Well…I have just about had enough of the right’s railing against the “special rights” that they think gays will get if they get the same rights as the rest of us here in the US…I have yet to have anyone that supports discrimination against gays explain to me what these “special rights” are but there was a huge dose of irony that has come out of North Carolina over the past week dealing with the “special rights” that they are close to granting magistrates there that have “deeply held religious beliefs”….yeah, I put that in quotes because that phrase means they have deeply held bigoted beliefs that they think they should be able to act on…even if it is their job to issue marriage licenses. This new law, that was vetoed by the governor but looks like will be upheld with a veto override, grants these magistrates the ‘special right” to refuse to issue any couple a marriage license if they just shout “deeply held religious belief” before they discriminate…and, while the purpose of the bill is to allow discrimination against gays, it’s scope allows any magistrate to not give a marriage license to anyone they don’t like…interracial couple, check….Mexican couple, check, couple from a family they don’t like, check….how can we just saw these stupid states off and let them float away? These guys hate “special rights” unless it is for them and no one else…..geez…
Tag Archives: gays
Just some stuff…
Well…in an effort to not get any farther behind, just thought I’d come back to talk about a few things that I read today…the first one is how petty the repubs are becoming since they are losing the battle for bigotry against gays and lesbians…in South Carolina, the repub controlled legislature there voted to cut funding for a couple of public universities because they put some books about the experience of being gay on the reading lists that freshmen could choose from…yep, you heard it right, now the repubs who scream “freedom” constantly are now showing that the only acceptable freedom is what is acceptable to them and their narrow little minds that are still living in the 12th century….what’s next? Book burnings? This is why we need to get out to vote these reprehensible asses out of office to keep them from legislating their religion based hatred of anyone who is not a white christian…oh, one more thing…Bill Maher went off on a righteous rant about religion the other night on his show….just frickin hilarious….
Not sure what to do…
Well…as you can probably tell…I have been struggling with a case of writers block or whatever it is when the ideas just don’t come…but, with over 2500 of these done, that just doesn’t make sense. I did want to comment on Syria a little bit…I do like the idea that there are some deliberations going on instead of just the knee-jerk use force reaction that has passed for foreign policy lately…not sure where it is going, though, when the WH says that they are not bound by any decision of congress…weird…why do it then?
The true nature of the repubs in Texas was clarified over the weekend when they refused to sign their LGBT National Guard up for the benefits that the Pentagon has said they qualify for after the demise of DOMA….basically saying that the bigoted hatred of gays trumps the service that these soldiers have done…so, the next time anyone on the right says they support the troops, think “they support the troops if they are heterosexual” and tell them to go to hell…okay…not feeling it right now so I am going to go and then come back later for more…I am one down already for the month…
I almost forgot…
Well…just got back from pool and just hanging out and remembered that I do need to do one more for today to make the goal for the month…was thinking I could make it up tomorrow….strange….one of the things I find predictable is the supposedly Christian churches in the south that are abandoning their boy scout troops since the organization has said they will accept gay boys into the program…what the hell is wrong with these people? I find it just so abhorrent that these people hide behind the bible to protect their bigotry…so, I say good riddance to these narrow minded idiots, there will be plenty of other organizations that will step up and sponsor these groups and taking some of the overt Christianity out of the scouts will make it a better organization and more accepting to all faiths. Okay…that’s it for the month….
I’m tired of “Christians”….
Well…I really do need to comment on an article that was in the Daly Kos this morning about the utter glee that the Christian right is taking in the new “kill the gays” bills that are being passed through the legislature in Uganda. A little history is in order first…as the people of the US become more tolerant and understanding of gays and lesbians here, and the christian right sees they are losing the battle for discrimination against them, these ugly folks have taken their poison overseas; most notably to Africa. Groups like the Family Research Council, headed by the noted homophobe Tony Perkins have been instrumental in using the donations to their organizations here in the states to spread the plague of discrimination, going so far as to “advise” African countries on how to write laws that criminalize being gay…and yesterday, commenting on the law said “it is a worthy modern example” of the laws he would like to see restored here in the US. Another one of these so-called christians, Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association tweeted this in response to the legalization of murder of gays…”Homosexuality is now against the law in Uganda, just as it was for 200 years on America, it can be done”, implying that he thinks that killing gays is the right thing to do in the US as well. If you had any question about how the modern republican party thinks about gays and lesbians, you just need to look at these two guys…who sponsor the “values voters” summit that all of the repubs attend and pledge their allegiance to. What kind of a value is it to support killing another human being because of who they are? It is breathtaking to hear the unvarnished truth of the type of folks that are the core of the modern repub party….even being an atheist, I can see that these guys are not christians…they are not even human beings…geez…
More hypocritcal nonsense from the right…..
Well…with all of the uproar on the right about the supposed violation of first amendment rights by the Obama administration in the contraception controversy, we have another bit of hypocritical nonsense coming from the right in Tennessee where the repub controlled legislature is trying to make it illegal for any teacher to ever discuss anything about gays or lesbians…they would not even be allowed to mention that gays or lesbians exist. How would this type of law help the two gay teenagers that killed themselves after being the subject of bullying for their sexual orientation? How can the party that wraps itself in the constitution every day basically eliminate the first amendment rights of every teacher in the state while legislating discrimination against gays and lesbians in that state? If you need to see what the country will look like if the repubs win in November…just take a look at the nonsense in Tennessee…this one bill does more to eliminate the guaranteed rights of the people than anything the dems have done…ever…
Here’s what you have to look forward to with the Republicans…
Well…this is just a short one that I had to comment on, from the news this morning coming out of the republican party in Montana…their party platform, in direct conflict with their lies that they are for personal freedom and against government interference, proposes that homosexuality and homosexual acts be made illegal again, not only in Montana but across the US. This is all a part of their hidden agenda to impose Christian Sharia law here in the US…well…maybe that is a little bit of hyperbole but if you think they are for individual freedom…you have to realize it is only individual freedom that they agree with, and they will sit as the arbiters of what that freedom will look like. I, for one, don’t believe that the majority of the country wants to return to the bad old days when a large part of our population have their lives criminalized and controlled as second-class citizens….and if you listen to these republicans, they want to extend this restriction of rights to all those who don’t agree with them. Geez….