Well…I am a little bemused today with the unintended fallout of the Hobby Lobby decision that gave corporations religious rights to refuse to cover contraceptives in their health plans…on the heels of that wrongheaded mess, the announcement today of the satanist church asserting that this decision gives them the right to ignore any state or federal law that restricts a woman’s right to abortion since their church has as one of its tenets that science and not religion should be the basis for all health decisions made me smile. The church asserts these ‘closely held beliefs” should be treated the same as those of the christians that own Hobby Lobby and to be treated differently would be unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment. Which it is. These idiots on the supreme court thought that their ruling would only apply to christians but they can’t have it both ways…if one group is given special rights, then the rest of them get those same rights…I applaud the satanists for pushing back against this nonsense and their fight against the religiosity that is ruining this country…religion belongs in church, not in government…geez…