Holocaust centers?

Well…it has been a rough day for me but it has even be a rougher one for Sean Spicer who today called Nazi death camps “Holocaust centers” in a totaly unhinged attempt to try to justify trump’s attack on Syria since Assad used chemical weapons on his people and Hitler didn’t. Well… Sean…I think you should go back to your history books and look up Zyklon B…the gas that was used to kill millions of Jews in the death camps across Europe…and he did gas his own people…there were hundreds of thousands of German Jews that he murdered. Try as he did, all the idiot Spicer did today was show how much the fascist mindset has grown over the WH like a deadly fungus and now everything is filtered through that mindsdet….the only thing that should happen is that Spicer should quit or be fired…this is not acceptable….impeach….

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