore…not much to do today…just cleaning and laundry and making sure I eat enough….more later…

A fun day…

Well…it was a fun day with going down to GH to have lunch with T and had a lot of laughs and fun catching up…hadn’t seen here since early last year and that’s too long to go…I did go over to the new marina to look at the boats but none of the offshore powerboats showed up an all there was to look at were the boats that have rented slips there…and I’ve seen them before…I did get the morning rides in for 38 miles today and I’m starting to feel better with eating enough finally and I need to keep that up…but first I do need to do my weight work as I watch Indycar practice….


Well…with fox news and the rest of the lying right wing media crowing endlessly that the idiot trump outraised Joe Biden’s big haul from a fundraiser last week, all you have to do is look at the details of where the money came from to know that it’s thanks to citizens united for idiot boy’s win…while Joe’s money came from thousands of donors from large to small, idiot boy’s was made up of 6 million dollars raised from small donors, and one billionaire donor who wrote him a check for 50 million dollars…so, in reality, the idiot only raised 6 million dollars and that is spent already…before citizens united that allowed unlimited contributions, the billionaire would only be able to give 2,500 bucks but now billionaires can buy any politician they want and they do it all the time…mostly repubs…is there any wonder that the repubs don’t do anything for normal people? They don’t need them anymore so everything is done for the easy money the billionaires bring to the table…and that sucks…geez…