Well…it seems to me that the repubs never learn…even with the smackdown they got in this last election, they are still up to their right wing nonsense here in Michigan…with the new bill that has been introduced in the legislature here that would grant a tax credit to fetuses…never mind they took away the tax credits to actual children, these idiots just want to continue to try to take away the rights of women to make their own health decisions…thinly veiled attempts to eliminate abortion here in Michigan by making it unaffordable…all I have to say is keep it up…the people started to see through your nonsense in the last election and this will make it even easier for us to take back the state house…the days of the right wing repub party are numbered and I can’t be more happy to see a return to respect for everyone that lives here and to legislate for all of us…not just the loonies on the right..geez…l