Well…I am just so damn sick and tired of the supposedly “pro-life” American evangelical christians mucking around in other countries and exporting their hatred of LGBT people…over the past few weeks, Uganda has passed what could be the most dangerous laws against that community in the world…legislating prison for just being gay and imprisoning people for helping their gay friends or neighbors….and all of this was funded by American evangelical organizations to the tune of 25 million dollars spent on advertising, lobbying, and outright bribes to legislators to stoke the fears of LGTB people just as they are doing against them here in the US….now shouldn’t this be against the law? They are conducting foreign policy and private groups aren’t allowed to do that…but the bigger issue is that of the hypocrisy of these evangelical groups…they spend 25 million dollars on exporting hate when 300,000 Ugandan children under the age of 5 die each year from treatable diseases that that 25 million dollars could be used to treat…but I guess being a christian these days is all about the hate…if 300,000 children and many, many LGBT people have to die or go to jail for them to get their hate fix, that is what they are going to do…damn, I hate those people..geez….
Tag Archives: LGBT
Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy…
Well…I didn’t know if it was possible for me to hate one person as much as I hate Ted Cruz…but, guess what? It IS possible after his speech in the senate today that was dripping with so much hypocrisy I wonder why he didn’t drown in it. Everyone knows that ole Ted is one of the biggest haters of the LGBT community in the entire US and has made that known through his associations with people and organizations that advocate the killing of LGBT people if they can’t be “converted” by christianity….and these same groups have been instrumental in taking the culture wars to Africa…where, in Uganda, they have worked their dark magic to get the government there to make being gay a crime that is punishable by life in prison but their first iteration of the legislation basically let anyone kill anyone that is found to be gay. These are the people that ole Ted still supports so when he comes out and announces his sorrow at the killings in Orlando, he is being the biggest hypocrite in the US…he doesn’t give a damn about LGBT people and never has…just another of his calculated lies that he thinks will get him the repub nomination in 4 years….geez….