Well….was just reading some online news that confirmed what everyone should know…that ole Donald is just not too bright…and the piece of news? That Sarah Palin is on his short list for vice president….yep, the idiot half-term governor is considered to be qualified to be VP by Donald and that one piece of information should disqualify him from ever being considered for president…I am just shaking my head that ole sister Sarah, the two bit, bar fighting grifter would be considered qualified for anything…the debates would be interesting and a laugh riot but being VP is supposed to be serious business…this just shows how far the repubs have fallen….what a frickin joke…..geez….
Tag Archives: sarah palin
Just some stuff…
Well….even with all that is going on in politics, I haven’t been able to distill things down to a single topic so I think I’ll just noodle around and see where it goes….had to call the guys back to work on the furnace again and this time they replaced the brain that runs the thing…has been working since they left so I have my fingers crossed….it has been interesting this week to see that ole Donald has started to self destruct and show his know nothingness on basically every topic…from foreign policy to economics, his ignorance is just breathtaking and people are starting to catch on….and, the thing we have to remember is that even if he is the candidate, his own party really doesn’t like him much with his unfavorables being in the 60% range…and no one has ever been elected with them that high…his only support is within his rabid racist base and he has no appeal to the independents that are needed to win….I guess he appeals to the same folks that used to watch his reality show….oh, one last thing…sister Sarah did a speech for Trump in Wisconsin the other day that people walked out on…maybe her schtick is finally wearing thin? Not too soon, that’s for sure….
Just some stuff…
Well….have been thinking of a topic for today and haven’t had much luck…I could write about the word salad that ole Palin did the other day when she was endorsing Trump…or that Palin now blames her son’s arrest for domestic violence on Obama…thanks Obama….or I could write about the stories I read today that says everyone that has ever met Ted Cruz hates him…now that is something to think about…how hard would you have to try to have everyone hate you? I know some people hate me, mostly commenters here, but not everyone….or I could write about the big donors from Jeb!’s campaign already pointing fingers at people trying to find the blame for how terrible he’s doing…I have news for them…he’s just an idiot spawn of an idiot family, that’s why no one wants him. I could write about our lousy governor and how incompetent he is unless it’s harming unions or giving tax cuts to his business cronies…and, how the e-mails that were released show that no one in his administration gives a damn about anyone that can’t give them money….but no, not going to write about any of those….just about stuff….nope, not even about stuff….just bored and I think I’ll go back and read some more…
This could have been our vice president…
Well…I am laughing my butt off right now after reading an article about the adventures of the Palin family from Wasilla…you know, Sarah, the one that ole John McCain chose to be his vice president…I guess this past week the whole family crashed a party in their home town and much hilarity ensued…and by hilarity I mean it was just a huge red neck brawl…leaving ole Sarah screaming at the top of her lungs: “Do you know who I am?” over and over again and her oldest boy standing in the street, shirtless, flipping off the other guests while the hubby, Todd, tended to the bloody nose that someone had given him….this is what you unleashed on the country McCain…and you should be ashamed…she would have been the first white trash VP…and the sick thing is that the right still reveres these sickos and gives them money…geez…
Hater in chief…
Well…have just read an article about ole sister Sarah’s speech in front of the NRA this past week and I can’t believe how much hate has permeated the right since she was unleashed on the country…and, this last speech had one line that distilled it down to it’s essence…”If I were in charge, waterboarding would be baptizing terroists” or some such nonsense as that….so, this darling of the right, this supposed upholder of everything American is willing to discard everything the US has stood for since it’s inception just to look tough and throw red meat to the lunatics that are now running the repub party? She should be called the hater in chief with views like that…hate the Muslims, hate the gays, hate the progressives, hate the immigrants, hate the minorities…hell, hate everyone unless they are part of the tiny fringe in this country who still think slavery was a good idea and that any white person is just better than anyone else….this is what they’ve devolved into…and she is the hater in chief…or grifter in chief….either one fits…or both fit….geez…
Diplomacy works…again…
Well…I am kind of laughing at the fits that right has been throwing over the Ukraine unrest calling Obama weak and howling for some show of military force to try to intimidate Putin into leaving Ukraine alone and not invading….and the comparisons of Obama to Putin…that Putin is a strong leader since he will not hesitate to use military force…and that Obama looks weak since he prefers to use all of the diplomatic tools in the toolbox first; leaving military action as a last resort (which, by the way, has been US foreign policy since the country was founded)… yadda, yadda. With the events of the past few days, and the fact that Putin has called his troops back to their bases defusing the situation somewhat in response to diplomatic pressure, we see that the right is wrong…again..or should I say as always? Diplomacy done right works in most cases…some thing that the chickenhawks on the right just don’t want to hear….where is the profit for their buddies if there is no more war? What I want to see now is Palin, Graham, and the rest of these idiots to apologize for their attempted undermining of our foreign policy for political reasons…and to admit that they don’t know what the hell they are talking about…but, facts don’t matter to the right so I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath…geez….
Sister Sarah in town…
Well…when I woke up this morning, I felt like the Grand Rapids area had suddenly gotten much, much, dumber but I couldn’t really figure out why….then, I read the paper and found out…ole sister Sarah was in town…and, any town that Palin walks into immediately has it’s IQ drop by many, many points. I know this is a quite conservative area, in spots, but I didn’t know until now that those same areas are stupid…well…yeah, I did, I talk to these people and marvel at how willfully ignorant they are of science, the constitution…oh, hell…about everything. But they will queue up to see, listen to, and buy her stupid book on “the war on christmas”….that’s about all I have to say….I even feel stupider for just being in the same state as the supreme grifter…geez…
Sarah Palin is still an idiot…
Well…just a little shorty here to comment on the latest, laughable attack on Obama from the half-governor of idiotville….commenting on the White House Correspondents Dinner, the half-governor said this: “That WHCD was pathetic. The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a nerdprom”….first, even on Twitter, get your frickin grammar straight you idiot hick….and second, what the hell work are you doing other than going around the country on someone else’s dime lying and spouting nonsense? I know I promised to never mention this moron again but this one was just way too much of a hanging curveball to not take a swing at it. Is there a more ridiculous person in the world right now? Can’t think of one…geez…
Back from the beach…
Well…a nice morning on the beach with the fog rolling across it when I got there and a nice breeze keeping the temperature bearable but the water temp was only in the 50′s and that is just too cold for me to go in…maybe tomorrow if I go back again…but that’s not what I wanted to talk about this time…well…I did or I wouldn’t have written it. But, let’s get to the real topic…I know you’ve heard of sister Sarah’s revising of the history of Paul Revere’s ride and her adamant defense of that on Fox News where even Chris Wallace could barely keep a straight face when she admonished him when he asked if she misspoke, and she then went on to dig the hole deeper by explaining with a jumble of random words that made absolutely no sense. Then we had her legion of troglodyte followers (I’m sure spurred on by her protectors) that then attacked Wikipedia by posting false information on that site that would mirror what she said. This is normal repub behavior and just reflects and amplifies their disdain for objective truth or history…after all, these folks believe that the world is 6,000 years old and can’t be convinced of anything else…geez….
Sarah Palin is still an idiot…
Well…had to write about this one before I forgot about it since it is so stunning of an example of the real Sarah Palin…and she is still an idiot….”He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.”—on Paul Revere, June 3, 2011
Is there anyone out there that is older than 5 who doesn’t know the true story of Paul Revere? This is the woman that wants to be president? Geez….I can’t remember a more stupid national politician…and, as you know, I’ve been around a long time…