What a bunch of asses…

Well…with the visit of Ukrainian president Zelenskyy to the US yesterday, and the repub response to it, we again had it confirmed that the repubs are a bunch of assholes and that they truly are traitors who support Putin more than Ukraine. When Z spoke in front of the congress, most of the repub caucus didn’t even show up and the ones who did disrespected Z by talking, playing with their phones and sitting on their hands when the House rose for a standing ovation…and the new meme that the right and it’s Putin apologists is using today is that Ukraine is a “welfare queen” and we can’t afford to support them anymore and they are repub house members are trying to get the additional funding for Ukraine ripped out of the spending bill being worked on as they poured money on the US military to the tune of 860 billion dollars just last week. Let’s remember what Ukraine is doing for the world…since Russia invaded, they have lost half of their military strength…hundreds of thousands of their soldiers dead and essentially a gutted economy exposing the hollowed out military that no one is afraid of anymore…just that much would be more than we should have expected…and Ukraine deserves whatever they need from us as they continue and until they win…which they will give enough support….geez…

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