Well…have been sitting here wallowing in self pity after just losing another house today and now I’m kicking myself in the butt for it….I feel somewhat ashamed when this is on the same day that my friend’s father died and I feel so bad for her….and I need to get off my ass and get back to work here…so, here goes….the news just came out a little while ago that there are going to be criminal charges against former governor Rick Snyder and some of his cronies for poisoning the water supply in Flint that led to lead poisoning and an outbreak of Legionairres disease that killed a bunch of people…and all that just because they just didn’t care and they thought Michigan should be run like a business by businessmen who do nothing but cut costs with no thought of the consequences to the people of a minority majority city. The really sick thing is they knew it was happening and kept it secret for months as the poison was spreading through the city…and they were warned that what they were going to do would be dangerous but, again, they didn’t care and would have kept doing it without the brave whistle blowing of a doctor who had seen the same thing in another state. I’m not sure what the charges are going to be but I hope there is at least one felony in there for all of them for the damage they have done to a generation of Flint’s residents…lead damage is more terrible for the young people and it can cause lifelong learning disabilities that Snyder didn’t care about…I hope he goes to jail….
Tag Archives: Rick Snyder
Snyder is going to get what he deserves…
Well…there was a little bit of good news from here in Michigan over the weekend that I almost forgot to write about…but, I remembered so here goes….you remember a few years back, the repubs in charge of the state were doing what repubs do, trying to make a profit off the water supply of Flint by switching it from Detroit where good, clean water was supplied for decades to the Flint river that was still polluted from years of industrial dumping from GM and other companies. With the finances of the city in dire straights due to population loss and cuts to state aid that is rampant under the repubs as they give tax breaks to corporations and the rich, Snyder appointed an emergency manager to take over the city…displacing the elected officials from the mayor on down whose only reason for being there was to cut costs with no regard for the safety of the residents. When the switch to the Flint River was done, the corrosive nature of the water started to leach lead from the old pipes and expose 100,000 people to huge amounts of lead…the big thing here is that Snyder and his cronies knew about the lead problem for a year and did nothing about it as men, women, and children were being poisoned. So, this weekend, Snyder was added back to the class action suit filed on behalf of the poisoned city and is now exposed to paying damages for his incompetence/inaction or the repub disease of just not caring about anyone who is not rich or a donor to their party…I, for one, hope he ends up losing everything and the people of Flint can at least use those millions to try to help fix the damage that was done…typical repub….
Rick Snyder is not too bright…
Well…thought I’d go with a little bit of local politics today after just seeing an ad that our idiot governor has done for his underling who is running for governor. In the ad, Snyder touts the “accomplishments” of his administration and he actually uses right to work as an accomplishment…yep he’s proud of the hand he has had in killing unions in this country and the result of lower wages for the people who are left working here…I mean, who the hell is that aimed at? At best, right to work is supported by only about 40% of the people in Michigan and those are all repubs…does he think that any independent who supports working people is going to think that’s a plus? I wonder if he should put in new ads that he poisoned an entire city and has done nothing to help Flint? I wonder if another ad should be that he passed the biggest tax increase on retirees in the history of the state? Or, another one that he and his repub cronies rigged the system so even though dems got more votes total in the last election, repubs control the entire state? You get my drift…The ads against Brian Calley are going to write themselves….and Snyder is not too bright if he thinks his “accomplishments” will sway anyone to continue the policies that have screwed over workers across the state…geez…
Snyder’s abuse of power…
Well…here we go again…the repubs here in Michigan are abusing their power and rigging the system so Flint can’t make sure the state lives up to it’s responsibility to fix the damage done there by the emergency manager and the Snyder administration. As a little backstory, I’m sure you know that cost savings measures put in place by the Snyder administration led to the poisoning of Flint’s water supply and millions of dollars of damage to the water infrastructure there. To ensure that there would actually be a fix in place and not just talk, which is all we have ever gotten from Snyder, the city of Flint filed a notice of a lawsuit that would do just that…that would force the state to fix the damage that was done…but, as always with the repubs here in Michigan, they are rigging the system so that Flint can’t sue by changing the rules that requires that any suit has to be approved by a Snyder appointed board…yeah, that’s right, any suit that would hold Snyder responsible has to go through a new Snyder appointed board…now, how likely is it that any suit would be approved by Snyder’s cronies? It’s just another example of how the repubs here are abusing their power to protect their asses and not the people….we need to vote these guys out of office this fall and start making sure that Michigan has a functioning democracy again…not a third world government run by cronyism and lies…geez…
Snyder tries to shift the blame for Flint…
Well…with the hearings going on in congress about the screwups that led to Flint residents being poisoned with lead…we see the typical repub response from our governor Snyder that it was the “bureaucrats” in his administration that were responsible for the crisis…of course not him, even though he knew a year before he acknowledged it that there were problems in Flint. But, the most sick thing was his trying to shift the blame to the EPA, basically saying that they should have known that Snyder’s administration was poisoning people in Flint and should have stopped them…imagine what that would mean for criminal defendants if this crap was allowed to excuse this behavior….a murder suspect could just say “hey, you guys didn’t stop me from murdering so it’s not my fault…it’s the fault of the bureaucrats in the police department….” And, as you know, these guys are so big on “personal responsibility” until it gets down to them…then, anyone and everyone is responsible but them…especially the government…the repubs on the committee again tried to have it both ways, too, saying that the EPA should regulate more what states can do…when, just a week ago, they were complaining that the EPA is destroying the economy by too much regulation and the states should be able to do what they want without interference from the EPA. Typical repub behavior that killed people and put thousands at risk…but they never have any responsibility for it..even when they control the entire government of Michigan…what a bunch of liars…geez…
Snyder really is a liar….
