Yow…they raided Deutsche Bank yesterday…

Well…another day, another raid on the top money laundering bank in the world yesterday, Deutsche Bank. This one should have the idiot trump shaking…and it does if his tweets about the Mueller investigation yesterday are any indication. Remember that when every other bank in the world cut off idiot boy’s access to capital, Deutsche Bank was the lone bank that would deal with trump…and it just happens that they have been laundering money out of Russia for decades…I wonder what that connection is? Look, it has been clear for some time that trump has been laundering dirty Russian money through real estate for years…but the majority of that was from the oligarch thieves who were pillaging the Russian economy…what is going to come out from this raid is that the Russian government was paying off trump and his cronies by providing the money that Deutsche bank was loaning trump….now, this is just speculation on my part but with how the Russians have groomed trump over the years, it would not surprise me if this is the truth. Another raid that happened yesterday was to the offices of a Chicago alderman whose accounting firm just happened to be employed by trump for the past decade, with their relationship just ending earlier this year. Wanna bet that these two raids are connected? With these latest happenings I have only one piece of advice for trump and his cronies…run! Run fast and run far…you are all going to jail if you don’t…Saudi Arabia would be a good place for you…impeach…

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