Well…damn tired of talking about the idiot trump so let’s talk about Ukraine…wow, did they just make old putin look like the fraud he is by invading Russia? The Ukrainian army now holds over 1,000 square miles of Russian territory and are taking more every day…now, I didn’t see this one coming at all since the illegal invasion had stalled and there was not much more than the grind it out to take a few yards here or there…the last time this happened, Ukraine took back a large chunk of it’s own land with what is called maneuver warfare that they are really good at and what NATO equipment is built for…one thing I want to contrast is what the 75 towns look like that the Ukrainians captured…the only damage being what Russia caused by throwing glide bombs at the UK army…Ukraine didn’t shell or bomb the towns into dust like Russia does…they are even killing their own citizens in the captured territory as they try to push Ukraine out…and hundreds of Russian soldiers are surrendering since it it the only way they can avoid being killed in the “meat waves” that are Russia’s favorite tactics…and one commenter that I read this morning pointed out that the Russian soldiers are better treated as POW’s than they are by their own commanders…I found that funny since it’s true…where will this eventually go? Not sure but you have to admire the guts and smarts the Ukrainians are showing….
Tag Archives: Ukraine
Why all the hand wringing?
Well…with all of the negative commentary about the US supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine, I wonder why all the hand wringing? I know that more than 100 countries have signed a treaty to not use them but the US, Ukraine, and Russia haven’t….and the biggest point they try to make is how dangerous unexploded bomblets are to civilians…and that is a good point with what we know about the damage these things do after the wars are over and not all of them are cleaned up…but to me the point is that Russia has already used over 100,000 of these shells all over Ukraine and the Russian dud rate is more than 30% compared to 1.5% for American munitions…and here’s another point…the US has more than 5 million of these shells of various types and Ukraine is running short of regular artillery shells and being able to use these cluster munitions will get rid of that shortage and give them the tools to attack the trenches that Russian has built all over Ukraine…Ukraine is the country that is going to deal with the cleanup after they push Russia out so the ultimate decision should be up to them…and we should give them everything they need since they are doing the worlds work in beating Russia…and crippling Russia will do great things for the world’s future…so let’s help them…
Scraping the bottom of the barrel..
Well…haven’t talked about the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine in a while so, with what was reported this morning, I thought I’d just do a shorty on it…the amount of equipment that Russia has lost is just staggering…I mean almost 3,000 tanks, thousands of artillery pieces, thousands of armored fighting vehicles…you get the point, they have been bleeding equipment almost on a daily basis…just yesterday they lost 8 tanks…and with the sanctions in place, the Russians really can’t replace them with the semi modern tanks they were sending…they really don’t have a modern tank that can match the Leopard 2′s or the M1 Abrams that we are sending them in the near future…so what is Russia’s response? They start sending even older tanks that they had in storage in Siberia or someplace like that…just today photos were posted of tanks that were made in the 40′s…late 40′s I guess but at least designed in the late 40′s….by comparison, if we sent tanks of that generation, we’d have to dig some Shermans out of museums to go that far back….where do you get parts for something that old? I do know that one Leopard or Abrams could take on 30 or 40 of those old relics and come away unscathed…remember that in the Iraq war, not one Abrams was lost to the same tanks the Russians are using in Ukraine…so the ones they scraped off the bottom of the barrel are really not going to do much….but, hey…keep sending them, they will make great scrap metal….
That’s my president…
Well…just wanted to do a shorty on Joe Biden’s surprise visit to Ukraine today…man, I’ll bet putin is just steaming about it and the visuals of he standing with the Ukrainian president in front of a castle in Kyiv while air raid sirens blared in the background is exactly the kind of dignity and support that Joe has brought to the presidency…and his pledge to always stand with Ukraine should show putin that his invasion is doomed especially since it was revealed today that Ukraine is getting F-16′s soon along with 500 modern tanks that will chew through any armor that Russia still has left….can you imagine the idiot trump doing anything like that? Nope? Yeah, I can’t either…all I have to say is that’s my president…
Send in the tanks…
Well…finally, the US is going to send some M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine to call Germany’s bluff and get them to allow sending Leopard 2 tanks from across Europe…now, I know that I was against this at first with the brand new supply lines of both fuel and parts since the Abrams is powered by a jet engine and takes jet fuel to run it….and there is no one in NATO who knows how to keep them running or how to use them since no one else uses them…but if they are needed to break the Leopard logjam, then we need to get them there fast….after all, we have hundreds of them in storage that will never get used so even if we just sit them and use them as artillery pieces, that would free up some towed or mobile artillery pieces for the front…I am stuck by how stupid putin has been throughout this whole invasion…and now he is going to have his 1960′s tanks going up against the best in the world and it isn’t going to be pretty….for him…geez…
What are the Germans thinking?
