Well….another day, another video showing the true side of ole Mitt….the latest has to do with his initial pitch to investors in Bain that blows apart his whole “I’m a job creator” meme that he has been pushing. I find this one almost as bad as the 47% video from a couple of weeks ago and in it, ole Mitt describes the methods that Bain will use to make money for these investors that include buying, managing, and then “harvesting” the companies….Mittspeak for trashing them to make huge profits and then walking away from the wreckage with millions of dollars in his pocket. This goes on to this day with Bain buying another company that is profitable (I can’t find the name of it) and has told all of the workers the company is to be moved to China with Mitt still making almost a million dollars from throwing almost 300 people out of work. Is this the kind of president this country needs? Nope, nope, nope…geez…