Well…I find the recent normal of the repubs hating something (like gay rights) until it affects themselves or their own family, to be just another indicator that they have no moral center left at all. The latest version of this hypocritical nonsense lies with the reps from Arizona who all voted against the relief for the victims of hurricane Sandy…the millions of people who live in the heathen northeast, and are now having a pissing match with FEMA since they won’t send aid for the wildfire damage that happened in Arizona. Now, you might think this would be payback for their just general nastiness since these folks just hate everyone…but the damage is small enough for the state to handle and that is just what FEMA said…but these idiots, who preach that the states should run everything in their state without federal interference, are just trying to force the costs of firing firefighters that they don’t want to pay for and the resulting damage on the federal government…tough luck, McCain…and Flake…remember Detroit when you continue your whining and the fact that you said you’d block any aid while they restructure…karma’s a bitch….geez…