Well…not sure if you’ve been following the Ukraine invasion closely or at all, I have an I can’t figure out what the Germans are thinking…over the past week or so there has been conflict with them about supplying German made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine to give them the advantage in armor since most of the tanks they have are old soviet designs from the 50′s and 60′s and the Leopard 2 is Germany’s most advanced tank… and Germany itself won’t have to give up one since this tank is used by almost all of the NATO countries and all of them have volunteered to send them to Ukraine…but, since the tanks are a German design, the Germans have the say where they can be deployed and they are dragging their feet…and they have said that they won’t approve that use until the US sends M1A1 Abrams tanks…but that doesn’t make any sense since only the US knows how to operate and repair the M1 while the Leopards can be repaired and Ukrainians can be trained right next door in Poland…so, I think we should call their bluff and take some of the hundreds of Abrams that are stored in Germany and send them to Ukraine for use as non mobile artillery pieces since the drive is the least reliable part of them and the most complex to keep running since it uses a jet engine to move it…it would just take too much time to get the logistics and training for the Abrams for them to be useful in less than a year and Ukraine needs armor now…so get off your butt Germany and release the Leopards…geez…
What a bunch of asses…
Well…with the visit of Ukrainian president Zelenskyy to the US yesterday, and the repub response to it, we again had it confirmed that the repubs are a bunch of assholes and that they truly are traitors who support Putin more than Ukraine. When Z spoke in front of the congress, most of the repub caucus didn’t even show up and the ones who did disrespected Z by talking, playing with their phones and sitting on their hands when the House rose for a standing ovation…and the new meme that the right and it’s Putin apologists is using today is that Ukraine is a “welfare queen” and we can’t afford to support them anymore and they are repub house members are trying to get the additional funding for Ukraine ripped out of the spending bill being worked on as they poured money on the US military to the tune of 860 billion dollars just last week. Let’s remember what Ukraine is doing for the world…since Russia invaded, they have lost half of their military strength…hundreds of thousands of their soldiers dead and essentially a gutted economy exposing the hollowed out military that no one is afraid of anymore…just that much would be more than we should have expected…and Ukraine deserves whatever they need from us as they continue and until they win…which they will give enough support….geez…
Russian missiles just hit Poland…
Well…how about something a little different? Haven’t talked about the stupid Russian invasion of Ukraine lately, but what happened today needs a little comment….in a huge barrage of terror, the Russians launched almost a hundred missiles into western Ukraine today trying to hit infrastructure and civilians as terrorists do but there was a little problem with the attack when 2 of their missiles went off course and landed on a farm in Poland, killing two people and wrecking some farm equipment. Now, since Poland is a NATO country, they could invoke Article 5 that requires other NATO countries to defend them…but, they probably won’t in this case, opting for an apology from putin and reparations for the damage done and the people killed…after all, Poland has a bigger, better equipped army than Russia does…and just think of that…Russia is supposedly a superpower and little Poland can kick their butts anytime they want…what do you think the rest of the countries that Russia has under their thumb are going to think about that? Even China seems to be abandoning putin and Russian media is talking about a people’s revolt against the government….I’ve never seen one person so miscalculate a military campaign so that it backfires and ruins his attacking country…it will be delicious to see ole putin groveling to the Polish government….and to see who is going to fall out of window next to pay for this mistake…should find out later today….
Are all of them working for the Russians?
Well…if you needed another reason to not ever vote for another repub, one popped up in the news today…as you’ve probably heard, all of the repubs have been spouting off that they will end aid to the Ukrainians if they take control of congress…and that makes me wonder, are all of them working for the Russians? What is it about Ukraine and it’s people’s struggle for freedom that is so repugnant to the repubs? Starting with the idiot trump’s attempted extortion of them that got him impeached the first time and continuing to today, the repubs have been hating on Ukraine for years and the reason could be as simple as they just love them some putin and are trying to repay him for handing the election to idiot boy and are looking for more help to make sure that a dem never gets elected again….or they could just be selfish assholes who just want the power to hurt people they hate since they show that behavior here in the US every day. As a preview of what the world can expect if repubs get elected, reps of Ukraine met with repub members of congress last week and ole mccarthy assured them that they could count on the US’s continued support…then he went to the press and told the truth when he said that they would end aid to Ukraine if they are in control…it’s taken two years of Biden for the world to trust us again, and you can be sure that the repubs will blow that up if they are in control again…so, people, get out and vote…and not for any damn repub….geez…
Going to the beach….
Well…I think I’m going to the beach here in a minute so I won’t have a political one until around 2:30…still not sure what it will be about since I have had a topic dry spell lately…maybe Ukraine? There have been some developments over the past two days that are just stunning and Russia is getting it’s butt kicked all over the country…so I better not talk any more about that right now or I’ll use up what I know…crap, might just as well do it now…over the past two days, Ukraine has been just running over the Russians there and have gained almost 2,000 square kilometers of it’s land back from the invaders and it appears that they are still going today….capturing loads of Russian equipment and soldiers and putting almost 50 villages back into Ukraine’s hands….and it appears that some Russians are making a run for it, abandoning it’s fortified positions…all this after the war has really been inĀ a stalemate for months with very little happening…I wonder if this could be the beginning of the end for Russia there? I guess you’re not so scary of an army when you have to buy equipment from frickin North Korea? Yep, artillery shells and rockets from NK since Russia can’t make them anymore with the sanctions cutting them off from the technology they need….so, I have my fingers crossed that Ukraine can keep this up and decimate the war criminals…good job there Putin…geez…