Well….have been thinking of a topic for today and haven’t had much luck…I could write about the word salad that ole Palin did the other day when she was endorsing Trump…or that Palin now blames her son’s arrest for domestic violence on Obama…thanks Obama….or I could write about the stories I read today that says everyone that has ever met Ted Cruz hates him…now that is something to think about…how hard would you have to try to have everyone hate you? I know some people hate me, mostly commenters here, but not everyone….or I could write about the big donors from Jeb!’s campaign already pointing fingers at people trying to find the blame for how terrible he’s doing…I have news for them…he’s just an idiot spawn of an idiot family, that’s why no one wants him. I could write about our lousy governor and how incompetent he is unless it’s harming unions or giving tax cuts to his business cronies…and, how the e-mails that were released show that no one in his administration gives a damn about anyone that can’t give them money….but no, not going to write about any of those….just about stuff….nope, not even about stuff….just bored and I think I’ll go back and read some more…