Well…as you know I’ve been really wrapped up in the election stuff over the past few months and that has dominated my postings here and I am starting to feel that toxicity in my life so today I am going to change it up and go back to one of my favorite topics, trail weirdness, since it really was weird on the trail today. I have been feeling a little under the weather for the past week and have taken it easy on the bike..but, today, I am feeling a little better so I decided to get some sprints in and a really strange thing happened…almost 30 squirrels and chipmunks must have run out in front of me like they were on a kamikaze mission, just missing the front tire as they did…but, one of the chipmunks was not so lucky…I caught him by the tail and he flipped about a foot in the air in a really cool looking back somersault….as he flipped, he kept running so when he hit the ground he just shot off into the woods and disappeared…one of the neatest things I’ve seen in a while. Then, as I was leaving my last water stop at the park, I was just crawling along enjoying the colors when a swarm of 25 or so orange and black butterflies swooped in and flew around me for about 50 feet; circling me like they were trying to figure out what the heck I was….after about 15 seconds, they just exploded away from me and into the air…looking like something you’d see in a Disney animated film….days like this really do make me smile…