Well…I am laughing my butt off right now after reading an article about the adventures of the Palin family from Wasilla…you know, Sarah, the one that ole John McCain chose to be his vice president…I guess this past week the whole family crashed a party in their home town and much hilarity ensued…and by hilarity I mean it was just a huge red neck brawl…leaving ole Sarah screaming at the top of her lungs: “Do you know who I am?” over and over again and her oldest boy standing in the street, shirtless, flipping off the other guests while the hubby, Todd, tended to the bloody nose that someone had given him….this is what you unleashed on the country McCain…and you should be ashamed…she would have been the first white trash VP…and the sick thing is that the right still reveres these sickos and gives them money…geez…