Well…it was a nice day yesterday and I had a fun lunch with T which made it even better….slept okay last night and had some dreams I don’t remember again but that is okay…I was good for the third day in a row so I feel pretty good this morning….still coughing but the sore throat is almost gone and I think I have some energy to get through this day…I may have found the leak where I have been losing coolant in the car…will find out today when I take it out to Cascade but when I went out to meet up with T, I could barely smell it so there may be hope that the car will be complete again and I’ll have one less thing to worry about…and it was the silliest thing…just a clamp you can barely see at the back of the engine that was really loose….have my fingers crossed on that one….not much to do today…might be going out for pool with Tom but that is about it…I am still going to continue to manage the energy consumption so the recovery continues but there may be light at the end of that tunnel….more later…