Tag Archives: Syria

Putin should pay attention…

Well…with the fall of Assad in Syria when the people had just had enough, ole vladdie putin should pay attention since he and assad were such buddies and ruling in just the same way…murdering their political opponents and anyone else who stands in their way…and I laughed a bit when I read that the thousands of Russians stationed in Syria were “scrambling” to get out of the country before assad was tossed…and the big powerful strongman is now hiding just like every deposed dictator does…I wonder if he is hiding in the same kind of “spider hole” that they found hussein in? And I wonder if ole vlad has a few thousand of those for himself…man, I need to start looking at Kos again to get back up to speed about what is going on in the world…good riddance, assad…geez..

Putin’s happy…

Well….there is really only on thing you need to know about the idiot trump’s decision to withdraw all of the US troops that are stationed in Syria…Putin is happy about it…and even went so far to praise it as the “right decision” and to praise trump for making it…and you know what? If Putin is praising you for making a decision, you can be assured that it is the wrong decision for the US and the right one for Putin. But trump is just so damn stupid that he eats this crap up…to me, Putin’s praise is just like “good doggy” as he pats trump on the head for doing something he was told to do…and he didn’t shit on the floor so that was a bonus. Just today, we heard that idiot boy is also retreating in Afghanistan with withdrawal of our troops there on an expedited basis…leaving the entire country to the Taliban and ISIS….and crapping on the troops who have sacrificed there. Now, I’m not averse to bringing our troops home, but to do it just to do it without any thought of the consequences is just stupid…and it is abandoning the middle east to Russia and Iran with absolutely no concessions from them…just giving away the trillions of dollars we’ve spent there for nothing it appears…typical trump crap…it’s all about him and using the military to distract from the investigations that are closing in around him….but, they won’t stop just from this…trump is going to jail…it just may take a little while longer….impeach…

Just what Putin wants…

Well…we all knew that the idiot trump would need a new distraction to try to hide the fact that he just got his ass kicked in the latest budget standoff…and didn’t get funding for his damn wall..and today we found out what that is. Without consulting anyone in the state department or the military, idiot boy has decided to claim victory over ISIS in Syria and bring all the troops that are still there home…now, normally I would applaud any action that would get our soldiers out of harm’s way, the motive for this withdrawal is suspect to say the least and it is just what Putin wants…it will leave Russia as the only power left in the area and trump gave it to him without any concessions on Russia’s part…some damn fine negotiatin, huh? This also plays right into Turkey’s hands by leaving no buffer to keep Turkey from attacking the Kurds in northern Iraq…something that Erdogan has been pushing for since trump was installed and it is also something that every other president would not do since the Kurds are our staunchest allies in the region…and now trump has abandoned them. I wonder if this order came down from Putin to trump now since he knows that once the dems take control of the House, this kind of crap just won’t go? It sure looks that way and we all know that trump is too ignorant and stupid to have thought of this on his own…let’s just add this as another log for the impeachment fire…in the dumpster that is the trump WH….impeach…

Just some thoughts….

Well….lots of changes have me a little flustered at the moment…not really flustered but just adjusting to a new reality and that is happening pretty fast…but, that’s not what this is about…I’m not sure if you’ve seen Keith Olbermann’s rant over at gq but if you haven’t, you should…you can get them on Twitter, too, just by following him….had one today that almost every other word was “jackass” and I know you can guess who he was talking about….and about that…when the idiot trump was interviewed the other day about why he ordered the attacks on Syria, all he could do was talk about the cake he had for dessert with XI from China…not that he just killed dozens of people in Syria…mostly civilians…but that it was the best cake…a gorgeous cake….what an idiot…impeach….

Holocaust centers?

Well…it has been a rough day for me but it has even be a rougher one for Sean Spicer who today called Nazi death camps “Holocaust centers” in a totaly unhinged attempt to try to justify trump’s attack on Syria since Assad used chemical weapons on his people and Hitler didn’t. Well… Sean…I think you should go back to your history books and look up Zyklon B…the gas that was used to kill millions of Jews in the death camps across Europe…and he did gas his own people…there were hundreds of thousands of German Jews that he murdered. Try as he did, all the idiot Spicer did today was show how much the fascist mindset has grown over the WH like a deadly fungus and now everything is filtered through that mindsdet….the only thing that should happen is that Spicer should quit or be fired…this is not acceptable….impeach….

