Well…have just read an article about ole sister Sarah’s speech in front of the NRA this past week and I can’t believe how much hate has permeated the right since she was unleashed on the country…and, this last speech had one line that distilled it down to it’s essence…”If I were in charge, waterboarding would be baptizing terroists” or some such nonsense as that….so, this darling of the right, this supposed upholder of everything American is willing to discard everything the US has stood for since it’s inception just to look tough and throw red meat to the lunatics that are now running the repub party? She should be called the hater in chief with views like that…hate the Muslims, hate the gays, hate the progressives, hate the immigrants, hate the minorities…hell, hate everyone unless they are part of the tiny fringe in this country who still think slavery was a good idea and that any white person is just better than anyone else….this is what they’ve devolved into…and she is the hater in chief…or grifter in chief….either one fits…or both fit….geez…