Well…as you should know by now, the state of Michigan and our wonderful governor (snark) poisoned the people of Flint for almost two years constantly saying that the water there was safe to drink when they knew it wasn’t…and another piece of the proof puzzle fell into place the other day when it was revealed that in January of 2015 the state offices in Flint started supplying bottled water to the employees there since they were concerned that the water was bad….something they didn’t do for the citizens of Flint until almost a year later…yep, they didn’t want their employees to be poisoned but it was just fine to poison the residents. This kind of crap happens every time there is a repub in charge…and in this case, an un-elected emergency manager who made the decision to change the water supply not to save money but I think to reward ole Snyder’s cronies that are getting sweetheart deals to build the new water system…what better way to make the new system necessary but to ruin the old one? What a bunch of crap…and typical repub crap…geez…
Okay…not sure if I want to attribute that much intelligence to those idiots…callousness, yes, but I don’t think they are that bright….