Ivanka is now president?

Well….if the nepotism where trump’s unqualified children are given important jobs in government wasn’t bad enough, now we have trump’s daughter making decisions on how to use our military. It has been widely reported that the idiot daughter convinced her moron dad to spend over a hundred million dollars to attack Syria just because she saw some pictures of dead Syrian children that were killed in a gas attack last week…now, dead children anywhere are a tragedy that the entire world should do something to prevent, but to give the moron’s daughter the say in how we use our military is just to damn much for me…what the hell are her qualifications? Where did she go to war college? What time did she spend getting a degree in foreign policy? The whole damn thing is just wrong…who the hell elected her? What senate committee approved her? Get off your asses repubs and take back the foreign policy of this country from the frickin amateurs…impeach…..

There’s nothing “presidential” about trump….

Well…here we go again…trump does something that you would praise a toddler for and the press thinks he is now “presidential” and the damn pundits get on to normalizing this brain dead, Illiterate moron in the public’s eyes. But, he is not normal, there is nothing “presidential” about filling your pockets with taxpayer’s money…there is nothing presidential about insulting our allies and colluding with our enemies…and there is nothing “presidential” about throwing away over a hundred million dollars of cruise missiles just to distract the country from the fact that a sitting “president” is under investigation for high crimes and misdemeanors that should result in his removal and jailing. What other “president” has had a 25 million dollar judgement of fraud for a fake university levied against him? This is why we can’t allow the orange idiot’s behavior to become the norm….impeach….

130 million dollars for nothing…

Well…just wanted to do a shorty on the news that just came across twitter that the airfield that the idiot trump sent 59 cruise missiles at last night is already back in operation and being used by Syria for air strikes. Yep, that’s right….the sooper genius trump didn’t hit one plane or anything else important…and he used enough money that could have been used to build 30 new schools or put 1300 kids through 4 years of college, or given healthcare to thousands for a year…but no, he just had to show the world that he is a big, tough man, but the world is laughing at him right now…it doesn’t make you “presidential” to throw 59 cruise missiles at the middle east…it just make you more ridiculous….impeach…

It’s all just a distraction…

Well…trump just threw away 130 million dollars of our tax money by firing 58 cruise missiles at Syria last night…and predictably, the media is fawning all over the idiot…saying that it makes him look “presidential”, but lets take a look at the reality of this attack. First, the Russians were told of the attack who told the Syrians about it and the Syrians moved all of the personnel and equipment that the attack was supposed to destroy….so, 130 million dollars to put a few holes in a runway? Nope, to distract the media from the growing trump/Russia investigation…this has been trump’s pattern throughout the campaign and after he was “elected” and what better way to get people to stop talking about it? In trump’s mind…if he has one….he timed the attack to coincide with  the Chinese premier’s visit to make him look tough and bully them into trade concessions…which is never going to work with the Chinese or anyone else since they already know that trump is not too bright and they can out maneuver him all day long. The fallout from the attack is going to take many forms and none of them are going to be good…it started with the Russians announcing they are going to give the Syrians advanced anti aircraft systems to protect them from further attacks and really strengthened Assad since the Russians support him and are going to pour in more support of men and material. Trump is one of the dumbest people in the world and just proved it last night…impeach….


An adult in the White House…

Well….not sure if you saw Obama’s news conference last night…it was a nice, measured response to a complex problem that is still unfolding daily…but, to hear those on the right comment, he just gave the country to ISIS and surrendered….not sure what they wanted but the adult in the WH did what was necessary with a thoughtful speech that was devoid of the posturing and spittle spewing that the right takes for action…I wonder if they wanted him to unfurl a “Mission Accomplished” banner behind him or to use the “bring it on” rhetoric that ole GW used for red meat to his rabid followers? The only thing we need to remember about all of those on the right that are criticizing not putting more “boots on the ground” in Syria is that they are always wrong…wrong to invade Iraq, wrong on weapons of mass destruction there, wrong on tax cuts, wrong on disbanding the Iraqi army….wrong on fricking everything….and I am happy to have an adult in the WH that doesn’t posture and shout and act agitated…that’s leading……not that the right would recognize that…geez…