Well….don’t repubs ever get tired of stealing from the American taxpayer? Just this morning, a rep from Texas was on one of the morning shows, when Dana Bash asked him about the egregious price gouging that was going on with both the electricity and gas markets in his home state that have left hundreds of thousands of people with 10,000 dollar electric bills for one week…due to the unregulated power markets that are a feature of Texas….and this idiot had the gall to say that they don’t have to worry about these astronomical bills since FEMA is going to have money to pay them…and my response is nope, nope, and nope! These bills are all fake and don’t reflect any increased costs for any of the power companies but is the result of power companies buying laws that gift them the power to outright steal in the time of increased demand and there is no damn way that FEMA or taxpayers should be paying for what is just an accounting entry…and giving billions to the power company owners…hey, I have a better idea, why not just re-calculate the bills at the normal rate? These thieves should not be rewarded for rigging the system in their favor…now we all understand why Texas wanted to keep it’s power system separate from the national grid….so cheap power from the rest of the country couldn’t be sent to meet increased demand…and to keep the system rigged so a few get rich while the rest of the state pays…not one damn cent of FEMA money should go to these assholes….
Tag Archives: FEMA
A president for all Americans…
Well…damn, it feels good to have a president for all Americans again and who doesn’t think people in states that didn’t vote for him can just go to hell. Just today, Joe Biden authorized emergency fund for the state of Texas that is getting battered by the worst snow storm there in the past century…2.5 million people are without power and travel has essentially halted since they don’t have the type of equipment that we in the snow belt states have…and they really shouldn’t have it for a once in a century event. Here’s the thing, Texas is part of the US and Joe understands that and it was one of his best campaign slogans that he would be president for the whole country…and he is not “thinking” about getting them aid or putting conditions on it like the idiot boy did for states that didn’t vote for him…nope, it’s just all hands on deck with FEMA taking control of the relief efforts and Joe pouring in whatever is necessary to help our fellow Americans….just as it should be. This is what a real president looks and acts like…no bitching, no bluster, just getting to work to help people…it’s just a damn shame that the folks in Texas will still hate all dems no matter what happens or how much is done for them…we’ll still know what a real president is and be thankful that Joe is in charge…
The greatest logistical challenge ever?
Well…if you had any question that the entire trump administration is filled with incompetent idiots, you just have to listen to trump’s FEMA administrator making excuses for their failure to plan for the devastation in Puerto Rico and their continued failure to deliver aid to keep people alive…this idiot said this today: “…this is the most logistically challenging event the US has ever seen…” Now, I’ve been around a while so maybe I’m working from experience that these idiots don’t have but I can name much more challenging events…how does the D-Day invasion sound, or WWII in the Pacific? Do you remember the Berlin Airlift? Or building all the war materiel for WWII? Or Landing a damn man on the moon? I could go on and on pointing out the ridiculousness of these idiots…it may be the most challenging event for some no experience, no talent hack that should never have the job, but the most challenging ever? Not even close…impeach…
Hypocrites again….
Well…I find the recent normal of the repubs hating something (like gay rights) until it affects themselves or their own family, to be just another indicator that they have no moral center left at all. The latest version of this hypocritical nonsense lies with the reps from Arizona who all voted against the relief for the victims of hurricane Sandy…the millions of people who live in the heathen northeast, and are now having a pissing match with FEMA since they won’t send aid for the wildfire damage that happened in Arizona. Now, you might think this would be payback for their just general nastiness since these folks just hate everyone…but the damage is small enough for the state to handle and that is just what FEMA said…but these idiots, who preach that the states should run everything in their state without federal interference, are just trying to force the costs of firing firefighters that they don’t want to pay for and the resulting damage on the federal government…tough luck, McCain…and Flake…remember Detroit when you continue your whining and the fact that you said you’d block any aid while they restructure…karma’s a bitch….geez…
Yeah, let’s abolish FEMA…
Well…events of this week just point out the stupidity of the repubs arguments that the federal government is too big and needs to be shrunk by over 30%…and this culminated in ole Mitt’s pledge to eliminate FEMA in a speech this past week…now, I’m not an advocate of government doing everything, but there are some things that the federal government is uniquely suited to do…and this is one of them, coordinating disaster response across the many states that are going to be affected by hurricane Sandy and making sure that the people in the affected areas are safe. In this time of cash-strapped state governments, ole Mitt’s ideas of letting the states go it alone in a natural disaster is unconscionable…that spreading of the risk and the costs of recovery is exactly what a nation should do…but in ole Mitt’s jaundiced eye it is every man for himself…what’s next? Make the cities and towns that are affected go it alone, too? That brings me to the nonsense that both Ryan and Eric Cantor pushed during the tornadoes that devastated Joplin…that is that there will be no disaster relief until there are budget cuts to pay for them…tell that to the 50 million people that are going to targeted by this storm…what a bunch of uncaring, ideology driven idiots….geez…
Okay…I was a little mistaken about the timing of ole Mitt’s comments…they were from 2011…so far back that they surely can’t be his views now…that was a little sarcasm…but the one nugget that I missed was his idea to move disaster relief to the “private sector”…so now he advocates letting his rich buddies make profit from the misery of his fellow citizens? So, I wonder what the price is of a rescue from a terrible storm? Your house? Your car? Your life savings? I just can’t believe this election is even close…wake up, folks…
Eric Cantor is evil….
Well…reading and watching the news this morning and I came upon a little tidbit of information that dropped my jaw about 2 feet…with the widespread destruction in the middle of this country caused by the tornados and flooding, there is a need to do for these people what only government can do…manage the financial burden by giving FEMA and other agencies money that will help alleviate the suffering….well, not alleviate it but mitigate it some. But, what do we hear from the most evil man in the US House? That before he will even consider a supplemental appropriations bill to fund the recovery efforts, Eric Cantor rolls politics into and delays what should have been done yesterday…he won’t allow any bill to be voted on until the amount they are appropriating is cut from other parts of the budget. Yeah, that sound you just heard is my brain locking up with this nonsense….and to make matters worse, the repub controlled Missouri legislature and the other Missouri repub members of congress and senate support this evil man’s ideas….if you ever had any doubt about what the repubs are, here it is for all to see….keep tax breaks for oil companies but when the people are in need, tell them to go to hell…geez….