Special rights….

Well…I have just about had enough of the right’s railing against the “special rights” that they think gays will get if they get the same rights as the rest of us here in the US…I have yet to have anyone that supports discrimination against gays explain to me what these “special rights” are but there was a huge dose of irony that has come out of North Carolina over the past week dealing with the “special rights” that they are close to granting magistrates there that have “deeply held religious beliefs”….yeah, I put that in quotes because that phrase means they have deeply held bigoted beliefs that they think they should be able to act on…even if it is their job to issue marriage licenses. This new law, that was vetoed by the governor but looks like will be upheld with a veto override, grants these magistrates the ‘special right” to refuse to issue any couple a marriage license if they just shout “deeply held religious belief” before they discriminate…and, while the purpose of the bill is to allow discrimination against gays, it’s scope allows any magistrate to not give a marriage license to anyone they don’t like…interracial couple, check….Mexican couple, check, couple from a family they don’t like, check….how can we just saw these stupid states off and let them float away? These guys hate “special rights” unless it is for them and no one else…..geez…

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