Well…I do need to get this one in to get to the quota for the month so I thought I’d just noodle around a little and see what happens…I can’t believe how stupid the repubs have been in this whole deficit fight…last year, they wouldn’t take a deal that gave them 10 bucks of cuts for every buck of revenue increase because they really thought, in their deluded little minds, that they were going to win the presidency and the senate and then be able to do their slash and burn on medicare and Social security while given even bigger tax cuts to the rich. Guess what repubs? You lost and the dems ran on raising taxes on the rich and preserving the social programs…so why the heck are you surprised that this is what the dems are doing? Are you just stupid? You lost, and now you roll out the rejected Ryan budget as your one and only attempt to avoid the fiscal slope? I just hope you keep it up…keep showing the American people you don’t give a damn about them while we salivate about the prospects of 2014…what a bunch of idiots…geez…