I wish someone would do something…

Well…as I said this morning, there has not been much going on in politics for me to write about and I guess it’s one of the problems a couterpuncher has…someone has to punch first…and no one is punching so I guess I’ll have to come up with something on my own. Hmmmmm…oh, Ohio State…as a Michigan fan, I’m having a hard time dredging up any sympathy for the situation there…I’m glad that Tressel resigned and that the shenanigans with almost their whole team has been exposed; the smirk has been taken off the face of their fans and they are going through what we went through with Rodriguez. They will always be known as cheaters now…

Oh, on politics….just some general stuff that has been percolating…I hope the repub idiots here in Michigan get their victory dances in now because they are going to pay in 2012….we may still have a repub governor, but we will have at least the house or senate back after these thugs gave the state away to business on the backs of retirees and the poor…the pendulum is going to swing back to sanity after the flirtation with the tea party and it’s right wing radicals. You heard it here first….that’s about it for now…thinking is not coming easily right now….but is is so much better than this morning…I think I’ll do a no booze day count…might be fun to chronicle…

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