Well….as you know, I have written a few of these about the Flint lead poisoning crisis with some conjecture that our wonderful governor Snyder was lying when he said he didn’t know what was going on there until October of last year…with the release of some new e-mails regarding the crisis, we now know he was lying through his teeth about it…he and his top aides know about the poisoning from the start and didn’t do a damn thing about it since it would have cost money to go back to the Detroit water system…this is the problem about running government like a business where the bottom line is all that counts, whether it is outsourcing good jobs to put more profit in the owner’s pockets or poisoning people to give tax cuts to the rich, government is not business and clean water for Flint’s residents is not optional no matter what it’s cost. And cost was the only consideration in this mess….and the lying by Snyder and his cronies means that Snyder has to go…geez…
Spin Snyder, spin….
Well…with every revelation and every excuse that ole Snyder makes for his and his cronies screwups with the Flint water crisis, and every deflection, he is looking more and more like the common repub that can’t do anything right…and will do everything in his power to try to prove that it wasn’t his fault. The latest goes something like this…the feds screwed up since they didn’t catch us poisoning the people of Flint to save a hundred bucks a day…and since they didn’t catch us and stop us, it’s not our fault that we did hundreds of million of dollars of damage to Flint. That is the line he has been feeding the lapdog press over the past few days and they are just eating it up….not one of them asking why the buck doesn’t stop at the governor’s desk since they scream “states rights” all day every day and always want the feds to stay out of their efficient running of their state…no matter that they killed people and have doomed thousands of children to a life of hardship and learning disabilities. This is the repub way folks…screw up and blame anyone but themselves…geez…
Snyder is such a whiner….
Well…I am just shaking my head at this latest thing from ole Snyder…our wonderful governor here in Michigan. He went on the radio a few days back to whine, whine, whine that he is being heckled in public when he goes out to eat….let that sink in for a minute….this guy who, along with his cronies, poisoned an entire Michigan city and now he is whining that he is the victim here…not the people of Flint or the rest of us who are going to be stuck with the tab for the repairs, but him. How typical is that of the repubs across the country? They screw up completely, causing untold damage to the country and then when they get called on it they whine and play the victim….hey Snyder, how about you do something about the water in Flint instead of just whining and studying it….how much more tone deaf can one person get? I guess we’ll see…..geez…
It gets worse in Flint
Well…as you should know by now, the state of Michigan and our wonderful governor (snark) poisoned the people of Flint for almost two years constantly saying that the water there was safe to drink when they knew it wasn’t…and another piece of the proof puzzle fell into place the other day when it was revealed that in January of 2015 the state offices in Flint started supplying bottled water to the employees there since they were concerned that the water was bad….something they didn’t do for the citizens of Flint until almost a year later…yep, they didn’t want their employees to be poisoned but it was just fine to poison the residents. This kind of crap happens every time there is a repub in charge…and in this case, an un-elected emergency manager who made the decision to change the water supply not to save money but I think to reward ole Snyder’s cronies that are getting sweetheart deals to build the new water system…what better way to make the new system necessary but to ruin the old one? What a bunch of crap…and typical repub crap…geez…
Okay…not sure if I want to attribute that much intelligence to those idiots…callousness, yes, but I don’t think they are that bright….
Just some stuff…
Well….have been thinking of a topic for today and haven’t had much luck…I could write about the word salad that ole Palin did the other day when she was endorsing Trump…or that Palin now blames her son’s arrest for domestic violence on Obama…thanks Obama….or I could write about the stories I read today that says everyone that has ever met Ted Cruz hates him…now that is something to think about…how hard would you have to try to have everyone hate you? I know some people hate me, mostly commenters here, but not everyone….or I could write about the big donors from Jeb!’s campaign already pointing fingers at people trying to find the blame for how terrible he’s doing…I have news for them…he’s just an idiot spawn of an idiot family, that’s why no one wants him. I could write about our lousy governor and how incompetent he is unless it’s harming unions or giving tax cuts to his business cronies…and, how the e-mails that were released show that no one in his administration gives a damn about anyone that can’t give them money….but no, not going to write about any of those….just about stuff….nope, not even about stuff….just bored and I think I’ll go back and read some more…